MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

You guys can't have it both ways. When a new source hits Meso one of the first things we ask them during their trial by fire is, is their gear tested. So if they say no they get put on blast with members saying "how can you acurately dose if you don't test your raws" or "how do you know it's acurately dosed if you don't test your vials" and if they do test you say "the tests are skewed because their doing their own testing" or "their swaying the results by sending in the good stuff".
I've put quite a few sources on blast when they first showd up here and Pharmacom was one of them but we've come to see over time that these guys are a huge global distributor of AAS. Maybe the smaller labs do selective scamming or skewing test results but I really don't think that Pharmacom is one of those. If you've seen their production video's they produce massive runs of their compounds. We've seen test results after test results done by Pharmacom and by members and for the most part they test very well. Even true Pharma grade drugs produced by the big drug companies are given a 20% variable plus or minus on their dosing. Yes that's correct. If Phizer makes their statin cholesterol drug and it says 20mg per tab and it tests at 16mg it's still considered a pass and that's big pharma standards. The vast majority of Pharmacom's compounds are well within that 20% window. Do you really think that a company that produces thousands of vials per run is selective scamming? It would be harder for them to keep that shit straight then it would to just send everybody the same gear. How would it benefit them to selective scam? They're not some company that produces 100 vials at a time.
As far as selling bunk gear...I'm sure they have their problems getting a bad batch of raws every now and then but given the volume of gear they produce I would imagine that their raws suppliers want to keep them very happy based on the amount of raws they must purchase. If the raws suppliers sell them bunk raws it wouldn't take much for Pharmacom to cut them loose and find a more reliable supplier. When they first showed up I don't think anyone knew how big they really are. This is not some Joe Blow fly by night gear lab.
Several have said that it's suspicious that they pay for all this testing. Why? The amout they spend on testing is a drop in the bucket to them. They probably have a budget per year for testing just like the budget they have for advertising, marketing, and everything else. It's part of their cost of doing business. They don't pay for advertising here so is it so unbelievable that they have the funds to test. If they test well it's really like advertising because good testing will lead to increased sales and doing business with a quality raws dealer will lead to good testing.
I'm not saying that they couldn't fall apart at any time, they could. And it is our responsibility to keep them under the microscope to keep ourselves safe but there are some things that a company this size just wouldn't benefit from long term.
Let us think logically, I am asking those guys who are here only to attack Pharmacom and we notice that they are big fans in other threads and sources on Meso!!
All sources now test their products and send them to Simec Lab or other labs to be tested (Geneza, Alpha Pharma,Dragon.. etc), Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
All top sources ask their customers to post their bloodtest results ... Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
All sources offer discounts 10-30% of their products or if you buy more vials or pills..
Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
When i read the posts of those guys who are just attacking Pharmacom and they may be did not even buy Pharmacom products, when i searched on their nicknames i have found that they are fans and active for other sources, they are only here to make some confusion for the members (like me) who are on Meso only looking for a good source who deserves our time and money..
Ok there are some customers who really tested the products and have some problems and we here are watching and reading to make a decision how Pharmacom solves customer's problems but others guys who just here for attacking and have no business here, they make us feel like :mad: ..
Yea, their Dbol has certainly had a history of complaints. I suppose when/if enough members complain about enough of their other products then we'll know for sure that their testing is in fact bullshit. Until then, the best source of information should be from member feedback and bloodwork if possible.

This does show the limitations of testing by Pcom, Anabolic Lab or anyone in that any testing is only as good as the last batch tested and should only be used as a tool.
Yea thier Dbol has had alot of complaints.
Let us think logically, I am asking those guys who are here only to attack Pharmacom and we notice that they are big fans in other threads and sources on Meso!!
All sources now test their products and send them to Simec Lab or other labs to be tested (Geneza, Alpha Pharma,Dragon.. etc), Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
All top sources ask their customers to post their bloodtest results ... Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
All sources offer discounts 10-30% of their products or if you buy more vials or pills..
Why is it shame when Pharmacom just do this?!!!
When i read the posts of those guys who are just attacking Pharmacom and they may be did not even buy Pharmacom products, when i searched on their nicknames i have found that they are fans and active for other sources, they are only here to make some confusion for the members (like me) who are on Meso only looking for a good source who deserves our time and money..
Ok there are some customers who really tested the products and have some problems and we here are watching and reading to make a decision how Pharmacom solves customer's problems but others guys who just here for attacking and have no business here, they make us feel like :mad: ..
Really bro ???? Please show me ONE lab I have supported that sells on Meso. You won't! I will hate equally on every source and not all sources are scams here. But we need to hold these guys accountable. All I see latley is noobs joining with absolutely no clue about the game. They place their first order and usually first aas run and their blown away :rolleyes: Hence posts saying these guys are gtg the shit is fire lol :confused:

