MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Unless pcom is selective scamming my tren had me a horny raging insomniac.

Yeah, same here. Told my girlfriend I might run tren again this winter and she's not ready for her pussy to get destroyed like that again lol

Few customers use vaccine on PCT and report that PCT with vaccine much better in terms of state of health and saving of results

Using it for pct was exactly my idea for it. I hope you guys make it safe for us... that would be your #1 selling product if it comes out okay and people have success stories with it with results to show over the years. I think that would be pretty damn awesome.
Why statuses are so important? There are some internal details and negotiations , which are not for wide public and don`t influence product or service quality. Darius is probably the first and the oldest trusted Pharmacom distributoe that pushed our products to the worldwide arena. He is Nr. 1 in the top sources list on eroids and has a huge database of regular customers. And yes he has own warehouse in Europe, which is only an advantage for customers thanks to faster delivery.
Basicstero is much younger, a baby-small store yet, which has been founded as per initiative of our company`s head to sell items directly from the factory. However, we also have US and EU warehouses.
Products are the same, there is no quality difference between products from both sources.

the list of boards is available in our site in the reviews section.

Info for all who is reading. Guys, don`t listen to this please. This member has no idea what he is speaking about, he does not operate any facts. All cases are resolved with individual approach in private correspondence.
You know, I gave this community fact based info. If not, show meso where you have ever given a refund for bad gear.

I can go get your post a quote where you stated to many people scam for new gear using bloods, Simec is the only real way to test.

If a member send an unopened vial to Simec, you do not send them a replacement first correct? You send the replacement after the test. If I'm wrong, show us facts where you send the replacement gear out before the member ships the vial in question to Simec.

If a member only orders enough gear for their cycle and has to send one of their vials for testing, how can that not cut their cycle short? They just sent out the only gear they bought for this cycle? Again, you don't send out the replacement vial before they ship theirs in correct? If I'm wrong show us.

As far as testing refund and gear replacement, I don't know how you work that anymore. You seem to change.

So post your facts showing this community I'm wrong. Please and if you can, I will waste my time finding your posts showing where you said all of this. I wasn't being a dick. However, once again you treat members of this community without respect.
Here you go. I helped refresh your memory a bit. Tell me my info was wrong or bad again after seeing this. @Pharmacom Labs

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buddy not many businesses do give refunds, even legit. they may offer a store credit or the same product. I've seen @Pharmacom Labs offer store credits. why offer a refund it's bad for business. legit business may offer refunds within a certain amount of time, with a receipt, and under certain circumstances. but, usually it's a store credit.
buddy not many businesses do give refunds, even legit. they may offer a store credit or the same product. I've seen @Pharmacom Labs offer store credits. why offer a refund it's bad for business. legit business may offer refunds within a certain amount of time, with a receipt, and under certain circumstances. but, usually it's a store credit.
I agree. I was helping people understand the process is all. I wasn't bashing anyone, but @Pharmacom Labs has a corn cob up his ass when someone states actual facts that can be proven. Like in this situation. This info is needed for new members reading this thread. In case it happened to them.

He said I didn't know what I was talking about, when in fact, I only stated what he told this community himself.
I agree. I was helping people understand the process is all. I wasn't bashing anyone, but @Pharmacom Labs has a corn cob up his ass when someone states actual facts that can be proven. Like in this situation. This info is needed for new members reading this thread. In case it happened to them.

