MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Thanks for the response i wish i would have asked first if i knew it would possibly be 10 days i wouldve got my gear somewhere else

It isn't likely to take ten days. if longer than three days id be surprised. I jist know of one instance of it taking longer than thay
There gear is fire but fuck their communication is complete shit, mad glitches, and items not being sent. i hope they plan to do something to fix this bullshit from happening again. It makes one not want to use them
There gear is fire but fuck their communication is complete shit, mad glitches, and items not being sent. i hope they plan to do something to fix this bullshit from happening again. It makes one not want to use them
i have already mentioned this. there was a bug in our store, whereas promo items have not been submitted to the warehouse. this is fixed and will not happen again. actually this happened only once for all the time of us being here. we all are people. sorry for inconvenience. in any case you will not loose any of your products. everyone will get exactly what he ordered.
Ueah my buddy had some of their test 500 a
i have already mentioned this. there was a bug in our store, whereas promo items have not been submitted to the warehouse. this is fixed and will not happen again. actually this happened only once for all the time of us being here. we all are people. sorry for inconvenience. in any case you will not loose any of your products. everyone will get exactly what he ordered.
Any idea how long it will take to pick up my moneygram or a way i can speed up delivery
@Pharmacom Labs Dammit frank as soon as i talk some shit about the comm and everything you hit me with a wicker pm a day later, was not expecting that because of a few unanswered msgs and one week later replies. I hope comm stays consistent. Thank you for taking care of issue
Wow. Within hoirs of posting on the forum @Phamacom Helper messaged me checked me order # and got everything going. By far best communication ive had with an online source.
Yup and no answers have been made as far as shipments being made and I sure as hell haven't had any luck with getting an answer through pm or through the website, so I guess this is the last resort!
There were several people a couple pages back that mentioned their promo items were shipped
Yup and no answers have been made as far as shipments being made and I sure as hell haven't had any luck with getting an answer through pm or through the website, so I guess this is the last resort!
Either you're a liar or your reading needs work.
Either you're a liar or your reading needs work.
Maybe you need to go back and check your reading! There has been nobody stating that their package has been sent. The only thing even close is that the two said that it will ship soon. In my book that clearly doesn't verify anything being sent!


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