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I use the BDR app as my wallet but I want to know where I can hold money so I can transfer it . My bank Denys anything bitcoin related
I just discovered that all the problems I have been having sending money via Western Union and Moneygram is the fault of my bank. Seems the Banksters are assuming the roll of Big Bro and "protecting" me. Thugs in suits and nothing more. They even jammed my PayPal attempt to pay the first time. Going Bitcoin.
If he actually brought something to this thread I’d gladly stfu .. trust me but he has asked or has said nothing nor has he even used this lab so it’s just like gtfo
And I know that mother fucker has a micro penis
I knew you were a fag. What kind of "man" thinks about another man's penis? Faggot. Now tell us all again how Basic is the unicorn of UGLs, shill.
I knew you were a fag. What kind of "man" thinks about another man's penis? Faggot. Now tell us all again how Basic is the unicorn of UGLs, shill.

Serious question. Is the name you chose supposed to be ironic? Cause that pic you put for your avatar can’t be real either. That has to be ironic too.. no offense if it is real cause I’m not trying to judge people here I just think that pic looks made on a computer but I just assumed the name and pic were for humor?
You STILL literally have nothing to say .
You keep calling me a shill meanwhile I have been saying what many others have been saying .... so if you are insulting me, you are insulting many others.
Stop being childish and go do some actual research and maybe actually have something productive to say.
I’m done even wasting my time With you.
Next time when you speak, bring something to the table.
If not just stop embarrassing yourself dude.
Serious question. Is the name you chose supposed to be ironic? Cause that pic you put for your avatar can’t be real either. That has to be ironic too.. no offense if it is real cause I’m not trying to judge people here I just think that pic looks made on a computer but I just assumed the name and pic were for humor?

I’ve seen it before...
I believe someone else has used it on another forum and there is memes with this picture.
He’s just scared to put his own picture because he probably doesn’t even know what steroids do
You STILL literally have nothing to say .
You keep calling me a shill meanwhile I have been saying what many others have been saying .... so if you are insulting me, you are insulting many others.
Stop being childish and go do some actual research and maybe actually have something productive to say.
I’m done even wasting my time With you.
Next time when you speak, bring something to the table.
If not just stop embarrassing yourself dude.
Now you sound like a woman! "I'm done even wasting my time with you." Get those hormones in check man/woman!
I’ve seen it before...
I believe someone else has used it on another forum and there is memes with this picture.
He’s just scared to put his own picture because he probably doesn’t even know what steroids do

Thought so.. didn’t look real when you pull it up. His names gotta be ironic then too cause otherwise why would an all “Natty” guy doing on an AAS forum..? lol that makes more sense.
Now you sound like a woman! "I'm done even wasting my time with you." Get those hormones in check man/woman!

Now you’re offending women ?!? You are just fun of nothing homie.
Everything you say says a lot about the type of person you are.
One word I can immediately think of is ignorant.
Hey, I do not mind the obvious bashers (maybe sometimes they are paid shills from competitors; other times they are reverse scammers; but most of the time they are just bored guys trolling the forums to get a reaction).
Bashers that are dedicated (they check in much more often than real customers) to the thread bump the thread daily and keep it on top. Either way, regardless of their motive to bash, they are keeping the thread on top for new customers to find; new comers read the first few posts with all the store info and production vids etc and (obviously by the many repeated basic questions we all see) do not read deep into threads.
So, often times, I predict bashers contribute to an increased visibility and traffic leading to more customers without even having their bullshit posts read.

The thousands of satisfied customers and many good lab results speak for themselves -- the bashers just mean the thread stays relevant and gets more views.
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Hey, I do not mind the obvious bashers (maybe sometimes they are paid shills from competitors; other times they are reverse scammers; but most of the time they are just bored guys trolling the forums to get a reaction).
Bashers that are dedicated (they check in much more often than real customers) to the thread bump the thread daily and keep it on top. Either way, regardless of their motive to bash, new customers read the first few posts with all the store info and production vids etc and (obviously by the many repeated basic questions we all see) do not read deep into threads.
So, often times, I predict bashers contribute to increased visibility and traffic leading to more customers.

The thousands of satisfied customers and many good lab results speak for themselves -- the bashers just mean the thread stays relevant and gets more views.

I can say from experience that the orals and Oils from Basic I’ve tried are all awesome! My favorite of all the Basic Oils & orals for a cycle so far is The Test Prop, NPP, and Anavar. The dbol and Tbol are both fantastic as well but I need to order more of the Tbol cause that was my true favorite but didn’t get to run it long enough due to my own poor planning. Also I wanna try the GW1516. Anyone have feedback on the GW1516?
I agree. Calling you a woman is an insult to women everywhere.

