MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Darius is a product based business, not a service based one. His sales are based primarily in one product and the service of him shipping it to you is second hand. So there really can only be representation of the product here IMO.

A jiffy lube is a service based business so I'd hesitate to compare the two...

Regardless how many products Darius deals with, he's a reseller of a brand much like Amazon, Walmart, target etc. the employees and representatives of these companies are not employees or representatives of the brands they sell.
@Pharmacom Helper

What no hcg? Cmon now let's make this a one stop shop. Don't need to be making two orders one being elsewhere when I can just make one and be done.
Ofc we know that hcg is very important part of cycle and we work on it. But currently we can not say when this product will be in production
When is the myostatin vaccine being released?
We are testing now "second version" of vaccine (which must be more effective). It can take 2-3 months and then I hope this product will be in store
@Pharmacom Labs and @Pharmacom Helper. I have ordered from you multiple times in the past. I know it will not hurt you, but unless you fire @Dema or at the very least collar this joker then I will never order from you guys again. I could never buy from a source that allows this clown to rep for them. It is extremely bad judgement to allow him to represent your company, so therefore I do not trust your decisions. Plus he aggravates me so much I have to leave this thread. Good luck in the future.
Hello, in this thread (basicstero) only 2 reps - @Pharmacom Helper and @Pharmacom Labs
Then why don't you man up and tell your "competitors" shill to leave your thread. You have no problem talking down to your customers but have no balls when it comes to this?
Regardless how many products Darius deals with, he's a reseller of a brand much like Amazon, Walmart, target etc. the employees and representatives of these companies are not employees or representatives of the brands they sell.

To make a long post short, we cant compare the business models of Walmart, Amazon, etc. to They are not alike in any sense of the word in terms of business - aside from the fact that they sell things lol.
To make a long post short, we cant compare the business models of Walmart, Amazon, etc. to They are not alike in any sense of the word in terms of business - aside from the fact that they sell things lol.

Then in that case, if as you say the reps are reps of the brand (pharmacom) and not the person (Darius), who gives the reps their discount/freebies/or whatever type of compensation they get? Is it coming from pharmacom factory or pharmacom employees or is it coming from the reseller, in this case Darius?

Edit* you also have the pharmacomhelper guy saying they're not affiliated with the other two reps.
Then in that case, if as you say the reps are reps of the brand (pharmacom) and not the person (Darius), who gives the reps their discount/freebies/or whatever type of compensation they get? Is it coming from pharmacom factory or pharmacom employees or is it coming from the reseller, in this case Darius?

Edit* you also have the pharmacomhelper guy saying they're not affiliated with the other two reps.
They seem to be more affiliated then you would think. Darius and Frank are a select few that are approved to be resellers of Pharmacom. As far as i know you cannot buy directly from Pharmacom. They were hand picked. If they were actually competitors do you think things would be different between the two of them? I do the mighty dollar would cause competition between the two. This has not and appears will not happen.
They seem to be more affiliated then you would think. Darius and Frank are a select few that are approved to be resellers of Pharmacom. As far as i know you cannot buy directly from Pharmacom. They were hand picked. If they were actually competitors do you think things would be different between the two of them? I do the mighty dollar would cause competition between the two. This has not and appears will not happen.

Then as reps of resellers they're one step even more removed from being actual pharmacom employees.

If you don't approve of their business model you don't need to buy from them which you stated you won't. I just fail to see the purpose behind the constant hounding and following of the reps in every thread they participate in. It's not helping anyone and they've already been outed so what is the purpose behind constantly throwing them into the fire so to speak?
Edit* you also have the pharmacomhelper guy saying they're not affiliated with the other two reps

Lol, I don't blame him.

Then in that case, if as you say the reps are reps of the brand (Pharmacom) and not the person (Darius), who gives the reps their discount/freebies/or whatever type of compensation they get? Is it coming from pharmacom factory or pharmacom employees or is it coming from the reseller, in this case Darius?

I would assume Darius, the reseller. However, let's say if I own a franchise of McDonald's - the corporate office isn't giving my employee's bonuses or even paying them directly, are they? But do they not represent the brand of McDonald's all the same?

Or as mentioned before, if I own a store that sells only Pennzoil - am I not a representative for Pennzoil? If I own my Pennzoil store and I decide, due to my (fictional) beliefs, that I shall post signs out front (next to my Pennzoil signs) that God Hates Queers!! How would the folks at Pennzoil feel about selling to me in the future? Would they say that I represent their brand and not in a good fashion?
Then as reps of resellers they're one step even more removed from being actual pharmacom employees.

