MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I respect your opinion, but I have a different opinion, so I hope you respect that as well. This is the beauty of Meso

Of course I do. This is not personal, I won't be harboring a grudge against you for disagreeing with me, and I will not disrespect you for holding your opinion.
Lol, I don't blame him.

I would assume Darius, the reseller. However, let's say if I own a franchise of McDonald's - the corporate office isn't giving my employee's bonuses or even paying them directly, are they? But do they not represent the brand of McDonald's all the same?

Or as mentioned before, if I own a store that sells only Pennzoil - am I not a representative for Pennzoil? If I own my Pennzoil store and I decide, due to my (fictional) beliefs, that I shall post signs out front (next to my Pennzoil signs) that God Hates Queers!! How would the folks at Pennzoil feel about selling to me in the future? Would they say that I represent their brand and not in a good fashion?

Didn't you discount my analogies regarding Walmart, target, etc bc you cannot compare business models but now you're using McDonald's as an example?

McDonald's owns roughly 1500 outlets and the other roughly 12,500 outlets are franchised out or under other sort of agreements. McDonald's corporation cannot dictate to a franchised owned outlet who to hire, how much to pay, how to sanction bad employees or reward good employees, and has no control over other terms of employment either. The employees at the franchised owned outlets are employees of the franchise owner, not of McDonald's corporation. The only reason they represent the brand is bc people cannot make a distinction between the brand and the franchise. That's the fault of the person. If you have an issue bc of poor customer service how is that McDonald's fault when they have no control of the hiring process? But if you have an issue with the Big Mac itself then the issue should be directed Ar McDonald's bc that they do have full control over.

Much like MovingIron doesn't want to shop with pharmacom bc of dema's actions, it's his choice, we can all do the same. But that is a choice.

Owning a store that only sells pennzoil is not the same as owning a pennzoil store.
well my post regarding actual pharmacom products was buried under all the bitching....this thread is pointless anymore.
I think it was mainly disregarded. Saying this test is "fire" or "bunk"without labs simply doesn't hold much weight. I'm really not sure what you're looking for with your post.

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Didn't you discount my analogies regarding Walmart, target, etc bc you cannot compare business models but now you're using McDonald's as an example?

The premise of my argument remains the same with the McDonald's/pharmacom analogy because we're talking about one easily identifiable product. I said the business models of the superstores you mentioned werent a fair comparison because they are bringing many brands together for you to shop from. Maybe Walmart is to Napsgear as McDonald's is to pharmacom? :)

It is still probably an unfair comparison because it's true, we're not talking about a franchise.

McDonald's corporation cannot dictate to a franchised owned outlet who to hire, how much to pay, how to sanction bad employees or reward good employees, and has no control over other terms of employment either.

I am not all that familiar with McDonald's franchise policies... but I think you'd be surprised as to how much control the corporate office does have over the franchise - you're representing their brand after all.

The only reason they represent the brand is bc people cannot make a distinction between the brand and the franchise. That's the fault of the person.

So we agree, they do represent the brand. :)
The premise of my argument remains the same with the McDonald's/pharmacom analogy because we're talking about one easily identifiable product. I said the business models of the superstores you mentioned werent a fair comparison because they are bringing many brands together for you to shop from. Maybe Walmart is to Napsgear as McDonald's is to pharmacom? :)

It is still probably an unfair comparison because it's true, we're not talking about a franchise.

I am not all that familiar with McDonald's franchise policies... but I think you'd be surprised as to how much control the corporate office does have over the franchise - you're representing their brand after all.

I never said McDonald's corporate doesn't have a lot of control over the franchised. They do in fact have a ridiculous amount of control over them from how the food is prepared to how it's served, etc etc. BUT, they do not control the employees and representatives of the franchise. McDonald's has said so themselves, stating they have no direct or indirect control over the hiring process, payroll, etc.

So we agree, they do represent the brand. :)

If you acknowledge that it's the fault of the consumer for not being able to make a simple distinction and that its only the case bc of this while reality is a different ballgame......sure, we agree lol
I just want to tell my experience thus far with that super clear bottle of cypionate I got that looked different than the others a few weeks back. My nuts are already bigger and sorry if it's tmi, but my load was way bigger than it ever is on even my low trt dose. I'm running 750 the last two weeks, I was just going to frontload that but with how little I'm feeling it I definitely won't be doing less than this. Can letrozole make your balls fill up again?lol this is my first time running letro on cycle..also I know I don't have bloods so I know I am not guna be worthy of judgement without blood, but I'm just sharing my experience so far.