There’s a specific thread for calling people out and shit talking bro and outta respect for the forum and this thread that Pcom has you really should move your trash talking BS over there bro! I’d be happy to get you a link to the thread if you don’t feel like typing it into the search bar..
I can say from experience that the orals and Oils from Basic I’ve tried are all awesome! My favorite of all the Basic Oils & orals for a cycle so far is The Test Prop, NPP, and Anavar. The dbol and Tbol are both fantastic as well but I need to order more of the Tbol cause that was my true favorite but didn’t get to run it long enough due to my own poor planning. Also I wanna try the GW1516. Anyone have feedback on the GW1516?

I have not used Pharmacom's GW , but I have used GW from another source in the past and thought it was an amazing compound (the effects were significant enough that it made me nervous lol).
I have not used Pharmacom's GW , but I have used GW from another source in the past and thought it was an amazing compound (the effects were significant enough that it made me nervous lol).

I’ve heard it’s extremely potent and really does work to burn fat fast as hell. What’s a run time for it? 4 weeks like Clen or longer?
I can say from experience that the orals and Oils from Basic I’ve tried are all awesome! My favorite of all the Basic Oils & orals for a cycle so far is The Test Prop, NPP, and Anavar. The dbol and Tbol are both fantastic as well but I need to order more of the Tbol cause that was my true favorite but didn’t get to run it long enough due to my own poor planning. Also I wanna try the GW1516. Anyone have feedback on the GW1516?

I like this favorites
Tri Tren Blend - wow! Was what got me hooked on PCOM
Mast M 300 - Another wow blend for me, also tested it was on the dot as label
Halo - Only tried this once but first day my arms were rock hard. Was on no carbs and still hit 2-3 hour workouts
I’ve heard it’s extremely potent and really does work to burn fat fast as hell. What’s a run time for it? 4 weeks like Clen or longer?

It is not at all a stim or like anything else.

For instance, Clen is a Beta-2 agonist (activator) much like albuterol and ephedrine etc. Yohimbine is a alpha-1 antagonist (blocker).
Those are acting on the adrenergic receptors.

GW501516 is its own beats; it is an agonist for the PPARδ receptor.
Some of the effects include an activation of AMPK, improved lipids, improved nutrient partitioning / improve insulin sensitivity, improved cardio capacity, and increased fat oxidation.
your best bet to research its effects, physiology and pharmacology, would be to start with reading about the PPARδ receptor.

As for length of a run -- it is still so new and unknown that you would have to make your own choice.
For myself, 8 weeks tops. But that is because of my personal concerns to reduce any risks of cancer (although that study had flaws and other studies show it would prevent cancer -- we just do not know yet).
I know people that have been on it for years now and no issues yet.
Again, like with anything you will put into your body, my biggest advice is to do a lot of your own research and decide for yourself.

I can say that I will for sure be running it again.
It is not at all a stim or like anything else.

For instance, Clen is a Beta-2 agonist (activator) much like albuterol and ephedrine etc. Yohimbine is a alpha-1 antagonist (blocker).
Those are acting on the adrenergic receptors.

GW501516 is its own beats; it is an agonist for the PPARδ receptor.
Some of the effects include an activation of AMPK, improved lipids, improved nutrient partitioning / improve insulin sensitivity, improved cardio capacity, and increased fat oxidation.
your best bet to research its effects, physiology and pharmacology, would be to start with reading about the PPARδ receptor.

As for length of a run -- it is still so new and unknown that you would have to make your own choice.
For myself, 8 weeks tops. But that is because of my personal concerns to reduce any risks of cancer (although that study had flaws and other studies show it would prevent cancer -- we just do not know yet).
I know people that have been on it for years now and no issues yet.
Again, like with anything you will put into your body, my biggest advice is to do a lot of your own research and decide for yourself.

I can say that I will for sure be running it again.

I’ve been doing tons of research but nobody ever says a runtime lol I appreciate you saying at least what you ran it for. I live the idea of the energy and fat burning without it being a stimulant. The way this stuff was tested at 50x dosages on rats and that’s where they got the cancer BS is garbage to me cause if you took 50 Tylenol you’d have liver failure and so on so they need to properly test it. I think the fda is making to much cash on diabetes meds and cash from childhood and adult obesity and so on. That’s why they banned it but I just bought t and said screw it. Got two packs and I’ll keep y’all posted on results when it shows in a few weeks. Thanks for the feedback bro!