MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Please donate to even if it is 5 dollars. It is in are best interest to keep this program going. Are donations are the only way to keep it going. Just add 5 dollars to your cycle and if everyone did that and donated that it would add up to alot of money
Hi Frank, I bought this Halotestos from an approved EU reseller though they came in loose blister packs so I can't check the quality code. Do you mind taking a look and seeing if they are legit? There is an 11 digit number in the bottom corner which doesn't check out as a quality code so I'm assuming it's another kind of code you may recognise14554763896051342978270.jpg 1455476420364-1148373215.jpg 14554763896051342978270.jpg 1455476420364-1148373215.jpg 14554763896051342978270.jpg 1455476420364-1148373215.jpg
Hi Frank, I bought this Halotestos from an approved EU reseller though they came in loose blister packs so I can't check the quality code. Do you mind taking a look and seeing if they are legit? There is an 11 digit number in the bottom corner which doesn't check out as a quality code so I'm assuming it's another kind of code you may recogniseView attachment 35429 View attachment 35431 View attachment 35429 View attachment 35431 View attachment 35429 View attachment 35431
I'd like to hear your anecdotal experience with pcom halo...been curious
With all the WU problems I tried Bitcoin. Found an Bitcoin ATM and used Coinbase. Put money in ATM and sent to my Coinbase wallet. I didn't have to finish bank acc info to receive and send money! Think that's just to buy Bit thru them. So the only info they have from me is e-mail address!! Kinda cool. If this has been explained,I apologize! Alot going on.
Find Atm
Open Coinbase-don't give bank acc info
Send bit to ur wallet-then send to whoever
Took less than 10minutes
Hello guys, ordered from you once and i were very happy, fast delivery and no issues what so ever with the product. I only wonder, is there any way you could ship with "stealth"? I mean, could you try to make your product look like something else..? I've already gotten caught ordering online once, and i do not want to get caught again as i live in a high risk country where they hunt down people like us and give us huge fines. (Somewhere in scandinavia).
There's 385 pages, with a lot of mostly irrelevant topics taking up 1/3 pf the posts. So, can anyone give an idea about the quality and turnaround time on orders from the us domestic site? Looks like payments still go to China, so is it similar time as international orders?
it's around 10-45 days and the quality is answered in the testing section. In the future do some research. I recommend being a great member and sharing your test results also. We will always need more test results.
Hello guys, ordered from you once and i were very happy, fast delivery and no issues what so ever with the product. I only wonder, is there any way you could ship with "stealth"? I mean, could you try to make your product look like something else..? I've already gotten caught ordering online once, and i do not want to get caught again as i live in a high risk country where they hunt down people like us and give us huge fines. (Somewhere in scandinavia).
They offer stealth if you request it
No. My last order had it. I won't go into details, but it is intelligent.
Could you send me a private message explaining it some more? Would really appriciate it as I've tried "stealth shipping" before from a different supplier, didn't work out very well.
I don't want to go into any more details than I did. If I post exactly how it works it will defeat the purpose because then customs could learn about it. I'm not going to help them.

I will say that it will give you a better shot of getting it though. So if you are buying from another country and importing it will only increase your odds.
Could you send me a private message explaining it some more? Would really appriciate it as I've tried "stealth shipping" before from a different supplier, didn't work out very well.

Being your new and all I doubt anyone will tell you. I would trust the feedback members give. Sniffing around screams pig to people.
Quick question. I remember some guy saying something that his ADex felt underdosed??? Did anything come of that or was it good to go? Were there labs to prove it?
Quick question. I remember some guy saying something that his ADex felt underdosed??? Did anything come of that or was it good to go? Were there labs to prove it?

Its working for me. I'll have blood work done 1st week in March.

400mg Test C EW
.5 Adex OED