Pharmacom labs BAD

He was kidding. Dirthand has ethics and then some. Sorry Dirthand, I know you told me to not keep messing up your cool factor. Sorry Bro, you just can't help being a good human.

A+ on your other philosophical points Papa.
Lol.. I'm gonna go... its about that time of day my modanafil starts to wear off.... I get irritated quick..
Pharmacom Labs carrier oil formula is GSO with a small 5 to 10% EO (this information can be confirmed on the official Pharmacom Labs site under the "Innovations" section).
Why in the world would you use EO as a blanket excipient in all of your carrier oils? What?

Why jack up your CRP unnecessarily while running shit loads of androgens? That's not harm reduction.
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Source discussion is prohibited outside the Underground subforum.

However, negative source reports posted outside the Underground are not deleted; they are usually moved to the Underground.

This doesn't grant New Members who have failed to earn posting privileges to participate in Underground subforum. They must still earn it.

(Or apparently they can show complete disregard for these guidelines and disrespect all the Members who explained how the system works. And just keep right on posting about sources outside the Underground.)

OTOH, positive source reviews posted outside the Underground subforum are ALWAYS deleted.

As far as this thread is concerned, the OP says one source is BAD while at the same time saying one source is GOOD. How should this be moderated when posted outside the Steroid Underground??
Source discussion is prohibited outside the Underground subforum.

However, negative source reports a posted outside the Underground are not deleted; they are usually moved to the Underground.

This still doesn't grant New Members who have failed to earn posting privileges to participate in Underground subforum. They must still earn it.

(Or apparently they can show complete disregard for these guidelines and disrespect all the Members who explained how the system works. And just keep right on posting about sources outside the Underground.)

OTOH, positive source reviews posted outside the Underground subforum are ALWAYS deleted.

As far as this thread is concerned, the OP says one source is BAD while at the same time saying one source is GOOD. How should this be moderated when posted outside the Steroid Underground??
Well you did a hell of a job. Bright side is it stimulated significant discussion of a long time source.

I don't know how much bigger you can make that sign when people sign up. I guess they just don't care to follow the rules and respect forum etiquette.
Because on a scientific basic you don't have the experimental negative control to rule out other factors (placebo, changes to diet, training, etc.) besides the effect studied (here the Pharmacom product). Glad you are back at it and not being disrespectful.

An objective/quantitative test would be HPLC assay on the product.
My point is simply that the significant increase in strength can only be the result of the Pharmacom products I am taking. There will never be perfect evidence for black market products, which is why personal testaments such as myself are important and valuable.

I would happily pay for an HPLC assay to be done, but I honestly have no idea how to go about doing that.
My point is simply that the significant increase in strength can only be the result of the Pharmacom products I am taking. There will never be perfect evidence for black market products, which is why personal testaments such as myself are important and valuable.

I would happily pay for an HPLC assay to be done, but I honestly have no idea how to go about doing that.

Contact @janoshik directly or check out their website.
I don't know how much bigger you can make that sign when people sign up. I guess they just don't care to follow the rules and respect forum etiquette.

Idk about OP making some kind of behind the scenes deal with the source, as suggested by some, above, but there is something strange.
This was his very first post, so he joined the forum with the sole intention of reaching the vendor.
This broke the rules/etiquette was not followed, but it is deemed inconsequential.

Soon after reading it, it made me think about somebody else, who had complained about inflammation/infection from a qsc product, then retracted saying it was his fault.
And what do you know, the same thing happened here.
The guy I was referring to was just a liar and an idiot.
But this one here is a different thing.

He is incensed about a source basically being dangerous and a scammer and, barely having finished saying that, he's enthusiastically telling you who is buying from next, allegedly for the first time.
Then he changes his mind.
Either very confused or a bit dodgy.
why are you defending a source?

you believe a source who has an interest in making money, more than other users just like you? (by the way, they all have more experience with gear and sources than you)

you're new to all this, let me make this clear, these people make money from us, we don't owe them anything other than payment for our order, They aren't doing us a favor by selling us gear. We pay them. They are anonymous people from all around the world, taking anonymous crypto payments, breaking laws to sell us products and making more money than most people on this forum.

Why you yourself. would be defensive on behalf of a source, asking another user to "back claims" is extremely bizarre and you are a perfect example of what I described in my comment.

