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I have to agree with @D-max calling some one out solely on their physique when it's not relevant is a cheap shot and kind of pathetic. @Geterdun doesn't even like me, hell he fucking hit that ignore button on me but from what I gather he's trying to better himself. He gets a little overzealous and I'm not sure his intentions but trying to humiliate him on physical attributes alone is in extremely low taste. Pick apart other things but unless it becomes relevant leave that out.

True. Some of the best coaches in the world, never even played the sport. This case was more of trolling he troll..... I coach ppl for a living, I work with skinny, fat and everything in between. I love to watch people work towards their goals, as well as teach them everything I know. I hope he is workin on his goals and learning in the process. But there comes a point in time when you troll someone on every post they make they are going to fire back.... My choice of words should have been more thought out as I haven't seen one knowledgeable post from him to even determine his knowlegde on AAS...for all I know he might be a dr.
True. Some of the best coaches in the world, never even played the sport. This case was more of trolling he troll..... I coach ppl for a living, I work with skinny, fat and everything in between. I love to watch people work towards their goals, as well as teach them everything I know. I hope he is workin on his goals and learning in the process. But there comes a point in time when you troll someone on every post they make they are going to fire back.... My choice of words should have been more thought out as I haven't seen one knowledgeable post from him to even determine his knowlegde on AAS...for all I know he might be a dr.
Nice try at dancing away from it, but we're still waiting for your pics you fucking hypocrite.
True. Some of the best coaches in the world, never even played the sport. This case was more of trolling he troll..... I coach ppl for a living, I work with skinny, fat and everything in between. I love to watch people work towards their goals, as well as teach them everything I know. I hope he is workin on his goals and learning in the process. But there comes a point in time when you troll someone on every post they make they are going to fire back.... My choice of words should have been more thought out as I haven't seen one knowledgeable post from him to even determine his knowlegde on AAS...for all I know he might be a dr.
I get what you're saying, attack him mentally if that's the case but people trying to better themselves deserve that credit at least. As you must know if you train people. Also tho isn't it an unwritten rule if you're knocking someone's physique you gotta post yours? I'm sure your swole and don't doubt that a bit, especially when gear is free ;) just saying. Now I'm out this thread, I hate this thread and went close to 8 months I think without coming in here.
Lmao... Do some research you lazy ass... :) would take less then 2 mins im sure..
Take you less than that to post one you fucking piece of shit hypocrite. Talk is cheap, trash someone else's body but too much of a fucking PUSSY to show yours.
I appreciate everyone saying my lack of size shouldn't matter, but to some it might. Especially the ones who didn't take the time to read my story in my new member into. I can't be huge, my back won't take the wait. @Dema i haven't been riding you for a while like I was and you asked for every bit you get. Your the rep stupid ass, I'm not making you suck their cock. @Do3Gs I didn't particularly hate you to be honest. Moreover, I think it was a matter of people coming at me for something I never bitched about. Pcom had fucked up TA, no stock, awful communication and talk to their customers like their idiots. I actually stuck up for their DBol when everyone else called it shit. Im not changing my ways. I only started showing respect for the vets who started to join in. I don't call BS unless it's BS.

Yes @Dema i did use Pharma Aromasin, just like I am now on cycle. That question has what meaning? My reference to Pharma was because Frank continues to say his gear is better than Pharma because he uses Simec. Don't let him fool you. PHARMACOM, does not sell pharmacy get! Their an illegal drug dealer plan and simple, or they would be in drug stores everywhere! Don't act like your Arnold and not show off your Mr Universe trophies bitch. Please try to remember, my AAS use isn't for body building. It's to help promote muscle growth and strength, something I lost 75% of over the 22 years.

Note: I'm not asking for pity from anyone. This is just to show how stupid @Dema is and shows how much he has learned on twisting words and facts to benefit his cause.

Finally, Dema, what can you do as a rep for members of the community that you can't do as a member with morals, values and beliefs?
True. Some of the best coaches in the world, never even played the sport. This case was more of trolling he troll..... I coach ppl for a living, I work with skinny, fat and everything in between. I love to watch people work towards their goals, as well as teach them everything I know. I hope he is workin on his goals and learning in the process. But there comes a point in time when you troll someone on every post they make they are going to fire back.... My choice of words should have been more thought out as I haven't seen one knowledgeable post from him to even determine his knowlegde on AAS...for all I know he might be a dr.

Like I said.. My choice of words should have been more thought out....

Here you go big man!image.jpg
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Everyone can say looks don't matter all they want but I guarantee you if you were in the gym and some big ass dude came up and showed you your elbows were flared or critiqued you it would hold a lot more wait than someone that looks like they never have lifted. And the coaching angle doesn't play as much for me as that usually involves the strategy of a game or sport to win. This is an experienced based forum for advise. I for one want my advise from the peron who has successfully ran different cycles with the best result. Saying these things doesn't knock on people who are small and/or work hard. I have respect for anyone who is working their ass off... But I know I would take the advise from Arnold but would pry tell the guy smaller than me to grfoh if I were in that scenario in the gym. Just sayin.
I appreciate everyone saying my lack of size shouldn't matter, but to some it might. Especially the ones who didn't take the time to read my story in my new member into. I can't be huge, my back won't take the wait. @Dema i haven't been riding you for a while like I was and you asked for every bit you get. Your the rep stupid ass, I'm not making you suck their cock. @Do3Gs I didn't particularly hate you to be honest. Moreover, I think it was a matter of people coming at me for something I never bitched about. Pcom had fucked up TA, no stock, awful communication and talk to their customers like their idiots. I actually stuck up for their DBol when everyone else called it shit. Im not changing my ways. I only started showing respect for the vets who started to join in. I don't call BS unless it's BS.

