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Wrong again illiterate crackhead. If you knew how to read, it wpuld be clear to you that everything I say is couched in the past tense. That is ALWAYS a caveat for ANY review of a UGL. You should know that by now. I have never said that it would be good in the future. Only that it has been good so far IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and on AnabolicLab and in the bloodwork section on Meso. These are facts. Your posts never include facts...because you are just a TROLL. Your posts are less than [emoji90].

Keep picking up that check from whoever pays you (Balkan? Vermodje?) to post 10 times per day since you joined and keep spending it at your local crack house. Your troll opinion is worthless to anyone with even a minimal capacity for logic.
Can't even be a rashional individual or a MAN about it huh Alpha? Sad! Keep cheerleading then I've pointed out the facts. You can choose to ignore them but people can see who's deflecting here. Also I literally love the fact you have to assume that I must work for some other ugl. lol I despise this game and it's a joke to get involved with unless you're the boss! Keep trying man I got nothing to hide :)
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Its not reverse scamming . This guy keeps talking like we something for free. I don't want shit for free . All I'm saying is to my meso members there's better quality choose wisley
Can't even be a rashional individual or a MAN about it huh Alpha? Sad! Keep cheerleading then I've pointed out the facts. You can choose to ignore them but people can see who's deflecting here. Also I literally love the fact you have to assume that I must work for some other ugl. lol I despise this game and it's a joke to get involved with unless you're the boss! Keep trying man I got nothing to hide :)
Never seen you respond to me with any facts. Just your trolling crackhead theories. Get lost. It's in everyone's best interest. Have you even used gear? Lol...
Its not reverse scamming . This guy keeps talking like we something for free. I don't want shit for free . All I'm saying is to my meso members there's better quality choose wisley
Please enlighten us. The invitation was offered a few pages back but you keep ignoring the question.

Don't be worried some troll will call you a shill. I won't do that. Only [emoji90] and a few other douche bags who don't appear to have ever run a cycle do that. Man up. Who should we use instead? Who has this "better quality" you speak of?
Never seen you respond to me with any facts. Just your trolling crackhead theories. Get lost. It's in everyone's best interest. Have you even used gear? Lol...
Nope never run gear in my life man lol And I'm the troll right? You got nothing ! I'm done chatting with ya groupie.
Name calling doesn't bother . To be honest I don't know any of these slang terms so no worries. Yeah let me just give up my source gtfo here
U sure are an idiot . Facts ... So then explain the bunk dbol with it facts

So you found the bad test results on the dbol? Post the links up. Ive been trying to find them since those claims came out. I guess I've just been looking in the wrong place. All I was able to find were the tests showing the dbol tested good.
I agree man. But if PC paid directly, people like [emoji90] would say the results were tainted. Hell, [emoji90] says they are tainted anyway. Trolls have ruined Meso.

