Bad PIP Test E, can I recook & fix it

andrew brady

New Member
I cooked 250grams of Test E ,16 BA , 100 BB
....its clear & looks good but has really bad PIP.
Is there anything I can do to fix it.
...I've heard others say Test E raws gets old & this is common.
Thanks for the help !!!!
16ba and 100bb of what? That is extremely high if your talking percentage and if you are talking percentage you have destroyed your brew unless you can handle a whole of pain
I cooked 250grams of Test E ,16 BA , 100 BB
....its clear & looks good but has really bad PIP.
Is there anything I can do to fix it.
...I've heard others say Test E raws gets old & this is common.
Thanks for the help !!!!
Hey buddy they make enanthate differently now using another chemical to make it, this chemical causes PIP. to brew pain free enanthate cook your brew at 100 celcius for 20-25 mins and allow to cool down then filter And you will have pip free enanthate. (Anyone wondering if That heat will effect the ester the answer is no)
Hey buddy they make enanthate differently now using another chemical to make it, this chemical causes PIP. to brew pain free enanthate cook your brew at 100 celcius for 20-25 mins and allow to cool down then filter And you will have pip free enanthate. (Anyone wondering if That heat will effect the ester the answer is no)

That’s some awesome advice if it works in our case!
So I tried it, its cooling now. It looks really dark now !! The heat turned it a dark color. Is this normal?
Will it still be ok ?
110C was air temperature in the oven or oil temperature? Let us know what about pip after that.
I am asking because when I use 120C in the oven for 30mins, then oil temperature is max about 70C and color is not changing.
The oil was 110C , But over 24 hours after injection and I have no PIP. Seems to have fixed the issue.
This is good news.
Interesting, you use oven or hot plate for heating?
I was thinking about do it but I was wondering if hormone will not get crashed in that temperature.