MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Im referring to the ignorance on page 520 of this post because its too damn high sir. *After your last post if I'm not mistaken.
I'm not sure where yoi see people advocating abandoning community standards or giving basicstero the gtg? All I see is an explanation for why people are retardedly impatient. No one is sayin basic is gtg so just shut up and you'll get your shit they are saying this posting bout PMs sent and constant worrying about their package is a result of poor planning and/or noob eagerness, which isn't wrong .
People suggesting to throw the community guidelines and standards just because it's basicstero seems ignorant to me. Fuck it let's just chalk em up as g2g never need testing or blood work again.

I'm gonna leave this as 2bc

I'm not sure where yoi see people advocating abandoning community standards or giving basicstero the gtg? All I see is an explanation for why people are retardedly impatient. No one is sayin basic is gtg so just shut up and you'll get your shit they are saying this posting bout PMs sent and constant worrying about their package is a result of poor planning and/or noob eagerness, which isn't wrong .

It is not being said that because Pharmacom has tested well in the AnabolicLab project or because they are very popular at the moment that they deserve special treatment or shouldn't be further tested or held responsible for issues resulting from poor communication or performance.
What is being said is that there must be consideration given to the fact that they probably market on numerous boards and are a world wide producer and distributor of AAS. Possibly, going by their production video's, one of the largest UGL's in the world. I've never seen another UGL show a production like Pharmacom's.
A UGL is only as good as it's last run and should always be scrutinized and held accountable for it's performance and there have been several occasions where they have dropped the ball. When it's comes to these types of issues, they should be called on it. Like the bonus products not being shipped. They explained the reason and are remedying the situation but that's their problem and we should be critical of issues like this. However, these issues are not what makes up the bulk of what's going on here.
Yes, their communication has dropped off recently and that may be due to the fact that their popularity has exploded, and obviously not just on Meso. I'm sure Frank is extremely busy and probably works more hours a week than most of us do but that's his fucking problem.
What I see being the bulk of what's going on on this thread is a mass of new member's and people that may have never ordered AAS over the internet or maybe only domestic, being impatient. They want their gear now and expect to be treated as if they're the only customer out there. Being unreasonable about payment verification, tracking number's, communication, etc... This is not like ordering from Amazon. Most of the impatience is due to poor planning. Someone want's to start a cycle and instead of planning ahead they place their order and then get all bent out of shape because their afraid they won't get their gear in time.
I come to this thread because I run Pharmacom gear at the moment and I want to know what's going on but instead of reading about bloodwork or people's experience's with the gear I have to read comments from a bunch of impatient children. If your're that impatient, pay more and order domestic. If you want to pay less and order reasonable and shut the fuck up until it's really valid to be concerned.
I'm not sure where yoi see people advocating abandoning community standards or giving basicstero the gtg? All I see is an explanation for why people are retardedly impatient. No one is sayin basic is gtg so just shut up and you'll get your shit they are saying this posting bout PMs sent and constant worrying about their package is a result of poor planning and/or noob eagerness, which isn't wrong .

So you can't read? You didn't see like it's frank, Frank takes care of everyone, you just send frank your shit and no worries. For someone who talks shit to people to learn to read you'd think you wouldn't bullshit. No your right no one said Frank takes care of everyone and people shouldn't bitch cause frank won't fail. Your right there absolutely was no tone said of no one should worry about frank because he's pharmacom. Gtfo here with that bullshit either your lying to yourself or your trying to lie to me. either way your statement is false.

The fact anyone would be like he's great some dude I never met and tell people to oh don't worry its frank and pharmacom. No way for them to fuck up right sin? You can just send the money out and if it doesn't come in 6 months oh well cause it's frank hell take care of it. Don't even email him if he posts his people fucked up. Cause he will take care of it. Even when he says to hit him up cause they fucked up. It's just people being impatient. I'm going to stop cause I hope you realize your logic is ignorant on this one.

You can't take the English language and say oh I just intended to talk shit about new people being impatient and all that frank is good to go and no one has to worry talk was just nonsensical bullshit not intended to say exactly what the definition of the words are. People just weren't suppose to see that shit. And the statement in no way was intended to silence new people and make them feel like they were doing something wrong for doing what they should do.
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So you can't read? You didn't see like it's frank, Frank takes care of everyone, you just send frank your shit and no worries. For someone who talks shit to people to learn to read you'd think you wouldn't bullshit. No your right no one said Frank takes care of everyone and people shouldn't bitch cause frank won't fail. Your right there absolutely was no tone said of no one should worry about frank because he's pharmacom. Gtfo here with that bullshit either your lying to yourself or your trying to lie to me. either way your statement is false.