Seems like you've moved from counter punching/answering criticism with what you believe to be the other side of the argument to what looks like vicious, hate filled personal attacks against 2 members who you've made your feelings about quite clear.
Thing is, Cdnguy and Geterdun haven't taken the attitudes they have out of the blue and they haven't singled out pharmacom. They've been doing the things you're so worked up about since they came on the scene. They're doing their thing in other active threads here right now.
Your assertion that Geterdun and Cdnguy have "ruined meso" is a little dramatic. It's Deja Vu for me. I heard the exact same shit from many when I was leading the pack here at meso. I know I did some good work in my day. The alternative would have meso turn into one of the other bullshit boards that are out there that coddle and bow to brand new, or more likely failed and renamed, fly by night sources that haven't proved their worth.
The meso that has trolls running around giving these ugl headaches is the same meso that had Millard at the helm when he came up with Anabolic Lab and all the testing that changed the landscape of our Community forever. Harm reduction and taking control back from the source and giving a measure of control back to the user/consumer. This troll was giving Astro and Uncle Z fits when that wonderful stuff kicked off.
I don't know where you came from, @AlphaLife...and I couldn't care less. But I the last few posts were scathing personal attacks that crossed the line, imo, and inspired me to post. I'm letting you know that not everyone is of the same opinion that you has you moving to attacking members that are working out your favorite lab.
Fuck you, alphalife. I, for one, support the members that are carrying on the meso tradition of holding ugl's accountable. They're doing just fine. You're the fucking big mouthed piece of fucking shit. Meso is gonna be meso. You'd have meso be one of the online jack-off sessions stroking these motherfuckers and giving them a pass instead of asking the questions that are asked of them here at meso. Not gonna happen on my watch. I've seen lames like yourself come and go. You want things to change here? You may want to consider leaving well enough alone.
I agree man. But if PC paid directly, people like [emoji90] would say the results were tainted. Hell, [emoji90] says they are tainted anyway. Trolls have ruined Meso.
You sound like a pr guy for pc. I see you throwing names around at members in good standing that are giving this ugl the business and irritating the reps? They don't need your fucking help.
We make these ugl's earn their keep. They don't pay rent or fees. Fuck them. Pcom doesn't get special treatment because you have a hard-on for them.
Fuck you for trying to undermine members that are doing what meso does in regards to how we handle labs here. Fuck off.
Seems like you've moved from counter punching/answering criticism with what you believe to be the other side of the argument to what looks like vicious, hate filled personal attacks against 2 members who you've made your feelings about quite clear.
Thing is, Cdnguy and Geterdun haven't taken the attitudes they have out of the blue and they haven't singled out pharmacom. They've been doing the things you're so worked up about since they came on the scene. They're doing their thing in other active threads here right now.
Your assertion that Geterdun and Cdnguy have "ruined meso" is a little dramatic. It's Deja Vu for me. I heard the exact same shit from many when I was leading the pack here at meso. I know I did some good work in my day. The alternative would have meso turn into one of the other bullshit boards that are out there that coddle and bow to brand new, or more likely failed and renamed, fly by night sources that haven't proved their worth.
The meso that has trolls running around giving these ugl headaches is the same meso that had Millard at the helm when he came up with Anabolic Lab and all the testing that changed the landscape of our Community forever. Harm reduction and taking control back from the source and giving a measure of control back to the user/consumer. This troll was giving Astro and Uncle Z fits when that wonderful stuff kicked off.
I don't know where you came from, @AlphaLife...and I couldn't care less. But I the last few posts were scathing personal attacks that crossed the line, imo, and inspired me to post. I'm letting you know that not everyone is of the same opinion that you has you moving to attacking members that are working out your favorite lab.
Fuck you, alphalife. I, for one, support the members that are carrying on the meso tradition of holding ugl's accountable. They're doing just fine. You're the fucking big mouthed piece of fucking shit. Meso is gonna be meso. You'd have meso be one of the online jack-off sessions stroking these motherfuckers and giving them a pass instead of asking the questions that are asked of them here at meso. Not gonna happen on my watch. I've seen lames like yourself come and go. You want things to change here? You may want to consider leaving well enough alone.
Speaking of personal attacks. Cite a fact please. Thanks.
You sound like a pr guy for pc. I see you throwing names around at members in good standing that are giving this ugl the business and irritating the reps? They don't need your fucking help.
We make these ugl's earn their keep. They don't pay rent or fees. Fuck them. Pcom doesn't get special treatment because you have a hard-on for them.
Fuck you for trying to undermine members that are doing what meso does in regards to how we handle labs here. Fuck off.
Another troll with no facts in this useless post.
Someone not agreeing with your take doesn't make them a troll. I've read some of Ben's posts and never got the troll impression.

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I can't read alphas bullshit posts anymore, but I'm guessing he called @biggerben69 a troll? Now that has to win the biggest dipshit award of the year IMO. @Docd187123 is spot on.

Thank you for the kind words sir!


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