I do not think PCOM is located in HK; W2 may export from HK, but I do not think the facility is in HK. I am under the impression it is mainland.
Nonetheless, regardless of where it is located, it is not as if the source can tell the government there "hey, guys on a message board do not agree with your policies" and expect to suddenly enjoy freedom.
We are talking about a communist government that most likely round up protesters and execute etc.
Look at some states in the USA with infringements upon the 2nd Amendment, anti-religious freedom vaccine mandates (such products use cell strains from abortions in there production and contain other "unclean" ingredients of which many religions have objection, and as such any society that values religious freedom must allow for exemption), anti-speech censorship, and all sorts of other anti-freedom pushes/attacks upon religion, the Constitution, and freedom.
This is in the the "land of the free."
Imagine how much government overreach and extreme anti-freedom atrocities are committed in a communist nation.
Seriously, and I do not mean any disrespect (I consider you friends and we are all in this together), but do you guys not notice the news? and the conditions in the world right now?
Many nations are on lockdown, the USA has states imposing quarantines and other restrictions, the economy was crashed, many people are not allowed to go to work, President Trump is being bashed and attacked... there is much larger issues at hand than our AAS orders.
If the source could ship -- much like is people could go to work here where I live -- they would do so.
No one likes not receiving packs, no one likes not being able to do bushiness, no one likes losing their job because the business gets closed by Governor's orders, no one likes not being able to pay bills, no one likes dark anti-freedom precedents being set.
We all want things to get back to normal.
More importantly, the time may be here to make a stand for the Constitution and Freedom.
Fake "safety" is NOT worth trading for hard earned real freedoms.
This whole situation is part of a big long-term anti-freedom agenda.
Fake-News Fear-mongering has a purpose; it is used to create public panic that is exploited to trick people into accepting (or even supporting) corrupt agenda.
Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32 percent, Fed estimates