MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Jesus, sifting through all these fucking posts with a few morons bitching at each other like post menopausal women is aggravating. If yall want to suck eachother's cocks that bad, do it in pm's so those of us who are trying to find information relevant to pcom can do so. Fucking christ.
@Pharmacom Labs and @Pharmacom Helper. I have ordered from you multiple times in the past. I know it will not hurt you, but unless you fire @Dema or at the very least collar this joker then I will never order from you guys again. I could never buy from a source that allows this clown to rep for them. It is extremely bad judgement to allow him to represent your company, so therefore I do not trust your decisions. Plus he aggravates me so much I have to leave this thread. Good luck in the future.
@Pharmacom Labs and @Pharmacom Helper. I have ordered from you multiple times in the past. I know it will not hurt you, but unless you fire @Dema or at the very least collar this joker then I will never order from you guys again. I could never buy from a source that allows this clown to rep for them. It is extremely bad judgement to allow him to represent your company, so therefore I do not trust your decisions. Plus he aggravates me so much I have to leave this thread. Good luck in the future.

@movingiron88 do you not realize I have no affiliation with pharmacom Labs, or frank..... Lmao jokes on you bud
Jesus, sifting through all these fucking posts with a few morons bitching at each other like post menopausal women is aggravating. If yall want to suck eachother's cocks that bad, do it in pm's so those of us who are trying to find information relevant to pcom can do so. Fucking christ.
Clearly you don't know Meso lol
@movingiron88 do you not realize I have no affiliation with pharmacom Labs, or frank..... Lmao jokes on you bud
Plus I call bullshit on you being a trainer. Well if u do then you are severely lacking clients for due reason of coarse. You seem to spend every waking moment on here being a can't so there can't possibly be any time left over for training "clients"

Also if you are not affiliated then wtf are you doing in this thread? Stay out
Also you are probably the first rep in history being paid to chase people away from the lab rather then draw in customers. Hats off to you bud you are a real innovator.
Ahhh don't be so hard on the poor little Rep it's not his fault. He was born special needs! The real blame here belongs on the shoulders of @Darius PharmacomStore . Apparently the boss employs retards and then when caught in a lie goes into deflecting mode. While still leaving his 2 slaves here to hustle for him! Isn't that right @Darius PharmacomStore ? Tell your Reps to stay in your thread sir! How many times have you been asked? Might have to begin a thread to petition for these guys to be dealt with if need be sir.
Jesus, sifting through all these fucking posts with a few morons bitching at each other like post menopausal women is aggravating. If yall want to suck eachother's cocks that bad, do it in pm's so those of us who are trying to find information relevant to pcom can do so. Fucking christ.
Hey guys! Look who just added one more post of a "moron bitching". You've just become what you hate! Welcome to Meso.[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
You are a pharmacom rep with no affiliation of pharmacom labs huh?

You're an idiot.

I just wonder why people with ZERO interest in basicstero or Frank are all over his thread crowding it with one-on-one personal fights.

I Would just like to be able to jump on and see how people's gear is treating them so I can make an informed judgement regrading the continued quality of a source.

We need a separate thread for when people have a huge conflict as individual's one-on-one with no real relevance to the source or topic.
Call it the Saturday night main event or something and let folks go at it in there.
That way we can have our informative content and our fights/call-outs/exposings/conspiracies/entertainment -- a win-win.
I just wonder why people with ZERO interest in basicstero or Frank are all over his thread crowding it with one-on-one personal fights.

I Would just like to be able to jump on and see how people's gear is treating them so I can make an informed judgement regrading the continued quality of a source.

We need a separate thread for when people have a huge conflict as individual's one-on-one with no real relevance to the source or topic.
Call it the Saturday night main event or something and let folks go at it in there.
That way we can have our informative content and our fights/call-outs/exposings/conspiracies/entertainment -- a win-win.

Not only that, but Dema reps for Darius...this fight is in completely the wrong thread.
I just wonder why people with ZERO interest in basicstero or Frank are all over his thread crowding it with one-on-one personal fights

Far as I can tell, the pcom reps are the instigators of the one on one fights anymore...

When they aren't, it's because someone baited them - which I personally don't mind as I have made the decision not to buy from several sources because of bad attitude. A rep/source should be able to remain professional regardless of any comments made, if they can't it's a red flag to stay away.

Beyond that, this thread has been fucked for a long time IMO and it'll only get worse from here. Pcom wants to be the biggest and the closer they get to that goal the more attention they will attract and the more out of control this thread will get - with a plot twist of their own reps antagonizing anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.

I would like the same thing - for this to be an informative thread and nothing more, but I think that ship may have sailed.
Far as I can tell, the pcom reps are the instigators of the one on one fights anymore...

When they aren't, it's because someone baited them - which I personally don't mind as I have made the decision not to buy from several sources because of bad attitude. A rep/source should be able to remain professional regardless of any comments made, if they can't it's a red flag to stay away.

Beyond that, this thread has been fucked for a long time IMO and it'll only get worse from here. Pcom wants to be the biggest and the closer they get to that goal the more attention they will attract and the more out of control this thread will get - with a plot twist of their own reps antagonizing anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with them.

I would like the same thing - for this to be an informative thread and nothing more, but I think that ship may have sailed.

You know it seems Meso as a whole over the last 2 weeks has gone extremely personal and mobish.
Darius/Frank/Pharmacom helper usually responded with valid and reasonable posts. But when Dema and Ironjulius (I think?) were exposed as PC reps it turned things into personal attacks.
Now in fairness to both sides I do think they haven't brought anything to the table. Being a rep you should support the customer but reping for them doesn't mean they deserved to be attacked either.
I think lots of threads have gone personal as of late and thread quality overall has gone down over the past couple weeks.

I really hope this is just a cycle and phase of Meso though. I enjoy the threads always but I feel lately i've wasted a lot of time for nothing.
I think the fighting is entertaining. If not for that the pages would be filled with this:

Where do I find a price list?

I just placed my order, this guy is g2g.

I ordered 3 days ago and my order isn't here yet, what gives?

Just did my first test e pin today. Gear is kicking in. Awesome pumps, gr8 workout!

Pick your poison.[emoji6]
I think the fighting is entertaining. If not for that the pages would be filled with this:

Where do I find a price list?

I just placed my order, this guy is g2g.

I ordered 3 days ago and my order isn't here yet, what gives?

Just did my first test e pin today. Gear is kicking in. Awesome pumps, gr8 workout!

Pick your poison.[emoji6]

But that's kind of what I'd expect a source's thread to be about.
I think the fighting is entertaining. If not for that the pages would be filled with this:

Where do I find a price list?

I just placed my order, this guy is g2g.

I ordered 3 days ago and my order isn't here yet, what gives?

Just did my first test e pin today. Gear is kicking in. Awesome pumps, gr8 workout!

Pick your poison.[emoji6]
It's not entertaining, it's fucking infantile and pointless.

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I don't mind some but it gets annoying reading pages of:

Fuck your mom
Fuck this source (for no reason)
And all the personal attacks...

The grilling of the sources sure is great! But member to member is a waste of my time.