MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

A source can have the best testing data in the world, but if their customer service is bad, it says a lot more than lab testing. JMO
I think you are correct Melly Mel. But imo I wouldn't use any testing lab that PC is involved with! Just saying. ...
I would absolutely agree with you except for one reason. It's the lab that Millard himself has chosen to do the anonymous Anabolic Lab testing. I have to believe that if that lab was in anyway not trustworthy Millard wouldn't use them because any dispute contesting their honesty would jeopardize the validity of and nullify the findings of the entire Alab project. If the lab in anyway skewed their findings, as in faked information because Pharmacom paid them off or anything of that nature, they would have much to lose. It wouldn't be hard for someone that had a bug up their ass to bring into question the labs validity. Cross testing using another lab and having conflicting results would easily start the conspiracy ball rolling. As far as the reports posted...I'm sure when a member sends in the compound to be tested he receives a copy of the report as well so the reports posted would have to be accurate or entirely faked and I already expressed my thoughts on that. Obviously I have already considered what you are saying and these were my thoughts at the time. Or maybe I'm just completely naive...
Simec has been around for awhile I believe. They've been testing way before this Pharmacom stuff has been going on.
I would absolutely agree with you except for one reason. It's the lab that Millard himself has chosen to do the anonymous Anabolic Lab testing. I have to believe that if that lab was in anyway not trustworthy Millard wouldn't use them because any dispute contesting their honesty would jeopardize the validity of and nullify the findings of the entire Alab project. If the lab in anyway skewed their findings, as in faked information because Pharmacom paid them off or anything of that nature, they would have much to lose. It wouldn't be hard for someone that had a bug up their ass to bring into question the labs validity. Cross testing using another lab and having conflicting results would easily start the conspiracy ball rolling. As far as the reports posted...I'm sure when a member sends in the compound to be tested he receives a copy of the report as well so the reports posted would have to be accurate or entirely faked and I already expressed my thoughts on that. Obviously I have already considered what you are saying and these were my thoughts at the time. Or maybe I'm just completely naive...
Simec has been around for awhile I believe. They've been testing way before this Pharmacom stuff has been going on.
I respect your opinion Melly Mel. I also respect what MB is doing but that doesn't mean he knows everything that goes on behind close doors. This is just my feeling that side shit could possibly be going on. And I'm not alone.....
I respect your opinion Melly Mel. I also respect what MB is doing but that doesn't mean he knows everything that goes on behind close doors. This is just my feeling that side shit could possibly be going on. And I'm not alone.....
Like I said, I can be naive at times. I want to believe that it's all on the up and up and my opinion is based entirely on my own logic and reason and I want to believe that's the truth but I would never say that what you're saying is bullshit. Human's are always trying to get over to advance their position. There is plenty of dishonesty out there especially when drugs are part of the equation.
I want to believe Anabolic lab is a completely honest endeavor, but I have also been wary of possible side shit.
How is nearly every lab scoring damn near perfect on there right now? I mean that's great, but im usually a too good to be true kinda guy.
After reading these last two pages i'll definitely be going back in for bloodwork once starting cycle. Anyone heard anything good or bad about their cyp 250?
i mean from what ive read theyve had bunk gear before due to bad not trying to put down the lab i just want some answers...i paid for halo and i dont think what ive received is might be an AAS or pro hormone(hopefully not) but i know its not halo..or maybe it is just really under dosed..but i took 100 mg all at once with no effects that alone should say something.
After reading these last two pages i'll definitely be going back in for bloodwork once starting cycle. Anyone heard anything good or bad about their cyp 250?

From the bloodwork results I've seen and some other hearsay on pharmacon threads it seems that their test e is g2g as is their tren but other stuff like test p have given some people problems.
I want to believe Anabolic lab is a completely honest endeavor, but I have also been wary of possible side shit.
How is nearly every lab scoring damn near perfect on there right now? I mean that's great, but im usually a too good to be true kinda guy.
Because they generally only bother testing larger scale international UGL that are good (alpha pharma comes to mind). You guys slam reputable UGL like pharmacom, yet will use some small time domestic UGL getting raws from who knows where in small batches and barely doing any quality control. I don't get it. I also tend to trust Millard Baker's integrity. He dug into a discrepancy based only on word of a source once and issued a retraction of a test report because of a flaw in methodology. After that I didn't question his integrity. It could have easily been ignored.

