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So you don't agree running 750 a week switching from TRT dose of 150 a week it is odd my balls are filling up again? I'm not sure but I had never seen anything as clear as this bottle was and the others were normal looking despite having the same exp and codes that checkout. I'm sorry no bloods for ya'll but I literally feel like videoing me injecting 750 of this a week so I can prove to pharmacom that i am indeed taking 750 and then sending them a picture of my big cumshot lol, JK. I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete but this is wats been happening with me so far....i think i got fucked on the one clear bottle, i'm pretty certain. If the other bottles are legit the sad thing is I will probably just say fuck it and call the one bottle a loss. But in reality they should replace this shit, just cause I don't have bloods doesn't mean I don't know what underdosed test is.

My balls come and go as they please irrespective of the dose I'm using so that doesn't hold much weight at all. Bloods are 50-75$. I'd suggest getting them for your sake.
Next time i have a bad experience with them I will keep it to myself if I don't have bloods. Sorry guys I thought maybe people would want to know something this obvious but I guess its only obvious to me without bloods.
My balls come and go as they please irrespective of the dose I'm using so that doesn't hold much weight at all. Bloods are 50-75$. I'd suggest getting them for your sake.
Really? I didn't know that could happen so I guess you learn something new everyday. I have never had my em stay normal on cycle
Shit is bunk... but I won't get bloods..
Same story!

I feel great on Sus-500.. will attempt bloods a 2nd time hopefully uncapped this time.
Fucking Canada
Next time i have a bad experience with them I will keep it to myself if I don't have bloods. Sorry guys I thought maybe people would want to know something this obvious but I guess its only obvious to me without bloods.
You may want to get bloods for your own benefit. Not only will it tell you if your gear is good but it's not a bad thing to check your health markers.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
thanks I may check into see how much I can get one for and stop using this bottle so I can test the rest and thanks for not being a cockbag some people here are pretty high strung I can't even post my experience of a product without people being pricks about it, that influences the information you recieve quit a bit. Considering how few bloods there are I feel that all information is valuable experienced with their products, but maybe I'm wrong.
thanks I may check into see how much I can get one for and stop using this bottle so I can test the rest and thanks for not being a cockbag some people here are pretty high strung I can't even post my experience of a product without people being pricks about it, that influences the information you recieve quit a bit. Considering how few bloods there are I feel that all information is valuable experienced with their products, but maybe I'm wrong.

You're correct to an extant. Most of the individuals trying to discredit your claim are in some way affiliated with Pharmacom. It's best to have blood tests to back up your claim or the dick huggers will come in and try to run you off.

Such is the steroid Underground...
Frank or PCom helper, which other boards are you on with less spam/nonsense, if it's against Meso rules can you just pm me please. Thanks
So you don't agree running 750 a week switching from TRT dose of 150 a week it is odd my balls are filling up again? I'm not sure but I had never seen anything as clear as this bottle was and the others were normal looking despite having the same exp and codes that checkout. I'm sorry no bloods for ya'll but I literally feel like videoing me injecting 750 of this a week so I can prove to pharmacom that i am indeed taking 750 and then sending them a picture of my big cumshot lol, JK. I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete but this is wats been happening with me so far....i think i got fucked on the one clear bottle, i'm pretty certain. If the other bottles are legit the sad thing is I will probably just say fuck it and call the one bottle a loss. But in reality they should replace this shit, just cause I don't have bloods doesn't mean I don't know what underdosed test is.
dude get bloods or shut up, youd rather film yourself injecting 750mg and then a pic of your cumshot and then you say they should just replace it for you? because its clear? come on bro get bloods or shut up
thanks I may check into see how much I can get one for and stop using this bottle so I can test the rest and thanks for not being a cockbag some people here are pretty high strung I can't even post my experience of a product without people being pricks about it, that influences the information you recieve quit a bit. Considering how few bloods there are I feel that all information is valuable experienced with their products, but maybe I'm wrong. female hormone panel $73. It'll give you uncapped test levels. Is what I use.

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
dude get bloods or shut up, youd rather film yourself injecting 750mg and then a pic of your cumshot and then you say they should just replace it for you? because its clear? come on bro get bloods or shut up
Are you serious bro?? Get tha fuck out of here I at least am speaking of a product and if u have to even take jokes on the internet literally, you must already be having a rough go at life.
Are you serious bro?? Get tha fuck out of here I at least am speaking of a product and if u have to even take jokes on the internet literally, you must already be having a rough go at life.
No actually I have a great life but I've seen you post from the beg how suspicious a clear vial of test was?? many people said theres no problem, ive had plenty of clear bottles and yet you go on and on about it. Then now its not working? You ever thought maybe its in your head??and your want them to replace it? but for some reason you dont want to get bloods? you even stated I know it doesnt mean much if I dont have bloods but my nuts are big and usually there not, It has to be bunk, they should replace it. BUT im not gunna get bloods..
dude get bloods or shut up, youd rather film yourself injecting 750mg and then a pic of your cumshot and then you say they should just replace it for you? because its clear? come on bro get bloods or shut up

No actually I have a great life but I've seen you post from the beg how suspicious a clear vial of test was?? many people said theres no problem, ive had plenty of clear bottles and yet you go on and on about it. Then now its not working? You ever thought maybe its in your head??and your want them to replace it? but for some reason you dont want to get bloods? you even stated I know it doesnt mean much if I dont have bloods but my nuts are big and usually there not, It has to be bunk, they should replace it. BUT im not gunna get bloods..

