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Because Darius is a reseller and basicstero is not. However with price matches and discounts offered, prices aren't much different.

So how can a reseller have a cheaper price from someone in the inside they're both pharmacom
Just saying
come on who says it's difficult to get syringes in the USA. Definitely not a problem anyone can get them.

Most state you need a script
But I found out talking to the girl behind the counter is Not that hard plus there are a couple of sites talked about here on meso that delivers with no problem
you have to think outside of the box. I'm sure a lot of places require script. lot of good people here on this form and willing to help I'm thankful for this.
Some states do need a script, but if you google Medical Suppliers, there are plenty out there that will ship to your door with no questions asked...
you're totally correct Johnny. but surprise surprise there is even a better way.
When I said think outside of the box that's what I meant.
What doses are you guys running the Tbol and/or Anavar at? And are you supplementing with Test?

I apologize if this is the incorrect place to ask this.
but darius uses other resellers that hehas had problems with. at least with basic you know its straight from the source and can be domestic. Wish some bloods would start rolling in though.
So how can a reseller have a cheaper price from someone in the inside they're both pharmacom
Just saying
And by the way, if you think just because you can get it straight from the manufacturer you are getting the best deal you would be ignorant. Basic isn't selling to hook bros up with all the better deals, they are in it for the money. Therefore they will set prices that are competitive and not much different than the rest of the market. Darius buys at wholesale YOU get it at retail.
Don't know but I thought this thread and Darius were both pharmacom why is this dude charging way more than Darius
If a test fails for pharmacom you both fail why are your prices so high
I thought his prices were considerably less than Darius. Especially with the buy 300 get 200 free
This basic stero guy is a trip. Apparently I'm out to ruin the reputation of his company.

Continued here

Well... I just screwed up and by chanse deleted the biggest part of the text here. I said before that if you read that thread carefully you will see that my discontent was directed not against flenser personally but against against all the guys which said that Vermodje is g2g, Vermodje is better, etc. I know what is Vermodje. They counterfeited our products and sold bunk oil and pills in phrmacom packages. There is a video with proves there. Vermodje`s mail box was hacked and all correspondence is seen there. They ordered caps and vials as ours, they had design of our packages. After that video Vermodje almost disappeared in Russia. And they moved to west countires where nobody knows about that story.
Vermodje also produces Radjay which is manifested to be an Indian manufacturer. Golden Drugon is also Vermodje. On site of Golden Drugon there is a video with production of their pills. One guy from Israel moved to Moldova and started to produce the same gear in new design. Here is the site:
And here is the video

Looks not very impressive. The entire mass is in open air, nothing is closed. Just home brewers.No health preservation at all. And compare it with our production videos. I put them here again.
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Video Removed
In our videos the process of the mixing the entire pill mass is not shown, cause it is not seen from outside. All stuff is mixed in an absolutely closed vessel, there are pumps, which suck necessary amounts of the mass into the horses for further preparation, however the entire process is absolutely protected, vessels are closed so that no dust, etc gets inside. And what we see on this Vermodje-Golden Dragon video... If i read after this that Vermodje is g2g, great products, lot of members are stating this without any proves, just bunk words... this, the fact, that people just do not have all the info and absolutely don`t imagine what they are speaking about by praising these home brewers... of coarse it sets my teeth on edge, gets on my nerves, tell it how you want. People are just ignorant of the real state of the things. In fact no one lab posted any production videos and as many proves as we did. And there will be more. Next week there shall be a video with sterilization, after this ampules production, after this testing process on our chromatograph, etc. No one manufacturer provided as much evidences as we did. So excuse me that I begin to boil when someone without any background says that our products are worse as this homely brewed bullshit.

There are dozens of similar photos in Russian forums. However you will never see such things on Pharmacom products.
Some people are just intentionally ruing are reputation, the video proved it. Not only Vermodje does it, other manufacturers as well. Because they just now we are better, but have to proves of their quality to provide to the audience. So, yes I was and I am angry if somebody compares this bullshit with our products and mopreover says it is better.

Great point? Why the price difference?
Because we are not resellers, we are manufacturer and deliver directly from the factory.
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Thxs Frank ! saw that post from flenser on the other fourm. But having absolutely no vested interests in either yours and there labs gotta say this looks weak ass on your part man!! Dont think D would be resorting to these sad tactics.....just saying.