MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Now I see how the last few hundred posts are all arguments, yall attack everyone lol. Phaze maybe you can come feel them for me? im sure they're bigger now
Now I see how the last few hundred posts are all arguments, yall attack everyone lol. Phaze maybe you can come feel them for me? im sure they're bigger now
Good comeback...??...please get just bloods. Its hard to respect and take what you say serious..i do appricate the attempt of contribution
Started third bottle of pharmacom npp today... 150md eod with some 24k prop I had on hand at 100mg eod... I feel like I'm just cruising lol haven't noticed much of anything from the npp. I have some elbow pain the last few months on certain exercises and it's still there dont seem to have any relief on the joints. Maybe I was expecting too much fuck idk but so far not impressed with their npp.
you HAVE said stuff that I haven't said so please stop replying you're making this thread exactly what we dont need. "I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete, this is wats been happening with me so far" is what you missed when reading. So i'll break it down for ya, what I was trying to say there was to not get your panties ina bunch until im done with my cycle, looks too late for you though. However I stand by my opinion thus far of this first bottle, it doesn't compare to prescription cyp that I get but im not supposed to say stuff like that without blood work I guess?
So you don't agree running 750 a week switching from TRT dose of 150 a week it is odd my balls are filling up again? I'm not sure but I had never seen anything as clear as this bottle was and the others were normal looking despite having the same exp and codes that checkout. I'm sorry no bloods for ya'll but I literally feel like videoing me injecting 750 of this a week so I can prove to pharmacom that i am indeed taking 750 and then sending them a picture of my big cumshot lol, JK. I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete but this is wats been happening with me so far....i think i got fucked on the one clear bottle, i'm pretty certain. If the other bottles are legit the sad thing is I will probably just say fuck it and call the one bottle a loss. But in reality they should replace this shit, just cause I don't have bloods doesn't mean I don't know what underdosed test is.
Yeah I don't know about pharmacom but seems like its not effective at all. Just wondering if let's say I get blood work then what . Money back ?? I mean what is the point of getting more gear from.the same company
Look, I'm not bashing anyone with this comment.

GET BLOOD WORK FOR YOUR BENEFIT, not the source. Pcom don't give a shit about blood work and has said so in the open. Unless it's good for them. If your questioning the gears quality, they will only accept Simec and again, only if it benefits them. If they get a bad test, they have excuses and if they really cared, would shit can every last vial from a batch that had a vial test bad. They don't and won't. Blood work is to check your health, they will not help you with bad blood results. Anyone can read around and see they posted this already. It's bullshit yes, but a fact Pcom customers need to understand.
I don't remember who asked this: we are direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are not resellers. We are manufacturers.

And few words about vaccine:
We are testing now first version of vaccine in Russia and got different reviews from customers.
Using only vaccine (without steroids)
Main issue which was detected is increase of body temperature (~38 Celsius). Not so critical but still
About positive effects:
- Pump effect (some people wrote about increasing of pump more better then on aas)
- Sleep much better
- Fat burning effect
Effects are expressed in varying degrees. Now it is difficult to say anything completely, but the drug is working, for someone better, for someone worse. Maybe efficiency have a direct link with immune system because mechanism of this drug is based on the immune system. It's point for next research
I don't remember who asked this: we are direct store of Pharmacom Labs, we are not resellers. We are manufacturers.

And few words about vaccine:
We are testing now first version of vaccine in Russia and got different reviews from customers.
Using only vaccine (without steroids)
Main issue which was detected is increase of body temperature (~38 Celsius). Not so critical but still
About positive effects:
- Pump effect (some people wrote about increasing of pump more better then on aas)
- Sleep much better
- Fat burning effect
Effects are expressed in varying degrees. Now it is difficult to say anything completely, but the drug is working, for someone better, for someone worse. Maybe efficiency have a direct link with immune system because mechanism of this drug is based on the immune system. It's point for next research

Are the subjects gaining muscle mass? I mean that is one of the benefits of having a deficiency in myostatin.

I would hope injecting this vaccine gives both muscle mass gains and shrinking fat..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're correct to an extant. Most of the individuals trying to discredit your claim are in some way affiliated with Pharmacom. It's best to have blood tests to back up your claim or the dick huggers will come in and try to run you off.

Such is the steroid Underground...
not to be an antagonist, but there weren't many "dick huggers" trying to run him off, but it does get old after a couple months (if not years of it) to read posters relay their "feelings" about gear potency. 2 weeks of the product is even more disappointing. Not saying he doesn't have a good "feeling" for his balls... I'm sure he feels them all the time. lol (ok that was an attempt at humor) but anecdotal evidence went out the window with our increased awareness of our bodies and ability to get bloods AND our ability to test gear. I mean I get what he's saying, and can appreciate it, but at the same time, he can't expect glowing praise from seasoned vets with ball "feelings". You and many are correct. Just get bloods. Done deal.
To be safe, you might want to stop buying from these guys till we get an answer regarding this:

Pharmacom - Basicstero selectively scamming?