Dude. First of all calm the eff down and listen to me and maybe consider I have SOME experienc with cypionate if I get it every month prescription grade so i haven't really been off of it much lately. I also trained religiously many years before I ever even touched anabolics i've been an athlete my whole life. Or will you always just say: BLOODS BLOODS BLOODS you don't know cause of bloods. This is a pcom product and I want people to know about it and they can judge themselves if they think Im inexperienced. Ive ran cycles with good results in the past. Either way whatever you reply you scared me out of this thread i'll not be posting my experiences here for the next 10 weeks of my cycle and i gurantee thats why you only see good reviews here. Cause thats all you allow. PLUS I even said from the getgo if you read my posts that I will not be a good judge until my cycle is over, so stop trying to make me sound like I already concluded my results you fool.
Next time i have a bad experience with them I will keep it to myself if I don't have bloods.
Hey man don't take stuff here personally. Yes people are harsh but you do understand what their saying. I wanna at least thank you for voicing your concerns it's important members do. My only concern is if you are doubting the quality why continue to gamble on the same lab? As stated in the above post. Don't just rely on one lab they all change at some point. GL
Hey man don't take stuff here personally. Yes people are harsh buy you do understand what their saying. I wanna at least thank you for voicing your concerns it's important members do. My only concern is if you are doubting the quality why continue to gamble on the same lab? As stated in the above post. Don't just rely on one lab they all change at some point. GL

Just because I ordered more than one bottle from them. I spoke too soon I guess even though I feel I made it clear that I am still only a little over two weeks in my cycle. Some of these guys all high on trenbolone with jacked up testosterone levels make it sound like I already up and said my cycle is done and my whole order is guaranteed shit. I just ran this one right away because I was suspicious of it when compared to the other bottles, the only reason I compared it at all was because I thought it was just a little odd how crystal clear it was. So I opened all the others and they weren't like that.
Dude take a deep breath for a second lol Relax I'm not against you or asking for an explanation. Just saying if at the end of the run your not happy maybe shop around. Good night and GL
Dude. First of all calm the eff down and listen to me and maybe consider I have SOME experienc with cypionate if I get it every month prescription grade so i haven't really been off of it much lately. I also trained religiously many years before I ever even touched anabolics i've been an athlete my whole life. Or will you always just say: BLOODS BLOODS BLOODS you don't know cause of bloods. This is a pcom product and I want people to know about it and they can judge themselves if they think Im inexperienced. Ive ran cycles with good results in the past. Either way whatever you reply you scared me out of this thread i'll not be posting my experiences here for the next 10 weeks of my cycle and i gurantee thats why you only see good reviews here. Cause thats all you allow. PLUS I even said from the getgo if you read my posts that I will not be a good judge until my cycle is over, so stop trying to make me sound like I already concluded my results you fool.
Im more than calm, cool and collected. Your the one that seems a little bent outta shape, I havent stated anything that you havent said, right? So Im just going off of what you said and your letting your insecurities get the best of you because these are your own words and you made your own conclusion. I only allow good reviews and pcom thread is full of only good reviews? Shows your lack of awareness and/or intelligence because first Im a member of meso nothing more , second take a look through the thread one more time bud. I dont care how long you train or done juice your comments show otherwise and as stated many times bloods are the only way to back your claims. You still havent responded to how come you dont just get them to prove your point? You can post all you like about your experience. These are your words( ".i think i got fucked on the one clear bottle, i'm pretty certain. If the other bottles are legit the sad thing is I will probably just say fuck it and call the one bottle a loss. But in reality they should replace this shit, just cause I don't have bloods doesn't mean I don't know what underdosed test is." ) Sounds like you came to a conclusion and with claims like that you should have something to back it up, if not, its meaningless.
you HAVE said stuff that I haven't said so please stop replying you're making this thread exactly what we dont need. "I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete, this is wats been happening with me so far" is what you missed when reading. So i'll break it down for ya, what I was trying to say there was to not get your panties ina bunch until im done with my cycle, looks too late for you though. However I stand by my opinion thus far of this first bottle, it doesn't compare to prescription cyp that I get but im not supposed to say stuff like that without blood work I guess?
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