Why are you giving these anonymous drug dealers the benefit of the doubt more than the consumer?

this is not how this works

Idk anything about this source.
But you had all this knowledge and concerns about what is going on on their thread, where are your posts about it, before today?

Have you communicated your concerns to other members, maybe?
If you thought members were being silenced, as you are saying here now, have you said so, sooner, or start a conversation about it?
You've had access to the underground for quite some time.
Idk anything about this source.
But you had all this knowledge and concerns about what is going on on their thread, where are your posts about it, before today?

Have you communicated your concerns to other members, maybe?
If you thought members were being silenced, as you are saying here now, have you said so, sooner, or start a conversation about it?
You've had access to the underground for quite some time.
Conjecture on my part. Some feel more comfortable when they find out they have allies. Group psychology and all that.
0/3 wow should I introduce myself or post in a different section or edit my post ? Genuinely asking
You shill-flopped on your miniscule amount of posts, then hid behind the etiquette rules you ignored/broke. Additionally, if it was important, you could have just paid the $10 to gain access to post in the underground. Doesn't bring credibility.

However, glad to see the discussion evolve.

I don't know how much bigger you can make that sign when people sign up. I guess they just don't care to follow the rules and respect forum etiquette.
I think your right. Everyone can see the big sign on sign-up. I think its resonably implied as well... considering topics as serious/extreme as these on this type of forum.
you could have just paid the $10 to gain access to post in the underground
@Millard, I think I've found the backdoor to send you the donations you won't take LOL. Damn it. I should have played with that option sooner!

Why don't you just open the payment system up to members who want the paid membership? :p

There ain't many open forums. Thanks again for Meso.
Idk anything about this source.
But you had all this knowledge and concerns about what is going on on their thread, where are your posts about it, before today?

Have you communicated your concerns to other members, maybe?
If you thought members were being silenced, as you are saying here now, have you said so, sooner, or start a conversation about it?
You've had access to the underground for quite some time.

Obviously you didn't read through any of the links I provided yet here you are, asking me to explain myself to you.

Idk anything about this source.
So you didn't read my links AND don't know anything about the source yet you are commenting in this thread, insinuating something about me personally.

You'd rather make assumptions than take five minutes before making yourself look dumb.

What line of work are you in?

Idk anything about this source.

If you thought members were being silenced, as you are saying here now, have you said so, sooner, or start a conversation about it?
You've had access to the underground for quite some time.

The spamming is not a new issue, the moderation team is clearly aware of it, they aren't stupid. They have been here for DECADES. If you read everything I posted, you would see people referring to this more than 5 years ago. They already tried to solve it by telling sources they can't post irrelevant bodybuilding pictures in order to bump and fill threads, so now they comment just on topic enough to get around this.

Again, if you took some time to read before posting, you would know this.

Also, I've never ordered from pharmacom.

You've had access to the underground for quite some time.

You are implying I should have made a thread about a vendor I have not even ordered from?
Let alone bloodwork or lab results?

This is a foolish expectation

If I did this, YOU would have insinuated even more heavily that I am disparaging a source for financial gain, than you have today.

your comment replying to me, in the context of the comment you made here minutes before talking about suspicious posts, shills, behind the scenes deals, is a serious accusation.

And you did this, without reading links, providing evidence and even in your own words
Idk anything about this source.

You are another fool, exactly the type of person I described, running defense for sources you admit you know nothing about, critiquing other users more than the sources.

the less people like you, the better quality products and customer service meso users will recieve.

placing doubt on fellow customer concerns with no evidence is not good for the consumer, if anyone is a shill it is you, wether you know it or not
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Idk man I think these “designer” pretty boy brands are kinda gay. Why are we paying 40$ more for a cool box and a shiny sticker.
Amen. I say pay a little more for a vendor who gives a little extra shit about making sure the product has the API you want without the stuff you don't. Being open to exploratory testing and moving beyond the status quo goes a long way in my book.

Pretty amazing progress you are making. Really enjoy your threads and glad you ran off the murderous psychos last night. Happy Friday.
Amen. I say pay a little more for a vendor who gives a little extra shit about making sure the product has the API you want without the stuff you don't. Being open to exploratory testing and moving beyond the status quo goes a long way in my book.

Pretty amazing progress you are making. Really enjoy your threads and glad you ran off the murderous psychos last night. Happy Friday.
You're a cool dude. I totally forgot the entire reason I stopped by this thread. What a bunch of drama llamas