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By letting Darius take the fall it's the same product please answer all questions
This goes to explain it self
You don't test all your raws not every batch is being tested
Dont waste it. Pin 100mg everyday instead of every other day. Keep a log of how long and how much and get bloods done after 3 weeks. Bloods will tell the story bro
Since June, bro. I need to pass my final exams and I'm ready for the first cycle.
It's worth mentioning that I googled basicstero and saw him active on evo business as usual today just before someone posted what was going on over here. Now this clown vanished from there too.

I just don't get these "reward offers" for posting blood work if your gear is shit lol. At least spend a few more cents and throw in an extra 100mg powder even if it's impure so bloods look impressive at least.
Ya I don't get why if you know raws are on the weak side you wouldn't just put in double and make the customers happy. Such a pain in the arse to find quality gear these days...
Lol now all the suden everyone who has any connection with pharmacom is nowhere to be found
If you look at Darius' reply, he is right. People panic and post a ton of shit in a matter of hours, and don't really give the source time to reply. Frank isn't helping. I don't give a shit about what he says. Darius' input is all I'm interested in.
Will have bloods on pharmacom test p around 16 of June. Need a bit of patience.

Will run it at 100mg/ED

Something I have fought is... What IF you pin delts two times in a row and then draw bloods? Delts are small muscle and absorption is reduced that's why it's well known that halflife of steroids pinned in delts it's increased.

Could it interfere with peak value etc? I wonder because last time I did test prop 75mg/ED

I pinned delts the last two days before blood, drawn blood 24h later and got a 2100ng/DL

Happened the same with pharma grade test E.

I'm very skeptical of the 10x rule. Actually I have never seen someone score 10x. If the rule was set in stone most of the TRT guys would inject 80-90mg/wk max.

I mostly see ppl cruising on 100-125-150 / week
franks gonna say "that must have been darius resellers relabeling things" because i dont think any of the bloods were direct stero customers? or am i wrong? guarantee by his reaction you will be lucky to even get a discount let alone a refund or replacement.
as far as franks dbol goes. I had hammer replace some crap dbol with some unbearable everclear liquid stuff, hate to say it but pumps were through the roof and strength started to go up within a week. got frank dbol three days ago and immidiately switched over, pumps were diminished on day two and gone today.
Will have bloods on pharmacom test p around 16 of June. Need a bit of patience.

Will run it at 100mg/ED

Something I have fought is... What IF you pin delts two times in a row and then draw bloods? Delts are small muscle and absorption is reduced that's why it's well known that halflife of steroids pinned in delts it's increased.

Could it interfere with peak value etc? I wonder because last time I did test prop 75mg/ED

I pinned delts the last two days before blood, drawn blood 24h later and got a 2100ng/DL

Happened the same with pharma grade test E.

I'm very skeptical of the 10x rule. Actually I have never seen someone score 10x. If the rule was set in stone most of the TRT guys would inject 80-90mg/wk max.

I mostly see ppl cruising on 100-125-150 / week
So your 75mg every day yielded 4x roughly?
So your 75mg every day yielded 4x roughly?
Have you ever had blood work done while on other gear for comparison? would be good if you did cause then you could more accurately tell what your usual numbers are and compare it to this to see really how much of a difference there is. The 10x rule etc is ok but the problem is that not everyone is different and not everyone has the same response to gear so you can't say for sure that if it was properly dosed you would have x amount of test. The best way would be to compare your own results over a period of time using different gear. Your numbers do seem low though that's for sure not disputing that.
frank addressed this issue on evo. basically said this place has a dirty background the two bloods were from untrustworthy sources and that they didnt get it from him but from darius