Yes @Dema i did use Pharma Aromasin, just like I am now on cycle. That question has what meaning? My reference to Pharma was because Frank continues to say his gear is better than Pharma because he uses Simec. Don't let him fool you. PHARMACOM, does not sell pharmacy get! Their an illegal drug dealer plan and simple, or they would be in drug stores everywhere! Don't act like your Arnold and not show off your Mr Universe trophies bitch. Please try to remember, my AAS use isn't for body building. It's to help promote muscle growth and strength, something I lost 75% of over the 22 years.

Note: I'm not asking for pity from anyone. This is just to show how stupid @Dema is and shows how much he has learned on twisting words and facts to benefit his cause.

Finally, Dema, what can you do as a rep for members of the community that you can't do as a member with morals, values and beliefs?

Bro. First off twisting words? Like frank saying pharmacom is pharma- sounds like you twisting words there...

I also don't use AAS for body building as I use for sport specific. I also have a horrible back injury that took me away.. No excuses here.. Shit sucks and wish you the best... Pe petides have been a wonder..

You haven't been riding me? Do I need to go find the post just last night? It's every post bro.. Sooner or later your going to realize I'm a member here.. You can't change that... Whether I rep or not I'm going to post wherever I need to to find answers and help others..

It's simple.. Your a troll and most people are seeing this... I can be the shit rep and you can be the troll!

And to answer your question.....

I was a member first and will always be a member.. My knowledge didn't change becasue I rep? My advice didn't change because I rep. I'm not a sales man. But what can I do as I rep... I have got a lot of pms.. Esp lately thanks guys.. About cycles/ pct and general questions about darius.. Becasue I rep people are more likely to ask for advice... Whether you may not think so it's the truth.. Wanna see me pms ?
You can get PM's without free gear and be a member without free gear. As a matter of fact, you can do all that without free gear! And you better go read mother fucker. Twice Frank said that. @biggerben69 called his ass on it as well. If I'm a troll, what are all the other members who have been on this train wreck you created? There was a thread created because of you shill!
I also have two back surgeries under my belt with four bolts and two titanium rods holding my l4 and s1 together because a fucked up aneurysmal bone cyst is eating my l5 almost completely. Shit is crazy as fuck. But even after loosing all the muscle I did and not being able to lift over 15lbs for two years I still luckily had a nice base to start from. Everyone wants to flame out and go hard as hell with the insults until it gets a little personal. I say if you can dish it out you need to take it. The post before everyone was talking about the cum dripping from Dema mouth now everyone is butt hurt about a pic that shouldn't have been up if they didn't want it exposed. I say alls fair game if you want to get in the ring, but that's just my mentality. I have nothing against either of these guys but to say one insult is mean and laugh at another is rediculous. And the ones that are really mad are more than likely the people that wouldn't want a pic of themselves surfacing.
You can get PM's without free gear and be a member without free gear. As a matter of fact, you can do all that without free gear! And you better go read mother fucker. Twice Frank said that. @biggerben69 called his ass on it as well. If I'm a troll, what are all the other members who have been on this train wreck you created? There was a thread created because of you shill!

There is only a couple members that contunie to spam Pharmacoms name... Yes a lot of guys raise questions which needs to be done... But how many are following reps around, how many post 90% of all there post spamming pharmacom on a daily basis... Go look at the thread asking what do you want from the under ground.... A lot of people are pointing people like you out.

And I read when you quoted him last time... He said no way this is pharma then goes on saying how close it is... Never once I have read that he said its up to us pharmacuticel standards.. Unless you could show me otherwise your just trolling....
I broke c-7 vertebrate (spine), fractured skull, broke left femur, both knees, broke left and right tibia and fibula, left radius and ulna, collapsed lung and knocked my teeth out. don't drink and drive kids, especially on the wrong side of the road d
doin 100mph wrong side of road hit car head on went airborne 50 landed slid 200 yards, drs. said they gonna amputate and brain damage was going to leave me vegetable state, after the coma and wheelchair... prison for hurting the innocent girls in the other car
I broke c-7 vertebrate (spine), fractured skull, broke left femur, both knees, broke left and right tibia and fibula, left radius and ulna, collapsed lung and knocked my teeth out. don't drink and drive kids, especially on the wrong side of the road d

Mine is an apple sized ball of bone full of blood vessels connected to my vertebrae eating the bone and displacing it around itself. Went to the doc for two years cause of pain and was called a med seeker, while I slept on the floor cause it hurt so bad. One week I went three days in a row to doc n said I wasn't leaving til I got mri. They reluctantly ordered it and when it came back they said "we have to send you to mayo on Rochester tomorrow for emergency surgery. They put the rods and bolts in for support and said they couldn't remove it because it was intertwined in my sciatic and spine. But if they would have caught it a year or two earlier probably could have. I wanted to murder those docs from before. So now it just sitting in there getting bigger. If you saw my mri's you would shit. Lol I will try to find a digital copy.
not that it's a contest, but I haven't even started running gear and I'm bigger than dema, not as cut, but bigger, I usually weigh 190, and workout with the guys that weigh around 220, no offense dema.. you probably much stronger than me
Height matters a lot too. How tall are you @outkicked1 ? How tall are you @Dema . I'm at my smallest I've been in a long while and I'm 215. Was 245 about a year ago. But then again I'm 6'4". I need to get back to 240. I am about to here as soon as my lil early Christmas arrives.