MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Why am I not surprised you would like what some noob of days ago says Frank? His thoughts have a grain of reason ? You sir are as smart as the noobs comments .Anyone who sucks PC off you'll like, even if that means the comments are completely misinformed isn't that right Frank? Cuz yes PC products are never hit or miss right Frank? Gtfoh.....
please continue, i would very like to see our thread to be 1000 pages at least. your help is very appreciated.
Order number sent! You took my money in record time, but once again, you never told me about the current issue you folks were having. I waited for weeks to get my pack. I was told I entered my shipping info wrong. You folks sent me an email that had my correct info on it! So, how could it have been wrong? Then, if I entered my shipping info wrong, why did my dashboard read shipped? Why didn't I get an email asking for "correct shipping info?" If I never would have checked up with Frank's Helper, it would have sat there. Nobody said a word to me. I have my PM's with Frank's Helper as well. He stated he kept getting the run around on what day my pack was going to ship.
yes, i saw it. it was us domestic order, but what does it have to do with what you`ve said above?
I feel like I should post something, because I think I'm the one who really started all of this with their "stock problems."

I keep reading about how good their product tests and I will say I haven't had a bad product from them yet, again, I say yet! Before a member of the Meso Community even gets to try the products, there are in my opinion, more important issues that make my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

When there is an order placed for the EU Warehouse, PC protocol is to just send the order to Asia to fill it if there is no stock at EU. I find this as a 2 fold problem. The first problem, PC is sending my address, phone number and order to a different country without my approval. Next, most members order from the EU Warehouse for the 100% shipping and fast delivery. The problem is PC doesnt tell anyone that it's being sent to Asia until after the member pays. Now their pack is at a higher threat of being seized. Again, this is why members order from EU. If we wanted product from Asia, we could have ordered with Frank and paid less for the same product. PC likes to get our money in their hand first, then tell us about stock problems and delays later.

Finally, PC Reps were given fair warning to just admit they were Reps and to stop hiding. Not Darius, Dema, or the other Rep come clean until they were put on blast. Dema was given 2 chances you can say.

If a source can't respect my privacy, or just man up and admit they have Reps, I could care less how good their product is. It's pretty much like a bait and switch ordering from the EU Warehouse. JMO
once again, our eu domestic warehouse as well as our us domestic warehouse and international warehouse are not connected. we never ship orders from our international warehouse if they were ordered domestically in EU or US. this is just not possible. i don`t see any connection between what you`ve said here and your personal order.
If you would read it correctly, I said PC likes to get our money first and tell us about the issues later!!!
How so?

I just looked over a few of your post. You wouldn't happen to be a proponent for Pharmacom would ya? Possible shill maybe. You getting paid?

My bad, I should know by now. I'm just a little guy. 5'10, 180, prob 14% bf or so. I don't want to be the biggest or strongest guy, just going for a nice muscular cut aesthetic. My current goal is to get around 200 lbs and 6-7%.

I'm running a sponsored cycle for Pharmacom ( right now, logging it on another forum. I may transfer the log here for reasons Frank or I can explain.

What's up Frank. Alpha from that other site.... I tried to help defend you over there but no results obviously. They ban any source that competes with their research chems "sponsors." I believe they actually own the two research chem sites they promote, and possibly the supplement company as well. You guys don't even have GW in stock yet but whatever.

If you want, I'll continue my log over here on Meso since I doubt they'll allow me to continue it there now that you're banned. I'm loving my cycle and you deserve the log. Let me know if you want me to bring it over here.

I understand that. Part of it was "donated." But I also bought half the shit I'm running because I wanted more in my cycle than was offered gratis. And that was ordered seperately from the free gear. I'm an open book and full disclosure is my policy. You guys can judge for yourselves. I'm sure you'll agree that one log doesn't guarantee anything regardless of whether the gear was free or paid.

Exactly. Take it with however many grains of salt you need.

Here's the thing...I promised Frank a log on another forum and a few weeks in to my cycle he got banned. I'll take the flak in order to keep my word.

I'm sure they'll be happy to let you pay for testing yourself.

Also, if you don't like all the quality testing and "bling" a.k.a. monetary investment in their business, I'm sure you can find some shit made in a basement nearby.

I can guarantee you I'll never use pharmacon, therefore I'll never need to pay for testing. I'll let you rely on them testing products for you.

That "Shit" in that "basement nearby" is pretty good...:cool::rolleyes:
Why am I not surprised you would like what some noob of days ago says Frank? His thoughts have a grain of reason ? You sir are as smart as the noobs comments. Anyone who sucks PC off you'll like! Even if that means the comments are completely misinformed isn't that right Frank? Cuz yes PC products are never hit or miss right Frank? Gtfoh.....
thank you for your kindness..This post explains your superficial outlook to the people, do you think we are children and waiting your opinion (PROF) to teach us what correct is and what not. do you think the body in my profile pic belongs to a noob :confused:...
i wish only if you let the members see your supernatural body who telling them what to write or buy..
I'll never understand why people who will "never buy from x" spend so much time in their threads.

