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I sure hope your being honest here, because your post says different. You said I get off easy and I do this in every thread. Show us the threads.

I guess we need to understand what your direction is. Members post here all the time not asking for a specific members direction. Meso is the best forum to get unbiased reviews. Are you telling us we should not post replies unless it's positive for a source?

What other posts did I do this in?
I now know why you're on this business... You're trying to compensate your lack of intelligence with your body, well I would wish you luck, but that seems quite easy in fact.

You can't understand things at first, that's why you make pages and more pages of useless posts, so you can finally understand.

My post was self explanatory, if you can't understand it, perhaps you should make good use of all that free time of yours and take some english classes.

I'm done with you.
C'mon bud enough with act, u shill ur as off for sarms1 over evo, hiring muskate"trevor", super shill that came in to take over after Dylan bounced. Ur join date preceeded the actual date of Evo's FORUM's 1st day in existence, due to a multiple forum consolidation, n2bm , elitefitness.

A little over a month ago u have only ever used sarms, and currently running a log for such, started in June I believe.

What aas history do u in fact have?

If my join date was proceeded, show us. Your correct, I hired Trevor for diet support, which anyone can go read. If your saying I shill for Samrs1, show us the proof. I've posted many times I get no kick backs and my endurance has increased. Do you have proof I shill for Sarms1?

By the way, if I'm a Shill for Sarms1, why haven't I posted reviews here for them? I started Sarms on June 17th. I posted my update picture on August 4th. Are you telling us that Pcom is so good that my gains happened between The first week in July and now? That's about 5 weeks. Really?
Thanks, I will do so... But, your prepasional phrases kill me. Your College education, where was this? Your prepositional phrases kill me.
You just lost any credibility when you called out paul and howard. They are 2 well respected members that have always had members best interests in mind.
Geterdun has done some good work here as well. I haven't known him long. I have known the other 2 gentlemen you named and you're barking up the wrong tree trying to discredit them. You can't. They are trusted and respected members. They've been around here fighting the good fight. They've been doing so before pcom got here and will be doing so after pcom has gone.
You seem to be just another pcom cheerleader.

Better realize what @biggerben69 is all about. A stand up guy with great character.

This guy, including @brutus79, @johnnyBALLZ, @bickel29, @CensoredBoardsSuck, @Colt44 and few others used to be the real guardians of meso. I learned alot from watching how they dealt with sources and scammers.

When I ousted Xeno pharmaceutical for being a lying scam artist it was relatively easy. I just learned how to do it from Xeno was operating under 2 different handles, the other being BERD pharmaceutical iirc....

So basically what I'm saying guys is this....learn from the guys who've been here a awhile. Follow their post history and how they contribute to the forum. Believe it or not, we're here to help.
When customs seizes orders, would it show on tracking?

Tracking will show that it is in customs but wont say "seized". You will get a letter from Customs saying so.

Ben is correct (as usual).

A guy I know who got his pack seized had a message real similar to the following:
"Arrived at Facility ISC New York, NY"
Which is customs. It did not move past that status, and he received the Seizure letter a about a week and a half later.

My apologies Kfurly for not being familiar with your knowledge/background, but make sure you know the best way to handle that situation, should it arise (ie, abandon pack, do not respond, clean house, etc).

Just lookin' out for you, my friend.
6 weeks into 8 week cut mix 2 blast. Keep putting size on with this cut. Good mix. First time using blend I'll be ordering more for sure


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6 weeks into 8 week cut mix 2 blast. Keep putting size on with this cut. Good mix. First time using blend I'll be ordering more for sure
Kinda misleading bro. Saying you're running PC and throwing up your pic. So thanks to PC you look like that? Just saying....
I'd say 6 days a week at the gym 7 meals a day and some gear has helped. Is it all no pharmcom no. This was me 10 years ago: up about 90. So yea my diet and training is on point. I've ran 24k, pharmcom, muscle depot when they were on here, AMA, AAP. So yea I've tried other sources. I don't get free gear or sponsored. I'm no shill I've been around here long enough for people to know that. I order and wait for customs and buy when there all sales as well. But I will say there mix is good to go. I've ran tren a 4 times and know it's working. So do you want me to say their gear is bad? Or that I don't know how to train or diet. So no. I'm not giving them all the credit just saying their gear seems good just like I did like I did with 24k who I used for my show. So not looking for any handouts from anyone. Just telling my experience. Would you rather me be like most people on here who run cycles and use gear and have no idea how to train and diet. I'm no pro I've been on gear 2years so I know it's not magic. So sorry if I mislead anyone or saying you are going to look like this if you run cut mix 2