The fact anyone would be like he's great some dude I never met and tell people to oh don't worry its frank and pharmacom. No way for them to fuck up right sin? You can just send the money out and if it doesn't come in 6 months oh well cause it's frank hell take care of it. Don't even email him if he posts his people fucked up. Cause he will take care of it. Even when he says to hit him up cause they fucked up. It's just people being impatient. I'm going to stop cause I hope you realize your logic is ignorant on this one.

You can't take the English language and say oh I just intended to talk shit about new people being impatient and all that frank is good to go and no one has to wordyband infallible talk was just nonsensical bullshit not intended to say exactly what the definition of the words are.

One, watch your tone. Idk who yoi think yoi are but don't come off rude to me when I was very cordial in my reply. This isn't me being a tough guy this is me saying treat me with the same respect I've given you, if you can't do so then don't bother replying . Two, the posts they made are general statements that apply to every lab. No one said frank will make sure yoi get your shit and I don't think it was implied. What they are saying is that it hasn't been long enough for their concerns to be legit. Idc if you ordered from naps, basic or some completely different source, whining about communication is stupid when it comes to why hasn't my Wu been picked up or its been three weeks on an international order and i don't have gear or insert whiney bitch ass complaint. I've placed four online orders one of which never showed and all of them were over 500 dollars. Never emailed, pm, or anything during the transaction I accepted that once I sent my money I may or may not receive something fo it. That is the nature of this game. If I didn't receive something I would not order from them again, simple as that. People need to quit spending money they can't afford to lose. I see it like I'm going to the casino, I could lose all my money, break even or win big but I've already accepted any outcome before it has happened. Now of course I prefer prompt delivery and would like prompt replies if I had a question but as far as an order goes, once it is placed it is placed and unless I wanted to cancel for safety issues I wouldn't be contacting them. Maybe frank will fail, that's a risk anyone who orders takes but you should accept that risk before yoi order and not be a bothersome lil impatient bitch about it. If the gear shows up and it is bunk then you bitch. Bunk gear is unacceptable and should be brought up, slow t/a and lackluster communication doesn't merit all these whiney and "pm me"/"pm sent" post.
It is not being said that because Pharmacom has tested well in the AnabolicLab project or because they are very popular at the moment that they deserve special treatment or shouldn't be further tested or held responsible for issues resulting from poor communication or performance.
What is being said is that there must be consideration given to the fact that they probably market on numerous boards and are a world wide producer and distributor of AAS. Possibly, going by their production video's, one of the largest UGL's in the world. I've never seen another UGL show a production like Pharmacom's.
A UGL is only as good as it's last run and should always be scrutinized and held accountable for it's performance and there have been several occasions where they have dropped the ball. When it's comes to these types of issues, they should be called on it. Like the bonus products not being shipped. They explained the reason and are remedying the situation but that's their problem and we should be critical of issues like this. However, these issues are not what makes up the bulk of what's going on here.
Yes, their communication has dropped off recently and that may be due to the fact that their popularity has exploded, and obviously not just on Meso. I'm sure Frank is extremely busy and probably works more hours a week than most of us do but that's his fucking problem.
What I see being the bulk of what's going on on this thread is a mass of new member's and people that may have never ordered AAS over the internet or maybe only domestic, being impatient. They want their gear now and expect to be treated as if they're the only customer out there. Being unreasonable about payment verification, tracking number's, communication, etc... This is not like ordering from Amazon. Most of the impatience is due to poor planning. Someone want's to start a cycle and instead of planning ahead they place their order and then get all bent out of shape because their afraid they won't get their gear in time.
I come to this thread because I run Pharmacom gear at the moment and I want to know what's going on but instead of reading about bloodwork or people's experience's with the gear I have to read comments from a bunch of impatient children. If your're that impatient, pay more and order domestic. If you want to pay less and order reasonable and shut the fuck up until it's really valid to be concerned.
1 bazzilon gazillion likes!!!
Well said sir
One, watch your tone. Idk who yoi think yoi are but don't come off rude to me when I was very cordial in my reply. This isn't me being a tough guy this is me saying treat me with the same respect I've given you, if you can't do so then don't bother replying . Two, the posts they made are general statements that apply to every lab. No one said frank will make sure yoi get your shit and I don't think it was implied. What they are saying is that it hasn't been long enough for their concerns to be legit. Idc if you ordered from naps, basic or some completely different source, whining about communication is stupid when it comes to why hasn't my Wu been picked up or its been three weeks on an international order and i don't have gear or insert whiney bitch ass complaint. I've placed four online orders one of which never showed and all of them were over 500 dollars. Never emailed, pm, or anything during the transaction I accepted that once I sent my money I may or may not receive something fo it. That is the nature of this game. If I didn't receive something I would not order from them again, simple as that. People need to quit spending money they can't afford to lose. I see it like I'm going to the casino, I could lose all my money, break even or win big but I've already accepted any outcome before it has happened. Now of course I prefer prompt delivery and would like prompt replies if I had a question but as far as an order goes, once it is placed it is placed and unless I wanted to cancel for safety issues I wouldn't be contacting them. Maybe frank will fail, that's a risk anyone who orders takes but you should accept that risk before yoi order and not be a bothersome lil impatient bitch about it. If the gear shows up and it is bunk then you bitch. Bunk gear is unacceptable and should be brought up, slow t/a and lackluster communication doesn't merit all these whiney and "pm me"/"pm sent" post.