He said I didn't know what I was talking about, when in fact, I only stated what he told this community himself.
the post is long, but it ends with a great thought worth reading.
I`ve said no word about refund. I only said that Simec or any other lab is the only trusted way to find out the contents and dosage of a particular product. First of all as per our ordering conditions customers agree to contact Pharmacom Labs / in the event of any issue prior to posting any reviews.
We have customers with complaints which follow the conditions and contact us. And we try to be helpful and pretty often replace items if something is wrong. In 2 latest cases today we replaced an item with crashed gear and a vial with some small hollow in the rubber cap, the customer thought it looked like opened before. There are no definite rules for each case. A customer with 3 or 5 orders placed much more likely gets a replacement as the first-time customer. Yes,we almost never refund. Only if a product was ordered and it is out of stock for some reason.
Finally boards and customers are the reasons, why we do what we do. A good manufacturer always has dirty competitors in dirty game. Shortly after Basicstero appeared, we had a thread on evo. In a while the local admin gearhead started lauching rumours that basicstero are scammers and does not send orders...
A number of customers all the time sending e-mails kinda I am a competing athlete, I am using your gear, 100 mg of test, 600 mg of bold and 600 mg of deca and i have gained nothing... Almost nobody of those who is complaining provides any blood results.Everybody knows his body and its reaction to drugs, everybody can feel bunk gear...
If i see some newbie launching a thread with bad blood work, why shall i believe him?
I observe it very clearly - the more popular we become and the higher is our turn-over and profits, especially the domestic warehouse, the more haters appear in our threads.
As RT once noticed:
I just wonder why people with ZERO interest in basicstero or Frank are all over his thread crowding it with one-on-one personal fights.

I Would just like to be able to jump on and see how people's gear is treating them so I can make an informed judgement regrading the continued quality of a source.

We need a separate thread for when people have a huge conflict as individual's one-on-one with no real relevance to the source or topic.
Call it the Saturday night main event or something and let folks go at it in there.
That way we can have our informative content and our fights/call-outs/exposings/conspiracies/entertainment -- a win-win.
It`s a very good point. Obviously meso has a prejudiced approach to sources. I received several times messages from different customers saying kinda Frank, hold on, you have a great gear, don`t listen to anyone. I placed numerous orders with you and would be glad to place a real review, but i will be called a shill, so my reputation means something for me.
So, yes I don`t wonder we have negative reviews on a board where people are afraid to express their real meaning and experience.
Actually I would create here a new section on the board, kinda court/sources judgment. It would contain particular complains of customers towards sources. But members shall be held responsible for their words and obliged to prove them with lab results. When case is closed, a trusted judge put 1 point to the score of a member or a source. So we would be able to see who is who. On the other hand competitors can misuse it... there are some ways to think it out I guess.
What we have now is bullshit. For years i dealt with so many people and weed out so many reverse scammers; seen so many dirty trials to smirch us, obviously I am suspicious and my position makes me to be suspicious. Regular customers with some issues in most of the cases prefer not to go public with their issues or contact us at first, which is one of the conditions of purchasing in our store. These customers have good chances to get products replaced.
Newbies coming up in public with some issues which have never been reported before or suspicious blood work results, they in fact automatically make us to check the situation carefully. Such cases are not about just replacing an item, it`s a matter of reputation and principles. And yes we have to be sure the customer is not a competitor or reverse scammer before replace such items after the first complain. We have never required anything enormous. We provide guarantee to all our products and ready to replace them, but as in any other business an item shall be examined before. Any company would insist on it. Why Pharmacom shall be different? If a person has something wrong and does not have any hidden intentions, he/she would agree to send a sample to a lab.

@Geterdun, you said we don`t replace items which are sent to Simec, so a customer can have no replacement... Yes, we don`t replace it immediately, we replace it after the test is done. You don`t like it? Ok, there is a civilized way out.

So, here is the idea.

We can create kind of a new section on the board - Sources judging. We all, or better to say you , members, choose some trusted person or several persons - judges. Complainers will be able to open a case with detailed description of an issue. Prior to do this a customer makes a deposit equal to the price of the items he is complaining about. Or to the price of 1 sample testing. This deposit is stored at a trusted judge. Say in bitcoins. A source is also making a deposit equal to the price of 1 sample testing. In this way both sources and customers are secured that each participant does not loose his money. A source will be obliged to reply to a customer`s complain within a particular time-frame. Customers shall be also obliged to provide proves, why a product is bad. Nnot just blood work, real profs, lab testing. Yes it may take a month or longer. But thanks to deposits source agrees to send a replacement immediately. Customer gets the questionable item replaced immediately without waiting. After test result is ready, a source or a customer gets 1 point to its score, the source -1. If gear was bunked, the customer gets his deposit completely refunded from a judge. No risks here. The deposit of the source is used to cover the testing expenses. If gear is fine, source gets + 1 to its reputation, customer -1. As for who pays for testing, it could be decided based on individual agreements. In some cases sources may agree and cover all expenses independent on the result as we actually did it all the time. Or probably it will be covered fifty-fifty (if gear is fine). There is a variety of options here.
If you were indeed interested in higher level of quality control and keeping the sources responsible, you would for sure arrange something like this. We have at least such system in one of the biggest russian boards and it works.