There is a huge operational difference (volume, profit, raw order size) between larger international UGL often getting tested on and the small time domestic UGL some of you are comparing them too. If they tested a lot of these no name shit UGL you would start seeing the poor results you're not seeing here.
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I would absolutely agree with you except for one reason. It's the lab that Millard himself has chosen to do the anonymous Anabolic Lab testing. I have to believe that if that lab was in anyway not trustworthy Millard wouldn't use them because any dispute contesting their honesty would jeopardize the validity of and nullify the findings of the entire Alab project. If the lab in anyway skewed their findings, as in faked information because Pharmacom paid them off or anything of that nature, they would have much to lose. It wouldn't be hard for someone that had a bug up their ass to bring into question the labs validity. Cross testing using another lab and having conflicting results would easily start the conspiracy ball rolling. As far as the reports posted...I'm sure when a member sends in the compound to be tested he receives a copy of the report as well so the reports posted would have to be accurate or entirely faked and I already expressed my thoughts on that. Obviously I have already considered what you are saying and these were my thoughts at the time. Or maybe I'm just completely naive...
Simec has been around for awhile I believe. They've been testing way before this Pharmacom stuff has been going on.

I hope you're right, for me it's the willingness to pay for testing that raises a red flag. mistakes happen, but pharmacom would have you believe that they're 100% flawless with their production process. and if guys bloodwork come back low, or they're just not getting results as expected, it's not possible for it to be pharmacoms fault? plus they test all their raws, have promotions and give out free gear all the time, and test all products questioned by customers? that's gotta add up, cut into profits.

anaboliclab is great in theory, but who'd a thought all these labs put out such accurately dosed products? probably no body.

but, who knows, in a perfect world all ugl gear is sterile and accurately dosed, but we all know that's not the case.
I'm confused...when you say it will only be the eu warehouse and if you dont manage to pay in time your order will be delayed for indefined period of ordering from int but live in usa that doesnt even concern me right? i already placed order just waiting for payment method approval before i can pay
it is about our EU warehouse only. International and US domestic warehouses keep working as usual. If you ordered from EU warehouse to the USA, PCT for example, you need to make payment before 7th of August so we could ship it.
Who has had experiences with the PRIMO 200? How is the pip, feel it was accurately dosed?
most of people who tried it did not have any severe pips.
@Pharmacom Labs
Pharmatropin Replacements
10iu Right Delt
Result: 23.4 @ 3:05

glad to see it. thanks for the blood work. Do you mind if i copy this picture to our other boards?
By the way, why there aren't reviews on Mix 3?
I'm interested on giving it a try but I don't seem to find any useful info on it...
Mix 3, latest result

Anyone use pharmacom adex? i know nothing beats Pharm grade but hey i got some pharmacom stuff.. is it worth using?
one more result

Full report with raw data is available here
im dissapointed with pharmacom i got bunk halotestin. ive messaged them and still no reply ive pm frank his little helper ive emailed them thru the site man im not to happy.. i took 100mg of the thing and felt nothing no effects whats so ever..first time buyer and i got some bunk
i replied all emails today... our email is or or Are you sure you addressed me at one of these emails?
going to get bloodwork done on monday...regardless of that ive used pharma grade halo before at a few of my pl meets and let me tell you it hits pretty fast. pharmacom halo nothing
I am not sure what you would like to see on a blood work after halo. It can only show some secondary signs like lowering of FSH, LH, SHBG, increased count of red blood cells, but this all can tells by implication that some drug of a steroidal nature is there, nothing more.
how would i send it to simec and how much would that cost
if you send a sample to simec here are their prices:
HPLC (ID and content): 190,- EUR / sample
metals: 120,- EUR / sample
micobiological test: 75,- EUR / sample