1st let me say respect is earned never given. 2. If you say no one said the name frank please go back a page and re-read it.

Well now you've spun it all into some shit show statement on your opinion on how you feel everyone should feel. Rather then what was said. I'm not gonna twist it or drag out what your opinion of the situition is.. I'm glad you agree no one should trust a source 100% etc that's what this is about. The fact anyone would blame the meso community for something they themselves admitted was a problem is ridiculous. How can anyone say when he admitted it's a problem it's everyone else's fault. The fact is its no one's issue but the person who admitted it was their issue. I agree it doesn't warrant those noob posts but them being posted doesn't warrant being ignorant to what meso is about either. 2 wrongs don't make a right and trying to justify either one of them crosses into ignorance...

My opinion: This isn't just for basicstero cause now its spun into a shit show over the matter because peoples friends never had a problem or w.e. The fact anyone would talk shit to the community over something that's an ongoing issue and try to say that the issue doesn't exist or is irrelevant because it is who it is, is 100% nonsense. Which now your not implying but still defending? Nor exactly sure there... This isnt about whether or not hes taken care of it. I for one never had doubts itd get taken care of. But to say to people you fucked up for assuming that. whether you think that's me disrespecting you or just telling you reality makes no difference to me. Whether you can say it's noobs whatever... maybe people shouldn't make generalized statements directed at the entire thread amidst his first promo fuck up... people are trying to get sorted what frank himself posted to get ahold of him about it to get it sorted and apologized for his delay in communication. An if you feel that somehow justifys it thats fine, because i dont. You wanted to spin this I just said "to say x is g2g and no one should worry because he's x is against what meso is about and ignorant". Which is a fact not an opinion. I'd rather not detract from my original statement and argue opinions so if you want to continue this you can pm me because clearly your not reading what I'm reading and there is entirely to much clarification needed then everyone should be subjected to.
1st let me say respect is earned never given. 2. If you say no one said the name frank please go back a page and re-read it.

Well now you've spun it all into some shit show statement on your opinion on how you feel everyone should feel. Rather then what was said. I'm not gonna twist it or drag out what your opinion of the situition is.. I'm glad you agree no one should trust a source 100% etc that's what this is about. The fact anyone would blame the meso community for something they themselves admitted was a problem is ridiculous. How can anyone say when he admitted it's a problem it's everyone else's fault. The fact is its no one's issue but the person who admitted it was their issue. I agree it doesn't warrant those noob posts but them being posted doesn't warrant being ignorant to what meso is about either. 2 wrongs don't make a right and trying to justify either one of them crosses into ignorance...

My opinion: This isn't just for basicstero cause now its spun into a shit show over the matter because peoples friends never had a problem or w.e. The fact anyone would talk shit to the community over something that's an ongoing issue and try to say that the issue doesn't exist or is irrelevant because it is who it is, is 100% nonsense. Which now your not implying but still defending? Nor exactly sure there... This isnt about whether or not hes taken care of it. I for one never had doubts itd get taken care of. But to say to people you fucked up for assuming that. whether you think that's me disrespecting you or just telling you reality makes no difference to me. Whether you can say it's noobs whatever... maybe people shouldn't make generalized statements directed at the entire thread amidst his first promo fuck up... people are trying to get sorted what frank himself posted to get ahold of him about it to get it sorted and apologized for his delay in communication. An if you feel that somehow justifys it thats fine, because i dont. You wanted to spin this I just said "to say x is g2g and no one should worry because he's x is against what meso is about and ignorant". Which is a fact not an opinion. I'd rather not detract from my original statement and argue opinions so if you want to continue this you can pm me because clearly your not reading what I'm reading and there is entirely to much clarification needed then everyone should be subjected to.