It is crucial, those who complain shall be absolutely responsible for their words and able to prove they`re right. In the current situation the overwhelming majority finds any possible reason to get read of responsibility to provide the real prove. How many complains we have experienced... Once we offer to send samples, complainers always find reasons and disappear or get caught. It won`t work like this. We are glad to contribute and go towards the customers, but we shall think about our protection from reverse scammers and competitors lacking in conscientiousness. Those who has no hidden motives and would like to contribute to the community would agree to send samples on above conditions. This is a standard practice for any business.
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I think two things are going on here lately:

1) reverse scammers trying to get an extra free vial here and there by making up complaints. The reason I think this happens is because I have not seen any of these people eager to send samples for HPLC testing (which would prove the claim). I know when I had a questionable LabMax, I greatly appreciated that this source covered the cost to get an accredited lab to analyze the product -- bottom line is I wanted to know what I had!
I have to ask myself:
Why would I want a "replacement" if I am not even sure what I have?
Why would I want another vial if I think it is bad gear?
If I really questioned what I was putting into my body I would want it tested and get real information NOT get more of what I think is junk.
However, if I was just looking to get free gear then I would want another vial instead of testing to find out facts.

2) Competition either directly or through shills are bashing the source to try to discourage customers in an attempt to get more business for their own store.
Again, same logic -- if all these bad vials and tabs are occurring then where are the testing results that prove it?
A real customer greatly appreciates the opportunity to get 3rd party testing done; be real, how many dealers do you know that will support you getting their product analyzed by an accredited lab? We have all wanted to know what is actually in a vial for years and with AL we finally have that info which has held sources accountable.
If these claims are true then why has there been ZERO negative results from actual testing (AL, or individuals -- all results have been good including the sample that I had which failed on LM).
It is obviously this is going -- competitor's shills bashing this source -- filling the thread to cause negativity and confusion.

After all, the option to send things in for testing is not enough and someone is so convinced the gear is bad -- then why even bother with this source?
why not just go move on and do business with whatever awesome alternative you have?

And, anyone with a brain understands why an unopened sealed vial is needed -- once it is no longer sealed anyone could have injected anything into that vial.

The only reason anyone would NOT want HPLC is because he or she knows the out-come will not support the claim.

Before you call me a shill for speaking logically, please review my history here and on other boards -- oh, and don't forget I was the one that posted the FAILED pharmacom NPP LabMax which lead me to getting my own SIMEC HPLC testing done (The NPP results did come back good and I had great gains on that cycle)
AND I was the one that posted POOR serum GH results for the pharmatropin I used.

I have posted unbiased, both good and/or bad results for any of my experiences.
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I have been fine with what you have...I just don't listen to people who are blabbering about the same shit all day long, over and over again. i.e half of meso.
I think two things are going on here lately:

1) reverse scammers trying to get an extra free vial here and there by making up complaints. The reason I think this happens is because I have not seen any of these people eager to send samples for HPLC testing (which would prove the claim). I know when I had a questionable LabMax, I greatly appreciated that this source covered the cost to get an accredited lab to analyze the product -- bottom line is I wanted to know what I had!
I have to ask myself:
Why would I want a "replacement" if I am not even sure what I have?
Why would I want another vial if I think it is bad gear?
If I really questioned what I was putting into my body I would want it tested and get real information NOT get more of what I think is junk.
However, if I was just looking to get free gear then I would want another vial instead of testing to find out facts.

