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Since he is not, you give him a pass, right? Bye troll.
I could give a flying fuck either way cuz anyone gambling on PC right now needs their head checked!!!!! Way too many questions about the gear imo. But how many first posts I've seen giving the g2g and you queers praise thoses shill fucks! Hypocrite
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I could give a flying fuck either way cuz anyone gambling on PC right now needs their head checked!!!!! Way too many questions about the gear imo. But how many first posts I've seen giving the g2g and you fags praise thoses shill fucks! Hypocrite
No, first posts are never praised by me. That's your thing. Anything to forward your agenda, troll.
I was on Test E 500 and did bloods and it was capped at 2700.
I switched over to Test Sus 500 for a solid 3 weeks now and am seeing a dr. tonight to attempt uncapped blood tests this time.

Will post bloods when available in the next week.
No, first posts are never praised by me. That's your thing. Anything to forward your agenda, troll.
As I thought you're a gutless queer with no parts! Next time you wanna call me out don't be such a little bitch there PC cock sucker :)

edit- @Triton_ you can have your great thread back seeing as Alpha is a bitch :rolleyes:
I swear this shit just gets even more and more intolerable. I have yet to have a bad comment on pcom but yet this board is filled to the brim with dumb ass posts like I shot a huge load my test is bunk.... I say meso needs a deep purging and we just start weeding out the lame asses.
You were right with your first post....without blood work there's not much to go on. Using the size of your nut is well, nutty

So you don't agree running 750 a week switching from TRT dose of 150 a week it is odd my balls are filling up again? I'm not sure but I had never seen anything as clear as this bottle was and the others were normal looking despite having the same exp and codes that checkout. I'm sorry no bloods for ya'll but I literally feel like videoing me injecting 750 of this a week so I can prove to pharmacom that i am indeed taking 750 and then sending them a picture of my big cumshot lol, JK. I dont want to badmouth anyone or pass judgement on a source until cycle is complete but this is wats been happening with me so far....i think i got fucked on the one clear bottle, i'm pretty certain. If the other bottles are legit the sad thing is I will probably just say fuck it and call the one bottle a loss. But in reality they should replace this shit, just cause I don't have bloods doesn't mean I don't know what underdosed test is.
and i expressed concern about the bottle before even opening it cuz of how different it was. That was why I ran it right after I got the order and the clear one first to make sure it wasn't bunk