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Why would you order anything but Pharma PCT gear? There are threads here with no bad reviews that sell PCT
I think it depends on the person. Some people don't convert hardly at all and don't have gyno issues. Theirs quite a few older guys here that don't run an ai at all. If your not gyno prone, your conversion factor is low and you've ran enough cycles to know your body I don't think theirs anything wrong with good generic. If you're not sure or its your first cycle then yeah I'd go real pharmaceutical.
@Dema Your proud of this? Your dumber than I thought. by the way you never answered my question Arnold. What can you do as a rep that you can't do as a member with morals, values and beliefs?

Can you post pictures of your Mr Universe trophies for us?
@Kakarot i can see your logic. I still like Pharma and the fact the source has had zero bad reviews, ever, that's hard to pass up. Meant to ask about your Gar patties. Is that Gar Pike?
@Dema Your proud of this? Your dumber than I thought. by the way you never answered my question Arnold. What can you do as a rep that you can't do as a member with morals, values and beliefs?

Can you post pictures of your Mr Universe trophies for us?

No but I can post another picture of your 12 inch arms!!!!!
@Kakarot i can see your logic. I still like Pharma and the fact the source has had zero bad reviews, ever, that's hard to pass up. Meant to ask about your Gar patties. Is that Gar Pike?
He's had zero bad reviews because he's a legit pharmacy and he has the best attitude on here. Yeah it's gar...not sure why you northerners call it gar pikeo_O
No but I can post another picture of your 12 inch arms!!!!!

I think if you're going to call him out on what he should or shouldn't be talking about based on his looks, you need to show us a current pic of yourself.

If you don't, you're just a hypocritical piece of shit.
I think if you're going to call him out on what he should or shouldn't be talking about based on his looks, you need to show us a current pic of yourself.

If you don't, you're just a hypocritical piece of shit.
I just posted a few current pics on another forum... anyone here can find em if they want
I think if you're going to call him out on what he should or shouldn't be talking about based on his looks, you need to show us a current pic of yourself.

If you don't, you're just a hypocritical piece of shit.
I'm confused is that not him in his profile picture?? Is he really not the Incredible Hulk?? Dema... if this is true, wow. I'm... well I don't know what to even say.
I ended up with PC Arimidex and loved it. Aside from T tiny pills being hard to split.
Haven't tried Pharma yet, but i'm about to... curious to see how it feels.
Hello all.

Some good news (I hope)
How you know we plan to launch expansion of our product range (PCT line). In 2-4 weeks (may be a bit earlier or later) we will start selling of:
Clomiphene Citrate 50mg
Clenbuterol 40mcg
Exemestane 25mg
Letrozole 2,5mg
Cabergoline 0,5mg
(information about price will be provided later)

Our promo is also still running and slightly extended till the 15 of September
for orders over 200$ - free bonus products worth 50$ on your choice
for orders over 300$ - free bonus products worth 100$ on your choice
for orders over 400$ - free bonus products worth 200$ on your choice
In case of a seizure only paid items are reshipped.
No additional discounts with promo items.

Have a nice day guys!

When is the myostatin vaccine being released?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know they have PC arimidex, but they also have Astra Zeneca Nolvadex/Clomid ... Think they even have pharma arimidex? in the euro store....... Y'all think it's not pharma?
This thread is a fucking joke.

@Dema I honestly hope Darius keeps you on board so you can run his business straight into the ground. He deserves it for keeping you on board. Now you're fucking with Frank's thread while you're at it... Awesome.

Now wipe that glaze off your lip.
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I think if you're going to call him out on what he should or shouldn't be talking about based on his looks, you need to show us a current pic of yourself.

If you don't, you're just a hypocritical piece of shit.

I just posted a few current pics on another forum... anyone here can find em if they want
I have to agree with @D-max calling some one out solely on their physique when it's not relevant is a cheap shot and kind of pathetic. @Geterdun doesn't even like me, hell he fucking hit that ignore button on me but from what I gather he's trying to better himself. He gets a little overzealous and I'm not sure his intentions but trying to humiliate him on physical attributes alone is in extremely low taste. Pick apart other things but unless it becomes relevant leave that out.
I've used the adex and it works just like pharmacy grade for me. Ran out of pharmaceutical grade and purchased a blister. By the time it came nips were pretty itchy a week later at .5mg eod i was good to go. I was on a deca test dbol run.