If you don't approve of their business model you don't need to buy from them which you stated you won't. I just fail to see the purpose behind the constant hounding and following of the reps in every thread they participate in. It's not helping anyone and they've already been outed so what is the purpose behind constantly throwing them into the fire so to speak?
I respect your opinion, but I have a different opinion, so I hope you respect that as well. This is the beauty of Meso
They seem to be more affiliated then you would think. Darius and Frank are a select few that are approved to be resellers of Pharmacom. As far as i know you cannot buy directly from Pharmacom. They were hand picked. If they were actually competitors do you think things would be different between the two of them? I do the mighty dollar would cause competition between the two. This has not and appears will not happen.
This is false. Basicstero is Pharmacom direct. Darius is a reseller. Why anyone uses Darius, I have no idea.
Lol, I don't blame him.

I would assume Darius, the reseller. However, let's say if I own a franchise of McDonald's - the corporate office isn't giving my employee's bonuses or even paying them directly, are they? But do they not represent the brand of McDonald's all the same?

Or as mentioned before, if I own a store that sells only Pennzoil - am I not a representative for Pennzoil? If I own my Pennzoil store and I decide, due to my (fictional) beliefs, that I shall post signs out front (next to my Pennzoil signs) that God Hates Queers!! How would the folks at Pennzoil feel about selling to me in the future? Would they say that I represent their brand and not in a good fashion?
Reseller is not the same as franchise. You are misinformed. None of your "arguments" are sufficiently anchored in facts and logic. Just move on.
Reseller is not the same as franchise. You are misinformed. None of your "arguments" are sufficiently anchored in facts and logic. Just move on.
Buddy I can do and say whatever I want. Deal with it.

If you are right then I stand corrected. @Pharmacom Helper would you mind clarifying if you are a reseller or are you actually Pharmacom?

This how adults have discussions @AlphaLife without getting butthurt.
Reseller is not the same as franchise. You are misinformed. None of your "arguments" are sufficiently anchored in facts and logic. Just move on.

I chose to ignore you the first time you engaged me but I'd be more than happy to hear you out on why my thoughts are not based in facts and logic. The only reason I am discussing the subject further with Doc is because I respect him. You on the other hand... your posts carry very little weight to me or the few people that don't have you on ignore.

The franchise analogy was the simplest explanation I could make. I figured I'd lose people if I started in on distribution agreements as compared to franchise agreements. You're correct they are different. You're misinformed if you think they're not very much alike though. My thoughts in that post you quoted were based in their similarities.
I just want to tell my experience thus far with that super clear bottle of cypionate I got that looked different than the others a few weeks back. My nuts are already bigger and sorry if it's tmi, but my load was way bigger than it ever is on even my low trt dose. I'm running 750 the last two weeks, I was just going to frontload that but with how little I'm feeling it I definitely won't be doing less than this. Can letrozole make your balls fill up again?lol this is my first time running letro on cycle..also I know I don't have bloods so I know I am not guna be worthy of judgement without blood, but I'm just sharing my experience so far.
I chose to ignore you the first time you engaged me but I'd be more than happy to hear you out on why my thoughts are not based in facts and logic. The only reason I am discussing the subject further with Doc is because I respect him. You on the other hand... your posts carry very little weight to me or the few people that don't have you on ignore.

The franchise analogy was the simplest explanation I could make. I figured I'd lose people if I started in on distribution agreements as compared to franchise agreements. You're correct they are different. You're misinformed if you think they're not very much alike though. My thoughts in that post you quoted were based in their similarities.
Cool story. You realize your analogy isn't analagous so you attack me personally because you're too fucking stupid to make a legitimate argument. Your posts are worse than useless; they are misinformation. YOU ARE WRONG. You are actually on the wrong thread.

Dema is a rep for Darius. Darius is a reseller. He is not an employee. He is not a franchisee. He is not a subsidiary. He is not a division. He buys gear in bulk and sells it retail. Pharmacom makes money selling to him; they do not pay him.

Ad hominem attacks are all you have because you don't have facts.
Dema is a rep for Darius. Darius is a reseller. He is not an employee. He is not a franchisee. He is not a subsidiary. He is not a division. He buys gear in bulk and sells it retail. Pharmacom makes money selling to him; they do not pay him.

I don't disagree with anything you said here, including the fact that Dema represents Darius. Sure he does. My argument started in this thread when Dema specifically said that he didnt represent pharmacom, because he does.