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Really bro ???? Please show me ONE lab I have supported that sells on Meso. You won't! I will hate equally on every source and not all sources are scams here. But we need to hold these guys accountable. All I see latley is noobs joining with absolutely no clue about the game. They place their first order and usually first aas run and their blown away :rolleyes: Hence posts saying these guys are gtg the shit is fire lol :confused:


To be honest with you.. I read posts and reviews with dates back to years in different websites in my own language where i live in Europe and also in English ..
I have found that Pharmacomservice didn't chage with the time since years. they continued at the same level and dramatic they became Nr1 on Eroids, this gives me a good feeling that Pharmacom is really big company and legit source and not like some other sources which suddenly appeared for some months and made big names and suddenly disappeared with hundereds of thousends of Dollars of stolen money from the customers.
Pharmacom quality is not (Hit or Miss) like other sources.
Pharmacom talks frankly to the customers even if any of the products has a problem, they even publisched some tests on their homepage which show that a product seems to be some mg underdosed such as ( Pharmanan D600 600mg/mg, which is 29,9mg/ml underdosed)
Its why i can trust their tests and Quality
Even big industrial or medical companies in our life have many times such issues with products, it may be some products were stored in bad way. its why we have quarantee if you face any problem with any of the products, you send them, they test it before and finally they change it .. This is the system everywhere
You must remember something: you can't satisfy every one, the people have diff tastes..
Through the way how Pharmacom treats the customers, Pharmacom acts like big companies.
This is what i was looking for since 2 months after i became disappointing from other sources..
Thanks bro for your time reading my post.
This guy says Pharmacom paid for the testing. This is a conflict of interest.

My concern is the implementation of secret shills, the shipping & delivery methods and charges, and my uneasy feeling about how all their products are tested at or over 100%. Not even legit pharmaceutical are at 100% all the time.

I seen thread where a guy claims he uses pharmacon and his test numbers where higher on it than watson test cyp... How is this possible that PC acquire and produces testosterone better than the pharmaceutical companies?

I can only speculate that PC is a steroid manufacturering company...:oops::eek:

I personally don't like all the bling bling PC came in here with....
This guy says Pharmacom paid for the testing. This is a conflict of interest.

My concern is the implementation of secret shills, the shipping & delivery methods and charges, and my uneasy feeling about how all their products are tested at or over 100%. Not even legit pharmaceutical are at 100% all the time.

I seen thread where a guy claims he uses pharmacon and his test numbers where higher on it than watson test cyp... How is this possible that PC acquire and produces testosterone better than the pharmaceutical companies?

I can only speculate that PC is a steroid manufacturering company...:oops::eek:

I personally don't like all the bling bling PC came in here with....
Have you ever looked at the anabolic lab results? Pcom Test is usually OVER dosed. Hence the higher test numbers.
This guy says Pharmacom paid for the testing. This is a conflict of interest.

My concern is the implementation of secret shills, the shipping & delivery methods and charges, and my uneasy feeling about how all their products are tested at or over 100%. Not even legit pharmaceutical are at 100% all the time.

I seen thread where a guy claims he uses pharmacon and his test numbers where higher on it than watson test cyp... How is this possible that PC acquire and produces testosterone better than the pharmaceutical companies?

I can only speculate that PC is a steroid manufacturering company...:oops::eek:

I personally don't like all the bling bling PC came in here with....

His product, he bought, and he shipped it to SIMEC. They paid. Idk is that a conflict?? @Do3Gs what do you say??
Have you ever looked at the anabolic lab results? Pcom Test is usually OVER dosed. Hence the higher test numbers.
Yes I have seen anabolic/simec. Do you understand my concerns though?

*just realized what your username I like it. We from the same area*
His product, he bought, and he shipped it to SIMEC. They paid. Idk is that a conflict?? @Do3Gs what do you say??
I think what he is saying is that simec might put out results in their favor.
But I doubt it would be possible to do it without. How would that work. You can't open the vial that would make it invalid. Also there is PC label on the cap so just taking of the label would work eighter. so I think the only thing we can do is put our trust in anabolic lab and simec for providing genuine tests.