It's obvious you are beyond helping to comprehend the true intention of those speaking and thus wont waste my time. Tho about the respect earned not given, I disagree. Everyone gets respect until the do something to lose it. That's how a real man acts.
You can just send the money out and if it doesn't come in 6 months oh well cause it's frank hell take care of it.
I can't think of a scenario yet where if something happened the person hasn't been made whole.
No UGL is under any obligation to reship in the event of a seizure, but they do. Even in cases where they have stated that bonus gear will not be reshipped in the event of a seizure, they have.
Pharmacom is probably the 5th or so UGL I've ordered from over the last 4 years and so far I think they've done a better job than the others. Their gear tests well, they've landed 100% with me so far, and I've had good results with their products.
If someone can show a case where they've fucked someone I'm all ears but I've followed this thread since post 1 and the times I remember that someone had issues, and I remember a few that took more time than they should have to be resolved, ultimately they were.
I have no problem giving my .02 because when I lost my local connection and started buying online 4 or so years ago I've been most satisfied with this source.
With that being said they could fall apart tomorrow and I'll be the first one to mother fuck them so...
Don't take this as a personal attack or me being condescending to you. I'm just having trouble understanding where your discontent stems from. Surely it's not just because their communication is a little slow at the moment.

Then again why the fuck am I even getting involved. I'll just open my gear when I get it and stick it right in the ol' glute. Actually I just started a cycle yesterday so I'm happy : )
1st let me say respect is earned never given. 2. If you say no one said the name frank please go back a page and re-read it.

Well now you've spun it all into some shit show statement on your opinion on how you feel everyone should feel. Rather then what was said. I'm not gonna twist it or drag out what your opinion of the situition is.. I'm glad you agree no one should trust a source 100% etc that's what this is about. The fact anyone would blame the meso community for something they themselves admitted was a problem is ridiculous. How can anyone say when he admitted it's a problem it's everyone else's fault. The fact is its no one's issue but the person who admitted it was their issue. I agree it doesn't warrant those noob posts but them being posted doesn't warrant being ignorant to what meso is about either. 2 wrongs don't make a right and trying to justify either one of them crosses into ignorance...

My opinion: This isn't just for basicstero cause now its spun into a shit show over the matter because peoples friends never had a problem or w.e. The fact anyone would talk shit to the community over something that's an ongoing issue and try to say that the issue doesn't exist or is irrelevant because it is who it is, is 100% nonsense. Which now your not implying but still defending? Nor exactly sure there... This isnt about whether or not hes taken care of it. I for one never had doubts itd get taken care of. But to say to people you fucked up for assuming that. whether you think that's me disrespecting you or just telling you reality makes no difference to me. Whether you can say it's noobs whatever... maybe people shouldn't make generalized statements directed at the entire thread amidst his first promo fuck up... people are trying to get sorted what frank himself posted to get ahold of him about it to get it sorted and apologized for his delay in communication. An if you feel that somehow justifys it thats fine, because i dont. You wanted to spin this I just said "to say x is g2g and no one should worry because he's x is against what meso is about and ignorant". Which is a fact not an opinion. I'd rather not detract from my original statement and argue opinions so if you want to continue this you can pm me because clearly your not reading what I'm reading and there is entirely to much clarification needed then everyone should be subjected to.
OK. I get it.
All I'll add to that is I agree that no source is free from scepticism as you've said but will you at least agree that most of these guys are jumping the gun on their concern and need to be maybe a bit more patient.
Hey @Phamacom Labs, any word on the next promo?:)

Also, I may have missed this but when will Anadrol be back in stock?
Frank, check pm. I have some information for you that might help us guys out in the strict customs area.
Before you made this post, he wouldn't have checked his pm.:| I don't know bout you but I wouldn't be announcing how you hope to collaborate on a plan to bring illegal drugs into the country more easily.
@Pharmacom Labs, @Pharmacom Helper when will hgh and primo 200, and mast e be in or back in stock?
Hi, primo will be in stock in June (I cannot say exact date now)
HgH approx in 1-1.5 months
Hey @Phamacom Labs, any word on the next promo?:)
Also, I may have missed this but when will Anadrol be back in stock?
Hi, we will discuss about next promo. We will inform everyone as soon as we will take decision
Anadrol in tabs will be available in the end of June
Why do people do this? We get notifications for pm jist the same as for tags and shit why the hell are you so impatient. They'll check your damn pm, jesus
Y do u always care when people do that you don't know his situation seen like you always have something negative to say
Before you made this post, he wouldn't have checked his pm.:| I don't know bout you but I wouldn't be announcing how you hope to collaborate on a plan to bring illegal drugs into the country more easily.
Again y the fuck do u care
Why do you care why I care?
Pound sand Iv said for them to answer my pm befor and you opened ur mouth then to people will post whatever the fuck they want iv kept my mouth closed for a min every time i see you post it's always your running ur mouth on some bullshit and for ur info Iv pm them and they don't answer then u ask them to answer in public and then all the sudden they do