You mentioned that "after reading a few people testing their Anavar and finding out it's fake" that you looked into it further and as result of your eveluation on packaging you made these posts.

...After reading few people testing their Anavar and finding out it's fake.....

where are the links to the thread or posts created by members here that show negative testing results (LabMax or HPLC etc) of this product?

I would appreciate that info greatly so I may look at those claims myself. This is a product myself and my GF use so I want to know if anyone has any respectable testing results.

The claims you may have read could be a reverse scammer or more likely from a competitor that is trying to cause problems for pharmacom; therefore, it is important for me to do my own research and reading to make a conclusion.

Thanks in advance for those links to posts and threads by respected members here that show actual testing results.
Just remember, if bloods come back sub par, your not getting a refund. You will get the option to send an unopened vial of that gear to Simec. If you only ordered enough for your cycle, it will be cut short sending a vial in for testing. It will take months most likely to get results back. Who knows when and if you will get refunded, or get your vial replaced. I'm not 100% sure on how the gear replacement and testing refund happens. Good Luck
They seem to be more affiliated then you would think. Darius and Frank are a select few that are approved to be resellers of Pharmacom. As far as i know you cannot buy directly from Pharmacom. They were hand picked. If they were actually competitors do you think things would be different between the two of them? I do the mighty dollar would cause competition between the two. This has not and appears will not happen.

This is false. Basicstero is Pharmacom direct. Darius is a reseller. Why anyone uses Darius, I have no idea.
Why statuses are so important? There are some internal details and negotiations , which are not for wide public and don`t influence product or service quality. Darius is probably the first and the oldest trusted Pharmacom distributoe that pushed our products to the worldwide arena. He is Nr. 1 in the top sources list on eroids and has a huge database of regular customers. And yes he has own warehouse in Europe, which is only an advantage for customers thanks to faster delivery.
Basicstero is much younger, a baby-small store yet, which has been founded as per initiative of our company`s head to sell items directly from the factory. However, we also have US and EU warehouses.
Products are the same, there is no quality difference between products from both sources.
Frank or PCom helper, which other boards are you on with less spam/nonsense, if it's against Meso rules can you just pm me please. Thanks
the list of boards is available in our site in the reviews section.
Just remember, if bloods come back sub par, your not getting a refund. You will get the option to send an unopened vial of that gear to Simec. If you only ordered enough for your cycle, it will be cut short sending a vial in for testing. It will take months most likely to get results back. Who knows when and if you will get refunded, or get your vial replaced. I'm not 100% sure on how the gear replacement and testing refund happens. Good Luck
Info for all who is reading. Guys, don`t listen to this please. This member has no idea what he is speaking about, he does not operate any facts. All cases are resolved with individual approach in private correspondence.
Are the subjects gaining muscle mass? I mean that is one of the benefits of having a deficiency in myostatin.

I would hope injecting this vaccine gives both muscle mass gains and shrinking fat..

Different results ~2-4 kg for 2 months (sorry but I don't know weight and height of athletes). But we have few important points: for athletes who weighing more than 100kg standard dosing is not enough, x2 dosage shows better result. Some customers said that weight has not changed, but fat percentage become less and muscles become stiffer.
Some customers use this vaccine together with aas and report that this is really cool, but we cannot say with confidence here about effectiveness of vaccine.
Few customers use vaccine on PCT and report that PCT with vaccine much better in terms of state of health and saving of results

Test still ongoing and we will get many new reports from clients
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Info regarding our PCT products.
we are launching own PCT line soon, hopefully in the beginning of October everything will be ready.
We are adding trenbolone base (ester-free) into our product range.
And the following items for post-cycle therapy:
I. Farestos
Toremifene Cictrate

II. Clomos
Clomiphene Citrate

III. Meltos - not really a PCT-drug, but after numerous inquires we are adding it.

IV. Exos


VI. Caberos

New items are already on our main site: Pharmacom Labs - Category Product

Tamoxifen won`t be in our range, this is an outdated drug with numerous side-effects. Clomiphene and toremiphene require higher dosages, but they recover HPTA perfectly with minimum adverse side-effects. We do not see any sense of using drugs of previous generation.

Also, FYI, check codes on orals will be also implemented soon.

Finally, our promo offer has been extended till 15th of September. You can get free bonus worth up to $200. More details at