We spend time in these threads because there our threads. As a member of Meso, it should be your responsibility to help make this a safer place.

For example: Frank just told me he couldn't tell everyone about the delay, it was for their safety. What about our safety? Nobody told us there was a delay, so what if we weren't home to get the pack? Just another unnecessary step that could have been avoided.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
thank you for your kindness..This post explains your superficial outlook to the people, do you think we are children and waiting your opinion (PROF) to teach us what correct is and what not. do you think the body in my profile pic belongs to a noob :confused:...
i wish only if you let the members see your supernatural body who telling them what to write or buy..
Sry I don't do pic requests from guys/twinks bro. But if you really need to rub one out too some dudes pic's you'll find one of me here. Happy hunting fruitloop.

Who is our biggest, most shredded member at Meso?
thank you for your kindness..This post explains your superficial outlook to the people, do you think we are children and waiting your opinion (PROF) to teach us what correct is and what not. do you think the body in my profile pic belongs to a noob :confused:...
i wish only if you let the members see your supernatural body who telling them what to write or buy..

We're not posting for you. We're posting for the other brothers and sisters that come here doing research.
We're not posting for you. We're posting for the other brothers and sisters that come here doing research.
i tell you what you do, you make it as difficult for other brothers and sisters to find any real info to estimate a source because they are just lost in the numerous amount of pages with by 90% senseless contents. this is your clumsy assistance. and i tell this not because i think so, i received a couple of messages from people who said they were tired looking through lots of pages trying to find any sensible info. but the longer thread, the more views... lol.. keep doing good job. funny to see our haters helping us making our thread longer and longer to get more and more views.
INFO: I launched our european promo, the system says promo code is applied but the value remains the same. There is some bug. our coders will fix it within 7-9 hours. Sorry for inconvenience.
Frank told me I should have used my tracking number to track my pack. I would have, but I was never given a tracking number. I asked up until the day I got delivery.
i tell you what you do, you make it as difficult for other brothers and sisters to find any real info to estimate a source because they are just lost in the numerous amount of pages with by 90% senseless contents. this is your clumsy assistance. and i tell this not because i think so, i received a couple of messages from people who said they were tired looking through lots of pages trying to find any sensible info. but the longer thread, the more views... lol.. keep doing good job. funny to see our haters helping us making our thread longer and longer to get more and more views.

Lol... @CdnGuy
Steps 1-6

1.) First, try to make friends with source. Tell him you need gear and your current source is no longer gtg. (Try to befriend source)
This guy says Pharmacom paid for the testing. This is a conflict of interest.

My concern is the implementation of secret shills, the shipping & delivery methods and charges, and my uneasy feeling about how all their products are tested at or over 100%. Not even legit pharmaceutical are at 100% all the time.

I seen thread where a guy claims he uses pharmacon and his test numbers where higher on it than watson test cyp... How is this possible that PC acquire and produces testosterone better than the pharmaceutical companies?

I can only speculate that PC is a steroid manufacturering company...:oops::eek:

I personally don't like all the bling bling PC came in here with....

His product, he bought, and he shipped it to SIMEC. They paid. Idk is that a conflict?? @Do3Gs what do you say??
I assumed this would come into play eventually especially with all the things being said lately regarding testing.

This was my first purchase from anyone, ever after searching Meso for months. Meso trusted/ seemed to trust SIMEC. I even asked a few times before I made the purchase, sent it off anything if it was a good possibility SIMEC was paid off being human nature is what it is when it comes to $. Most reassured me that SIMEC was trustworthy and unbiased or @Millard Baker would not be using them for AL testing. Pharmacom seemed to be the only source that stood behind their products by offering testing and such.

I don't really think @mghoward74 was calling my character to question in this post even tho he has nothing to believe otherwise. Regardless being I am new and nervous about injecting anything I figured purchasing and sending off for testing would be something to ease my mind.

Order was made, products delivered and THEN correspondence between @Pharmacom Labs began regarding testing. I showed him pics of unopened products and he informed me of options regarding payment. I figured since I was sending the sample myself payment wouldn't be that big an issue because if so that would just mean SIMEC couldn't be rusted with any Pharmacom product regardless of who was paying. Sent product and almost 2 months later received the results, mind you I still never had touched the products because I was a scared noob. Posted results for Meso as that is what Meso is about RESULTS, not hearsay. I mentioned in that thread that Pharmacom paid for the testing in attempt at full disclosure so anyone can take the results however they perceive them.

Long story somewhat short: products purchased and received before any corrospondance between Pharmacom and myself. Hell I didn't even get reimbursed for the vial I sent as I see many others getting offered, but $40~ was minimal risk in my mind to get a little peace of mind.
Uptight? Possibly! I really have no dog in the fight. I don't use this source nor any source on this board or even local. I'm addressing issues everyone else should be aware of. If I can help one member here to make an objective & sound decision...great! Just weigh all of your options
I use no source. So you're lae enforcement? What are you doing here?