This is at elast for us because we are a constant customer and test more than 12 samples monthly. For a single test price of HPLC is about 350 Euro.
But if you have doubts, no problem, we can send it and pay for it. We have actually already sent a sample of halo after Trenagade from erois asked us in our thread there to test it. But we can send also your sample if you wish, better to say, you can send it, we are ready to pay.
I believe I remember Frank saying fairly recently that if you believe you got bunk gear, you send it in and if it's bunk then they pay for tests and give you replacements on everything you bought of that compound. If it tests good then they don't pay for the testing and no replacements for you. I'll say again...I think that's what he said.
yes this is correct. our general policy is like this. If a product is bad we pay for everything and completely replace bad item, even with bonus. If an item is ok, we shall not be liable for any expenses. But in case with halo above as well as in the case in a neighbor tread with dbol we are ready to pay for both tests. of course if you want to pay on your own and absolutely exclude our participation, also not a problem, we can go this way as well. we will in this case only have to pay almost a doubled price because if a person sends only one single sample to simec he/she shall pay about 350 Euro for this. By the way, one more question. You said you took pharmacy grade halo... is it produced officially at all? Maybe i am wrong, but i thought it is officially not approved for human use now.
I would absolutely agree with you except for one reason. It's the lab that Millard himself has chosen to do the anonymous Anabolic Lab testing. I have to believe that if that lab was in anyway not trustworthy Millard wouldn't use them because any dispute contesting their honesty would jeopardize the validity of and nullify the findings of the entire Alab project. If the lab in anyway skewed their findings, as in faked information because Pharmacom paid them off or anything of that nature, they would have much to lose. It wouldn't be hard for someone that had a bug up their ass to bring into question the labs validity. Cross testing using another lab and having conflicting results would easily start the conspiracy ball rolling. As far as the reports posted...I'm sure when a member sends in the compound to be tested he receives a copy of the report as well so the reports posted would have to be accurate or entirely faked and I already expressed my thoughts on that. Obviously I have already considered what you are saying and these were my thoughts at the time. Or maybe I'm just completely naive...
Simec has been around for awhile I believe. They've been testing way before this Pharmacom stuff has been going on.
there is no way we have any impact on Simec. They are a certified lab and they even can stand in a court to confirm the results if needed, they would never counterfeit any results and risk their reputation, this is the same as the risk to get the lab closed and loose a job. Just impossible.
So guys, we are still waiting for a lot of test reports from simec. mix 2, mix 5, cabergoline, etc. We have also shipped some new samples a couple of days ago: primo 200, halo, dbol pills, 3-tren, etc.
We can also order microbiological test and test for heavy metals. As i said before it is pretty expensive,
metals: +120,- EUR / sample
microbiological test: +75,- EUR / sample

We can still afford some tests. If you would like some products to be fully tested, please share what shall be tested as first? If you have doubts or think we could send some special samples to Simec, we can test your samples, products which you have already received from us, you send them to simec and they test them. We pay. The only condition is that vials/pills/amps shall be unopened.
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And the last thing:
promo offer in our international store is running right now and will be valid until the beginning of September. Conditions:
for orders over 200$ - free bonus products worth 50$ on your choice
for orders over 300$ - free bonus products worth 100$ on your choice
for orders over 400$ - free bonus products worth 200$ on your choice
In case of a seizure only paid items are reshipped. Extra discounts like 10% off for bitcoin, etc. do not work with this promo.

Tomorrow, actually at 00:00 as per Central European Time (UTC +1)we launch our promo in the european warehouse
The promo is valid valid from the 1st to 7th of August. Enter the discount code PHRMCMBSCSTRO and get 20% off for absolutely all items available in the European warehouse!

IMPORTANT: Starting from 8th of August our European warehouse has vocation and wont be able to send orders. All orders shall be paid in advance.

Once again: the 7th of August is the last day we ship orders. If you dont manage to pay in time, your order will be delayed for an undefined period! It will be closed from 1 to 2 months supposedly.

All items currently out of stock in our eu warehouse won`t be restocked within next 30-40 days. Please don`t ask when an item is back in stock.