MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

do you guys have us domestic cardarine or sr9009
Yes, Basicstero carries oral and injectable cardarine (GW501516) products in all warehouses. W3 is the US Domestic warehouse.
You may find the cardarine products listed on the source's site at either of the links in the "code" boxes below:
But I do not think Pharmacom produces any sr9009 products at this time so there are none in the Basicstero store.
Basicstero's SPRING 2022 PROMO!

Pay with cryptocurrency and get FREE bonuses as follows:
$100 bonus for orders over $200
$200 bonus for orders over $300
$400 bonus for orders over $500

$700 bonus for orders over $700

This promo is for orders from Warehouse 2 (Int.) ONLY!
Bonuses are picked during the ordering process and shipped together with the main order. No promo code is needed.

Pharmatropin is not participating in this promotion.
In case of seizures only paid items are reshipped. If you need discreet shipping please select the "Discreet Shipping" option when you enter your order during the check-out process at the "Address" page, and leave a comment on your order.
Estimated delivery time from W2 is about 30-40 days (sometimes longer depending upon postal system delays, covid-policies, global issues etc. which are not in our control), so please plan accordingly for the possibility of long transit times; please remember that sources do not have control over the postal system.
Nothing new with these terms and conditions - just the typical rules for Basicstero promos.

Enjoy your Basicstero orders and have a good Spring season!
Little confused about checking product codes. On (on my desktop browser), when I go to Check Code, it returns a "429 Too Many Requests" and does not allow me to check my product code. From my mobile browser on my phone, when I click Check Code on, I'm forwarded to (where my code was validated). I then tried to check my code at Pharmacom Labs - Code Site on my desktop browser, and when checking my code, it said the code was fake. Can someone please clear this up?
Little confused about checking product codes. On (on my desktop browser), when I go to Check Code, it returns a "429 Too Many Requests" and does not allow me to check my product code. From my mobile browser on my phone, when I click Check Code on, I'm forwarded to (where my code was validated). I then tried to check my code at Pharmacom Labs - Code Site on my desktop browser, and when checking my code, it said the code was fake. Can someone please clear this up?
Hi, if you can't open the site - try using a different browser, device or provider this should help. The official site for verification with the domain .com, domain .ltd are scammers.
I think there is something wrong with the website, the two previous vials i had, which i used to check online, worked before, but using the old codes, the websites say they are fake now
I think there is something wrong with the website, the two previous vials i had, which i used to check online, worked before, but using the old codes, the websites say they are fake now
Just saw the previous post about scammer website, used the original but getting error message "
Undefined index: g-recaptcha-response"
I think there is something wrong with the website, the two previous vials i had, which i used to check online, worked before, but using the old codes, the websites say they are fake now
It used to show how many times a code was checked -- each code should be unique so if it is checked again, it may mean someone copied an old code.
But if you know you are the one who checked the old code the first time, there is nothing to worry about.

Pharmacom Labs is a very popular brand in the world and as such many counterfeits do exist. So be careful and make sure you are purchasing genuine products from the real website.
The fact others put in so much effort to make counterfeits/copies of the source's website and products is further evidence of how established the good reputation is of genuine Pharmacom products being some of the best products across the world.

If you order from Basicstero, then you can be confident you have genuine Pharmacom products because Basicstero is the only direct-from-manufacturer Pharmacom storefront.

Therefore, if you buy from Basicstero, you have genuine Pharmacom Labs product and do not have anything to worry about.

Just saw the previous post about scammer website, used the original but getting error message "
Undefined index: g-recaptcha-response"
just some technical error -- it sounds like the CAPTCHA check did not verify or function properly.
Little confused about checking product codes. On (on my desktop browser), when I go to Check Code, it returns a "429 Too Many Requests" and does not allow me to check my product code. From my mobile browser on my phone, when I click Check Code on, I'm forwarded to (where my code was validated). I then tried to check my code at Pharmacom Labs - Code Site on my desktop browser, and when checking my code, it said the code was fake. Can someone please clear this up?
It just sounds like some technical issue with the site or servers etc.

I do not know if there are currently techincal issues with the site or features, but if there are, I am sure the source is working to get everything fixed.

Nonetheless, please understand that when you order from Basicstero, you will have genuine Pharmacom products because Basictsero is Pharmacom.
Basicstero is the only direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.
Other dealers, including official dealers, are retailers/resellers.
Pharmacom Labs has had business arrangements with retailers/resellers.
But Basictsero is not a reseller -- it is the direct retail store for Pharmacom.
Last edited:
Basicstero is the only direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.

Basicstero is Pharmacom NOT a reseller.
Please understand, other dealers, including official dealers, are retailers/resellers. Pharmacom Labs may have/had business arrangements with retailers/resellers but
Basicstero is the direct retail store to purchase genuine Pharmacom Labs products.

Important: This source does not take orders via email.
If anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email, it is a scam.
Damn, package arrived and checked both verification codes and said they were fake, second time going with basicstero
don't think i am typing it wrong though
I think there is something wrong with the website, the two previous vials i had, which i used to check online, worked before, but using the old codes, the websites say they are fake now
Just saw the previous post about scammer website, used the original but getting error message "
Undefined index: g-recaptcha-response"
Hi, please don't worry, most likely you are entering the code incorrectly or checking on a scam site. If you are not sure, you can send me photos of your codes in private messages, I will check the information and answer you. But if you ordered on our official website, you should not worry, all products are 100% original.
Are u ship to germany? And how long ist takes usually?
Hey! Yes, we also ship it to Germany. To be honest, I can't say how high the chance of seizing the parcel to customs is. But in any case, I advise you to choose a delivery option using discreet shipping and original packaging. I know it's much nicer to receive products in branded beautiful labels and packs, but this also attracts the attention of supervisory authorities. The approximate delivery time to the EU countries is now about 1 month, it can also be a little less, little longer - it depends on the effective operation of delivery services, world events or restrictive actions of the country of departure.
By the way, I want to report this last point in the next message.
Customers who make orders from warehouse 2! As you know, our warehouse is located in China. At the moment, strict restrictive actions are in place in this country due to the new outbreak of the covid epidemic, which have also affected us. Therefore, the date of sending orders is a little delayed! Please understand our situation and be more loyal to us! We can't influence it, but we'll do our best to speed up the process if possible!