I think is has already been addressed (I remember seeing Frank has replied a while back saying he had to get approval from the company chief, the only person with access to send funds, and it would be about 30 days).
However, I do not have access to any private convo or emails etc between Frank and
@amtont , so I do not know what they discussed or communicated in private.
I have NEVER seen anyone ever get a refund and I was specifically told there is never a refund. Also, the terms on the Basicstero site clearly state there are no refunds.
Now before anyone gets all triggered and lashes out at me lol, I did not make these policies, I have no authority, and these terms have been in place before I was ever involved with the source.
Let me be clear, if I had the ability, access, or authority to send funds, I would resolve this; likewise, if Frank did I am sure he would have it resolved already.
However, since we do not and we had been told to never give a refund, I personally would never have made that offer (and I did not).
What I do know is this:
@amtont is a good dude and great customer.
He has been very mature, respectful, and polite in all his communications (I personally appreciate that greatly because across many boards, I deal with a some very negative and/or immature messages). Also, Amtont has been extremely fair and shown a lot of patience.
I wish I had the ability or authority to just resolve this for him.
Amtont, I am sorry for any inconveniences and please know i'm frustrated I can't personally resolve it for you. You have always been a good customer and always a pleasure with which to communicate -- and it's appreciated.
Frank (
@Pharmacom Labs) is a great guy too.
He often goes above and beyond to help customers. He has been a friend to me and helped me. I personally know of times he has put his own ass on the line and risked a lot to help others.
What I think many do not understand is that this is NOT a small UGL -- it is not one guy or a few guys working at one location.
This source is similar to a corporation where there are different personal for different roles, research and development staff at production, sales and marketing staff (including internet forum support etc), various warehouses with their own staff, re-shippers, with different levels of access and/or authority.
For instance, the people you interact with here on the message boards, are not the same people that have control of funds.
I do not know the company chief. Actually, I do not know anyone outside the sales / customer support dept. I am under the impression only the company chief has the control of the BTC wallet (to send outgoing funds).
The terms say no refunds.
I was surprised to see Frank even make the offer he did because it has never happened before and he can not make it happen himself.
Just a guess on my end NOT some official statement, but my opinion is Frank is/will get some trouble for doing that (again, it is clearly against the policy the company chief set).
But if Frank said he will do it, I am confident he is working on it -- I know he genuinely cares about customers, and everyone in general. I hope it does not cost him too much or make trouble for him in the company (I wouldn't put it past him to eat the cost personally if it came down to his job on the line).
The entire corona bullshit situation sucks and hurting everyone.
Again, I am not sure what is said in private or in emails. But I am confident Frank is doing everything within his power to resolve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience Amtont