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I think what he is saying is that simec might put out results in their favor.
But I doubt it would be possible to do it without. How would that work. You can't open the vial that would make it invalid. Also there is PC label on the cap so just taking of the label would work eighter. so I think the only thing we can do is put our trust in anabolic lab and simec for providing genuine tests.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

PCom should pay off customs. lOl

Imo...I think we can trust lab geeks.
I feel like I should post something, because I think I'm the one who really started all of this with their "stock problems."

I keep reading about how good their product tests and I will say I haven't had a bad product from them yet, again, I say yet! Before a member of the Meso Community even gets to try the products, there are in my opinion, more important issues that make my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

When there is an order placed for the EU Warehouse, PC protocol is to just send the order to Asia to fill it if there is no stock at EU. I find this as a 2 fold problem. The first problem, PC is sending my address, phone number and order to a different country without my approval. Next, most members order from the EU Warehouse for the 100% shipping and fast delivery. The problem is PC doesnt tell anyone that it's being sent to Asia until after the member pays. Now their pack is at a higher threat of being seized. Again, this is why members order from EU. If we wanted product from Asia, we could have ordered with Frank and paid less for the same product. PC likes to get our money in their hand first, then tell us about stock problems and delays later.

Finally, PC Reps were given fair warning to just admit they were Reps and to stop hiding. Not Darius, Dema, or the other Rep come clean until they were put on blast. Dema was given 2 chances you can say.

If a source can't respect my privacy, or just man up and admit they have Reps, I could care less how good their product is. It's pretty much like a bait and switch ordering from the EU Warehouse. JMO
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I feel like I should post something, because I think I'm the one who really started all of this with their "stock problems."

I keep reading about how good their product tests and I will say I haven't had a bad product from them yet, again, I say yet! Before a member of the Meso Community even gets to try the products, their are in my opinion, more important issues that make my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

When there is an order placed for the EU Warehouse, PC protocol is to just send the order to Asia to fill it if there is no stock at EU. I find this as a 2 fold problem. The first problem, PC is sending my address, phone number and order to a different country without my approval. Next, most members order from the EU Warehouse for the 100% shipping and fast delivery. The problem is PC doesnt tell anyone that it's being sent to Asia until after the member pays. Now their pack is at a higher threat of being seized. Again, this is why members order from EU. If we wanted product from Asia, we could have ordered with Frank and paid less for the same product. PC likes to get our money in their hand first, then tell us about stock problems and delays later.

Finally, PC Reps were given fair warning to just admit they were Reps and to stop hiding. Not Darius, Dema, or the other Rep come clean until they were put on blast. Dema was given 2 chances you can say.

If a source can't respect my privacy, or just man up and admit they have Reps, I could care less how good their product is. It's pretty much like a bait and switch ordering from the EU Warehouse. JMO

No reps in this thread homie. As far as I know...
I feel like I should post something, because I think I'm the one who really started all of this with their "stock problems."

I keep reading about how good their product tests and I will say I haven't had a bad product from them yet, again, I say yet! Before a member of the Meso Community even gets to try the products, their are in my opinion, more important issues that make my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

When there is an order placed for the EU Warehouse, PC protocol is to just send the order to Asia to fill it. I find this as a 2 fold problem. The first problem, PC is sending my address, phone number and order to a different country without my approval. Next, most members order from the EU Warehouse for the 100% shipping and fast delivery. The problem is PC doesnt tell anyone that it's being sent to Asia until after the member pays. Now their pack is at a higher threat of being seized. Again, this is why members order from EU. If we wanted product from Asia, we could have ordered with Frank and paid less for the same product. PC likes to get our money in their hand first, then tell us about stock problems and delays later.

Finally, PC Reps were given fair warning to just admit they were Reps and to stop hiding. Not Darius, Dema, or the other Rep come clean until they were put on blast. Dema was given 2 chances you can say.

If a source can't respect my privacy, or just man up and admit they have Reps, I could care less how good their product is. It's pretty much like a bait and switch ordering from the EU Warehouse. JMO
I think your in the wrong threat. Your talking about darius right? I read that he is pulling stuff like that and I too say this is not something that can happen, or more likely keep happening as it does. But basicstero has never had that problem as far as I know. Darius is just a privat reseller of their products.

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