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good God merk that sounds horrible, I have rod, pins and plates too...titanium, I'm part robot now.

Ya, just some crazy random thing. No cause. I'm one of only 3 cases on the spine in the USA. Makes me a test subject so there's always like 10 docs/students in the room.
like I said normally 180-190, ballooned up since last summer, not strength...fat,weight like 200 right now...gotta drop this fat!!
I have a question for any tall guys... Do you have trouble growing your chest. Seems I can make my arms blow up so easy but no matter what I do it's like I can't isolate my chest. It's like my arms at too long and I can't help using my tris. Btw my armspan is 4 whole inches longer than my height. It's 79 1/2 in. I have the longest fookin arms ever. Lol
@Dema 90% is pretty high and if you don't like it leave. You took the job. Might have been a bit better is you would have owned it when asked, but you hide like a bitch. Like you have 12" arms or something. Those big arms can't help you out now Dema. And I count a bunch more than a few in the several threads made about this. All because of you.
I have a question for any tall guys... Do you have trouble growing your chest. Seems I can make my arms blow up so easy but no matter what I do it's like I can't isolate my chest. It's like my arms at too long and I can't help using my tris. Btw my armspan is 4 whole inches longer than my height. It's 79 1/2 in. I have the longest fookin arms ever. Lol

I'm not tall but I have a pretty big chest. If you find you're hitting your tri's more try this...
When you flat bench, get a spotter and don't fully extend out. Touch your chest with the bar with a nice wide grip and only go 3/4 of the way up. You'll keep the load on your chest. Slow clean reps.
Same thing with incline bench, don't fully extend with a wide grip. Usually I suicide grip this press. But you should grow with the 3/4 extension and it keeps the load on your chest.
I think a lot of the problem is there are a few wkm that just blast and attack almost every source. Newer members come in, see it, and think this is fun, and I can fit in quick if I start in on the name calling, etc. Next thing you know, you've got 50 pages of bullshit clouding any useful info in the thread.

@Geterdun this post was made for guys like you.. You haven't been here long at all.. Yet you think you need to hold up the laws of meso...

Here is the deal kid.. It's got to the point where most know who we both are. There is no need to waste my time with you.. You are nothing but a troll.... From here on out im going to ignore everything you say. As most do anyway take care and best of luck
I'm not tall but I have a pretty big chest. If you find you're hitting your tri's more try this...
When you flat bench, get a spotter and don't fully extend out. Touch your chest with the bar with a nice wide grip and only go 3/4 of the way up. You'll keep the load on your chest. Slow clean reps.
Same thing with incline bench, don't fully extend with a wide grip. Usually I suicide grip this press. But you should grow with the 3/4 extension and it keeps the load on your chest.

barrel chest guy here too...wide grip that bitch

I've tried these both. They def work better but still hard to grow chest. Only thing that works best is inclined n declined dumbbell press but after I get up in the 115-120 or so Dumbbells toward end of cycles my shoulders hurt so bad in the joints I can't go higher and end up backing back down.
Pump the Tren!

I heard Deca is good for joints as well but can't comment as my first try of it is comin up.
I use a natural joint product Animal flex. It's not a miracle but helps me a little.
So tired of coming on this thread and 3% of the posts are relevant to what's going on with pharmacom... fuck.

Anyways, glad to see there'll be generic Exemestane soon. Lots of truthful people here have ran arimidex and it worked great, I'll take a shot with the stane when I buy more this winter. Hell yeah.

Also, any updates on the vaccine? I'm thinking I know what I want for Christmas ;)
Last edited:
Hello all.

Some good news (I hope)
How you know we plan to launch expansion of our product range (PCT line). In 2-4 weeks (may be a bit earlier or later) we will start selling of:
Clomiphene Citrate 50mg
Clenbuterol 40mcg
Exemestane 25mg
Letrozole 2,5mg
Cabergoline 0,5mg
(information about price will be provided later)

Our promo is also still running and slightly extended till the 15 of September
for orders over 200$ - free bonus products worth 50$ on your choice
for orders over 300$ - free bonus products worth 100$ on your choice
for orders over 400$ - free bonus products worth 200$ on your choice
In case of a seizure only paid items are reshipped.
No additional discounts with promo items.

Have a nice day guys!

Bump for news.... Sorry for the last few pages frank
I almost placed an order today for a friend he likes the mix2 adding a little extra Tren A anyway I sent an email and was responded to within like an hour that's pretty good along with the promo spend $400 get $200
I almost placed an order today for a friend he likes the mix2 adding a little extra Tren A anyway I sent an email and was responded to within like an hour that's pretty good along with the promo spend $400 get $200

I put an order in Sunday. They had payment processed Monday and shipped this morning. I was pretty surprised. I also used the spend 300 get 100. Now as long as it makes it through the customer service aspect was pretty cake. I had a few things I messed up too like accidentally submitting identical payment info twice/ double clicked. Sent pm and when I logged into my account a lil later it was fixed and had a reply.

