MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Why do people do this? We get notifications for pm jist the same as for tags and shit why the hell are you so impatient. They'll check your damn pm, jesus
because people know pharm gear has been tested legit you have every tom dick and harry buying from them their very first gear and it sure shows how they act about all these little petti issues that occur during tons of buisness transactions... hell i myself actually sent frank and his helper a pm never got a response just chalked it up as busy ... to many little bitches in this world at the moment..
because people know pharm gear has been tested legit you have every tom dick and harry buying from them their very first gear and it sure shows how they act about all these little petti issues that occur during tons of business transactions... hell i myself actually sent frank and his helper a pm never got a response just chalked it up as busy ... to many little bitches in this world at the moment..
Grown men throwing metal acting like impatient bitches!!!
I didn't get payment confirmation...
You're not answering my PM...
Where's my tracking number...
How long does it take for delivery...
Here's the problem...Plan one cycle ahead. All these guys that are so impatient is because they're waiting on their shit so they can start their run.
You're buying illegal drugs over the internet for fucks sake. This isn't amazon.
This thread is 75% of "Where's my shit". Put your fucking tampons in and practice your patience exercises.
because people know pharm gear has been tested legit you have every tom dick and harry buying from them their very first gear and it sure shows how they act about all these little petti issues that occur during tons of buisness transactions... hell i myself actually sent frank and his helper a pm never got a response just chalked it up as busy ... to many little bitches in this world at the moment..
Hmmm just checked my PMs and found nothing from you.
If you have something urgent - let me know
Grown men throwing metal acting like impatient bitches!!!
I didn't get payment confirmation...
You're not answering my PM...
Where's my tracking number...
How long does it take for delivery...
Here's the problem...Plan one cycle ahead. All these guys that are so impatient is because they're waiting on their shit so they can start their run.
You're buying illegal drugs over the internet for fucks sake. This isn't amazon.
This thread is 75% of "Where's my shit". Put your fucking tampons in and practice your patience exercises.

I have some friends who anticipated things would get ugly here based on how many first time orders were being placed and took advantage of a few of the specials and have enough gear for 4 or 5 cycles stocked up, no matter what they decide to run! I know that isn't an option for everyone but your point is well made. Mel's point is completely correct don't order international if you absolutely need any product you are ordering within a month. Shit happens. Time to verify payments. Something doesn't get send in your pack. Pack gets seized.

My friends have been treated well by Frank but you need to plan for the unexpected when dealing with international orders. I know 90% of us fully realize this but there are tons of new guys in this thread everyday who clearly don't understand and panic very easily.
Im running there hgh and i have a good deeling about it. Ive run pharma norditropin in past and it makes my left side of my head in between my ear and temple have a pulsating feeling throughout the day the same way as norditropin does. Its a weird feeling, csnt wait to see bloods in a month or 2
I have some friends who anticipated things would get ugly here based on how many first time orders were being placed and took advantage of a few of the specials and have enough gear for 4 or 5 cycles stocked up, no matter what they decide to run! I know that isn't an option for everyone but your point is well made. Mel's point is completely correct don't order international if you absolutely need any product you are ordering within a month. Shit happens. Time to verify payments. Something doesn't get send in your pack. Pack gets seized.

My friends have been treated well by Frank but you need to plan for the unexpected when dealing with international orders. I know 90% of us fully realize this but there are tons of new guys in this thread everyday who clearly don't understand and panic very easily.
This^^^^^^ my friend always has at least 2-3 cycles on hand, that way when a sale comes around , he orders and forgets about it. No pm's to Frank necessary. Sometimes pack arrives in 2 weeks , sometimes a month but since it doesnt effect current or even next cycle, time of delivery becomes irrelevant. VERY STRESS FREE
I have some friends who anticipated things would get ugly here based on how many first time orders were being placed and took advantage of a few of the specials and have enough gear for 4 or 5 cycles stocked up, no matter what they decide to run! I know that isn't an option for everyone but your point is well made. Mel's point is completely correct don't order international if you absolutely need any product you are ordering within a month. Shit happens. Time to verify payments. Something doesn't get send in your pack. Pack gets seized.

My friends have been treated well by Frank but you need to plan for the unexpected when dealing with international orders. I know 90% of us fully realize this but there are tons of new guys in this thread everyday who clearly don't understand and panic very easily.
You say it so much friendlier than I do.
This^^^^^^ my friend always has at least 2-3 cycles on hand, that way when a sale comes around , he orders and forgets about it. No pm's to Frank necessary. Sometimes pack arrives in 2 weeks , sometimes a month but since it doesnt effect current or even next cycle, time of delivery becomes irrelevant. VERY STRESS FREE
My friend has several significent cycles worth on hand by taking advantage of the sales. He has another order placed and hasn't given the delivery a second thought. I guess when you're our age Mr.B you learn these kinds of things.
Hi guys, here is new Simec report from one of our customer:
"This sample was bought at the end of February 2016 during a 60% off sale from the international store. Sample was received by SIMEC testing facility on April 7th 2016 and results were sent back May 27th 2016. The testing fee was paid for directly to SIMEC by Pharmacom."
People suggesting to throw the community guidelines and standards just because it's basicstero seems ignorant to me. Fuck it let's just chalk em up as g2g never need testing or blood work again.

I'm gonna leave this as 2bc
People suggesting to throw the community guidelines and standards just because it's basicstero seems ignorant to me. Fuck it let's just chalk em up as g2g never need testing or blood work again.

I'm gonna leave this as 2bc

What are you referring to exactly
Can anybody tell me if one was to live in the good us of a, and order from the eu store can you receive produCT? I know it sounds like a silly question, or are the products on the eu section on for eu domestic orders?.