MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Never received anything fraud @CdnGuy. Never written anything but my honest opinion fuckstick. Including bringing attention to shit like the GH gremlin. You're just too fucking stuck in your agenda getting paid by Balkan to smear other labs to see the facts.
Excuse me? lol Your a sniveling little bitch that has been put in the corner now stay there! Please provide proof if your going to accuse me of being involved with something. Kinda like how the 2 PC reps were exposed with proof! I'll be waiting son...chop chop lets see the facts punk :)
O okay im just worried that if i put a fake name i wont get my package

yeah, I would also be worried about that.
I did it because I have used the name a lot for many things so they are used to delivering to it, so I had no worry and it gets delivered.
No way I would risk having to go to the post office to pick up a pack.
I tried the stealth this time due to size. Hope east coast is still g2g. So far good with regular. Hope I didn't jinx it by going stealth.
@AlphaLife I guess you couldn't find a pay stub from Balkan as proof of my employment with Balkan huh? :rolleyes:
I guess it would help if I had even tried any Balkan products though Alphaboy
But hey we can't all suck off the lab that we do ACTUALLY RECEIVE FREE GEAR FROM RIGHT? ;)

My bad, I should know by now. I'm just a little guy. 5'10, 180, prob 14% bf or so. I don't want to be the biggest or strongest guy, just going for a nice muscular cut aesthetic. My current goal is to get around 200 lbs and 6-7%.

I'm running a sponsored cycle for Pharmacom ( right now, logging it on another forum. I may transfer the log here for reasons Frank or I can explain.

good night "little guy" lol (your own quote)
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O okay im just worried that if i put a fake name i wont get my package

Using a fake name for shipping is not really a good idea. Most of the time no one notices, but it depends mostly on your mailman. If he notices he may ask for an explanation. Unless you're prepared to tell him it's not your package, the fake name won't help you at all legally. So all you're doing is making the package look suspicious.
Must have good postal people in your area because the ones around my way could give a fuck what's written on the package. Half the time I get other people's mail anyways.