2) Competition either directly or through shills are bashing the source to try to discourage customers in an attempt to get more business for their own store.
Again, same logic -- if all these bad vials and tabs are occurring then where are the testing results that prove it?
A real customer greatly appreciates the opportunity to get 3rd party testing done; be real, how many dealers do you know that will support you getting their product analyzed by an accredited lab? We have all wanted to know what is actually in a vial for years and with AL we finally have that info which has held sources accountable.
If these claims are true then why has there been ZERO negative results from actual testing (AL, or individuals -- all results have been good including the sample that I had which failed on LM).
It is obviously this is going -- competitor's shills bashing this source -- filling the thread to cause negativity and confusion.

After all, the option to send things in for testing is not enough and someone is so convinced the gear is bad -- then why even bother with this source?
why not just go move on and do business with whatever awesome alternative you have?

And, anyone with a brain understands why an unopened sealed vial is needed -- once it is no longer sealed anyone could have injected anything into that vial.

The only reason anyone would NOT want HPLC is because he or she knows the out-come will not support the claim.

Before you call me a shill for speaking logically, please review my history here and on other boards -- oh, and don't forget I was the one that posted the FAILED pharmacom NPP LabMax which lead me to getting my own SIMEC HPLC testing done (The NPP results did come back good and I had great gains on that cycle)
AND I was the one that posted POOR serum GH results for the pharmatropin I used.

I have posted unbiased, both good and/or bad results for any of my experiences.
Your a solid member here and don't disagree with anything you have stated here. But the "average joe" maybe discouraged from sending in gear for testing seeing as the wait times seem to be over 4 months long. Just saying
Your a solid member here and don't disagree with anything you have stated here. But the "average joe" maybe discouraged for sending in gear for testing seeing as the wait times seem to be over 4 months long. Just saying

Yeah, I totally agree.
I have something I would like to send in but that current delay is shitty.
But that is SIMEC's fault not a source's and from what I have read it sound as if SIMEC moved so I hope these delays are a temporary issue related to relocating.

I wish we had more options for HPLC since facts really do solve everything -- facts will crush a bad source and expose a reverse scammer or anti-shill.
Yeah, I totally agree.
I have something I would like to send in but that current delay is shitty.
But that is SIMEC's fault not a source's and from what I have read it sound as if SIMEC moved so I hope these delays are a temporary issue related to relocating.

I wish we had more options for HPLC since facts really do solve everything -- facts will crush a bad source and expose a reverse scammer or anti-shill.
This also raises questions in my mind as to sources knowing the wait times for Simec. PC will say send it too Simec but how does that stop them from sending out possible bunk gear knowing it takes forever for the public to get answers. It's kinda a double edged sword imo...
Take this for what it is worth. I had a very good friend who had previously ordered several times from Frank without issue and was happy with the results from all of the products including blood tests mid cycle when running test p, npp and mast p. He never ordered any orals just oils. Including a couple of the mixes.

Then he had an order seized by customs. It was during a promo with a big bonus when you bought a certain amount you got a large additional amount free. The promo clearly stated if the gear was seized then only the paid for items would be reshipped, not the promo items and that was all my friend expected to receive. It took several weeks for the reship to take place but when it arrived all of the items including the promo items were included.

This took place a while back and I nor my friend have any comments on the recent happenings at basicstero but based on his experiences Frank was a respectable businessman trying to take care of his customers.
@Pharmacom Labs

Question for you...
Due to my country I order in stealth. Then I request labels shipping every 2nd order.
If I wanted to send for testing, I wouldn't have a batch/expiry date.

How do you deal with a customer like me looking to have a shipped product tested?
While it would be good for myself there would be no trace ability for the board.
I think two things are going on here lately:

1) reverse scammers trying to get an extra free vial here and there by making up complaints. The reason I think this happens is because I have not seen any of these people eager to send samples for HPLC testing (which would prove the claim). I know when I had a questionable LabMax, I greatly appreciated that this source covered the cost to get an accredited lab to analyze the product -- bottom line is I wanted to know what I had!
I have to ask myself:
Why would I want a "replacement" if I am not even sure what I have?
Why would I want another vial if I think it is bad gear?
If I really questioned what I was putting into my body I would want it tested and get real information NOT get more of what I think is junk.
However, if I was just looking to get free gear then I would want another vial instead of testing to find out facts.