Dude Letro will kill your estrogen which in turn can kill your sex drive. So no your balls will not be filling up.
Letro from my trainer's experience makes you feel horrible and like shit. It can come with low Estrogen side effects.
So finding balance on your levels will be the key.

Look at something like Prami or Proviron which are supposed to help with sex drive. If I would recommend anything
The premise of my argument remains the same with the McDonald's/pharmacom analogy because we're talking about one easily identifiable product. I said the business models of the superstores you mentioned werent a fair comparison because they are bringing many brands together for you to shop from. Maybe Walmart is to Napsgear as McDonald's is to pharmacom? :)

It is still probably an unfair comparison because it's true, we're not talking about a franchise.

I am not all that familiar with McDonald's franchise policies... but I think you'd be surprised as to how much control the corporate office does have over the franchise - you're representing their brand after all.

So we agree, they do represent the brand. :)

Do all of us a favor. Move this to Darius's thread. At least there will not be confusion about who the rep is working for.
Simply, Darius rewards Dema. Nothing to do with Basicstero.

Dema would never direct customers to Basic, it would always be to
That's the difference.
Same product, different retailer.
I just want to tell my experience thus far with that super clear bottle of cypionate I got that looked different than the others a few weeks back. My nuts are already bigger and sorry if it's tmi, but my load was way bigger than it ever is on even my low trt dose. I'm running 750 the last two weeks, I was just going to frontload that but with how little I'm feeling it I definitely won't be doing less than this. Can letrozole make your balls fill up again?lol this is my first time running letro on cycle..also I know I don't have bloods so I know I am not guna be worthy of judgement without blood, but I'm just sharing my experience so far.
Letro I believe can stimulate test production but don't quote me on that. I'd have to do some more reading but it sticks out in my mind that it may increase FSH? Again, it'd be best to look into it more or let someone who can quote the studies say for sure one way or the other. I have no personal experience with letro, yet. Plan on using it next time I'm doing a high aromatizing cycle.
Dude Letro will kill your estrogen which in turn can kill your sex drive. So no your balls will not be filling up.
Letro from my trainer's experience makes you feel horrible and like shit. It can come with low Estrogen side effects.
So finding balance on your levels will be the key.

Look at something like Prami or Proviron which are supposed to help with sex drive. If I would recommend anything
Letro won't "kill" your estrogen anymore than another ai will. Like anything, it's about dosing correctly for your needs and to avoid unwanted side effects.
I just want to tell my experience thus far with that super clear bottle of cypionate I got that looked different than the others a few weeks back. My nuts are already bigger and sorry if it's tmi, but my load was way bigger than it ever is on even my low trt dose. I'm running 750 the last two weeks, I was just going to frontload that but with how little I'm feeling it I definitely won't be doing less than this. Can letrozole make your balls fill up again?lol this is my first time running letro on cycle..also I know I don't have bloods so I know I am not guna be worthy of judgement without blood, but I'm just sharing my experience so far.
shit this got lost in the clutter. you're saying you think the clear vial is bunk or under dosed? sucks, man it would've been nice to send it in to simec and maybe finally nail them with a failed test. being that you used the vial, they won't allow it to be sent it. and we will never know for sure.

when you say you balls are bigger are you suggesting that you're recovering as if not taking any test?
shit this got lost in the clutter. you're saying you think the clear vial is bunk or under dosed? sucks, man it would've been nice to send it in to simec and maybe finally nail them with a failed test. being that you used the vial, they won't allow it to be sent it. and we will never know for sure.

when you say you balls are bigger are you suggesting that you're recovering as if not taking any test?
Reading is hard..
did I misunderstand his post?
Honestly, it is hard to understand what he is trying to say because most of it makes no sense based on what we know scientifically about exogenous testosterone. Although there is a lot of noise in the post about letro and big balls and large cum wads, none of which makes any sense with test, it sounds to me like he is feeling great and wants to stay at 750mg/week. There is no indication in the post that it's not working. Although, given his testimony, it sounds like he's injecting HCG and Clomid in addition to the
I ordered mast test 300 and tren ace and halo from pharmacom. Took over a month to receive. Been on for 4 weeks and haven't noticed any gains. No tren sides no pumps or aggression increase no weight gain. Nothing. Pretty sure the tren is bunk and same with the halo. Not sure on the mast or test. Will no buy again that's for surr
I ordered mast test 300 and tren ace and halo from pharmacom. Took over a month to receive. Been on for 4 weeks and haven't noticed any gains. No tren sides no pumps or aggression increase no weight gain. Nothing. Pretty sure the tren is bunk and same with the halo. Not sure on the mast or test. Will no buy again that's for surr
Cool 2nd post.