2) Competition either directly or through shills are bashing the source to try to discourage customers in an attempt to get more business for their own store.
Again, same logic -- if all these bad vials and tabs are occurring then where are the testing results that prove it?
A real customer greatly appreciates the opportunity to get 3rd party testing done; be real, how many dealers do you know that will support you getting their product analyzed by an accredited lab? We have all wanted to know what is actually in a vial for years and with AL we finally have that info which has held sources accountable.
If these claims are true then why has there been ZERO negative results from actual testing (AL, or individuals -- all results have been good including the sample that I had which failed on LM).
It is obviously this is going -- competitor's shills bashing this source -- filling the thread to cause negativity and confusion.

After all, the option to send things in for testing is not enough and someone is so convinced the gear is bad -- then why even bother with this source?
why not just go move on and do business with whatever awesome alternative you have?

And, anyone with a brain understands why an unopened sealed vial is needed -- once it is no longer sealed anyone could have injected anything into that vial.

The only reason anyone would NOT want HPLC is because he or she knows the out-come will not support the claim.

Before you call me a shill for speaking logically, please review my history here and on other boards -- oh, and don't forget I was the one that posted the FAILED pharmacom NPP LabMax which lead me to getting my own SIMEC HPLC testing done (The NPP results did come back good and I had great gains on that cycle)
AND I was the one that posted POOR serum GH results for the pharmatropin I used.

I have posted unbiased, both good and/or bad results for any of my experiences.
the only thing I can add is that labmax is horseshit, and the X10 rule is wrong. I use their gear and like it. but I did get screwed on their HCG, which they gave me store credit for. and I'm not sold on their hgh, but I don't think generic hgh is any good from anyone
@Pharmacom Labs To start, I never said you didn't replace the gear, I actually said I didn't know how that process worked, if you replace it. Next, I never said you posted anything about a refund, I told the OP he wasn't getting a refund. I brought up blood work because of the exact post you just made. Your ok and trust a new member posting blood work if it's good, but a member who posts bad blood work doesn't mean anything. Pretty double standard IMO.

@RThoads I have experience with bothe Frank and Darius. I started with Darius, but they had no stock and couldn't reply to my question I sent. I then moved to Frank, but they screwed my order up as well. Hence my reasons not to deal with them. Moreover, there were other members who had the same problem at the same time. I respect your input. I wasn't trying to bash anyone with my post, only trying to help OP understand a little about the process that changes as Frank just stated.
btw, it's the end of summer, and I'm getting ready to start my next cycle in october. just a reminder to go to to help make your sourcing decisions, and donate if you can
Your a solid member here and don't disagree with anything you have stated here. But the "average joe" maybe discouraged from sending in gear for testing seeing as the wait times seem to be over 4 months long. Just saying
No. Reverse shills like you are the problem. You call anyone a shill who has anything positive to say and you bash sources you have never used. Fuck off troll.

Who pays you to post 10x/day troll? No one is enough of a loser to post 10x / day for 2 years unless they are on the take for someone.

Meso would be better without you clogging the board with your zero value nonsense.

@RThoads I have experience with bothe Frank and Darius. I started with Darius, but they had no stock and couldn't reply to my question I sent. I then moved to Frank, but they screwed my order up as well. Hence my reasons not to deal with them. Moreover, there were other members who had the same problem at the same time. I respect your input. I wasn't trying to bash anyone with my post, only trying to help OP understand a little about the process that changes as Frank just stated.

I understand, and it sounds like you had a bad experience in terms of communication and/or business, But NOT bad gear.
Makes sense that you would not do future business with a source if this was your personal experience. IF a business messes up my order or communication if bad, then I would not order again for any kind of product -- hell, I canceled my AT&T internet service for that reason (it kept cutting out and they would not communicate with me). So I get it.

My post was directed more at the people with claims of dirty gear or just bunk junk -- but then they post no real proof or show any eagerness to obtain proof by 3rd party testing.
Some of the claims make it sound as if there is this huge problem -- yet, I am yet to see one HPLC come back bad or one person have a health problem (out of thousands of customers on many boards).

I suspect some of these cases of claims without any proof could simply be other big online competition that is upset with pharmacom's expansion and wishes to play dirty in order to get some of the market share back.