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There’s a reason I asked for RTs opinion on it and not a novice.. thanks for your effort to try and comment though [emoji106]

I think @movingiron88 means well, he has been around here for a long time and has experience -- I respect him -- it is a pretty big cycle you posted and maybe he just comes across rude but ultimately is trying to care about your health and just concerned/questioning a pretty big cycle.
I do not know for sure -- I do not know him well or know the details regarding you two having any history interacting. My apology if I am wrong about a positive intent.
I am just trying to see things in a positive light. :)

My next cycle will be started in Dec 1st or so and is going to be as followed. Any feedback would be appreciated RT..

Test 700mg weekly
NPP 700mg weekly
Tren E 400mg weekly
Primo 700mg weekly
EQ 600mg weekly
(Upping EQ to 750mg weekly at 8 week mark)
Total cycle will be 14 weeks and not starting Tren till week 3 or 4. Still debating on if I wanna run any orals with this and if so might run tbol or anavar for the last 8-9 weeks.

Thoughts? PM me later..

@Lean_N_Mean would you like me to reply about the cycle here for everyone to discuss or via PM?
@Lean_N_Mean would you like me to reply about the cycle here for everyone to discuss or via PM?[/QUOTE]
I was actually thinking of trading out the NPP for Deca at 600mg weekly since everything else is longer Ester anyhow.. but ya it may help more than just me so your thoughts publicly would be great. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks RT!
I was actually thinking of trading out the NPP for Deca at 600mg weekly since everything else is longer Ester anyhow.. but ya it may help more than just me so your thoughts publicly would be great. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks RT!

Working with the framework you presented, here are some of my thoughts:

I wouldn't titrate up the EQ because it such a long ester and already takes a long time to build; therefore, in a way, EQ already titrates itself up throughout most of the cycle -- by this I mean it will continually slowly build higher and higher levels in the time frame we have at hand.
I would make a graph of the levels but the steroid plot website is down.

Therefore, the Test-E + Primo + EQ would all be the foundation and run at full dosage right from the start. I think this makes sense and would allow you to gauge AI dosage adjustments with first mid-cycle bloods at the end of week 4.

IF anything, I would slowly increase the NPP since it is a short ester and you can more specifically control when it increases (also 19-nor may pose greater challenges in terms of side effects so you will be able to slowly increase and see how you handle the nandrolone).

Consider upping the short ester as your body accommodates to the cycle (SHBG and myostatin increases etc).
So maybe the first 5 weeks just run 200mg NPP (or even zero).
Then, the next 5 weeks up the nandrolone to 400mg.
The final 4 weeks up it to 600mg.

Tren -- I would consider Tren-Ace ED (you are already pinning a short ester anyway with the NPP) so you again have more control over the 19-nors, can increase in specific phases, and can adjust/drop fast if any undesired effects.
You have a very BIG 19-nor total written (1100mg a week of 19-nors) which many would not be able to handle. I say go for it haha :cool: but also give yourself a quick exit strategy if you do not like how it makes you feel.

Either way, tren-e or tren-ace, save it for the last 10-8 weeks (if it were myself, I would only do it the last 8 weeks because of the high 19-nor total).
If you go with tren-e then just start right at week 6 and pin it full dosage because it will slowly build.

IF you go with Ace, then do something similar as I suggested for the NPP -- increase over time/phases so you get the most from the lowest dosage and then up it to push new gains.
My suggestion is start low with Tren-ace at 30mg ED, then a couple weeks go to 40mg ED, then a couple more weeks try 50mg ED... that is about as high as I would take it considering teh NPP is also increasing and will be at 600-700mg a week by the time you are at 350mg a week of tren-ace.

IF any shitty side effects or just not feeling good anymore -- you can quickly drop the NPP and Tren which after a few days would leave you back with your base of Test+Primo+EQ which I think are very clean and would not have side effects or issues.
This way you have great options to go either way -- increase to overcome the physiological compensations to gear and/or abort mission on the high 19-nors stack if you are not enjoying it -- a win-win with such options :)

I do not see a need for an oral in this stack.
But if you have a lot of experience and feel you have exhausted what the oils at these dosages can give you, or simply have a specific goal that you feel will be better reached with adding an oral, then an oral may have its place.
The choice would depend upon the goal.
IF you are planning to go all out for mass, I would run 4 weeks Adrol at the end.
IF the goal was to harden and look dry at the end, I would consider winny or Var (I personally have no experience with tbol so I can not comment on it).

I hope some of these ideas help or at least give you some different perspectives.
I think @movingiron88 means well, he has been around here for a long time and has experience -- I respect him -- it is a pretty big cycle you posted and maybe he just comes across rude but ultimately is trying to care about your health and just concerned/questioning a pretty big cycle.
I do not know for sure -- I do not know him well or know the details regarding you two having any history interacting. My apology if I am wrong about a positive intent.
I am just trying to see things in a positive light. :)

@Lean_N_Mean would you like me to reply about the cycle here for everyone to discuss or via PM?

Also it’s hard for me to believe that @movingiron88 was being sincere considering they’ve been nothing but a dick to me since my first week of of coming back on here.. I apologies to @movingiron88 if that was meant to be sincere but I think they should reread the post cause I said I was thinking of adding an Oral and I have no problem pining daily to keep my levels as high and even as possible. Any questions let me know.
Also it’s hard for me to believe that @movingiron88 was being sincere considering they’ve been nothing but a dick to me since my first week of of coming back on here.. I apologies to @movingiron88 if that was meant to be sincere but I think they should reread the post cause I said I was thinking of adding an Oral and I have no problem pining daily to keep my levels as high and even as possible. Any questions let me know.

I hear you.
Maybe I will just stick to what I usually do -- staying out of any involvement with others' interactions.
I meant no disrespect toward you or toward him; I will stay out of it moving forward -- sorry.

In terms of the Deca instead of NPP; you gain convenience of less pinning but you lose the option of aborting mission quickly.
I like the idea of the Deca though and run it right from the start liek with EQ because it builds slowly. You will not be able to end it quickly like NPP if sides are too much so in this case I would 100% recommend if tren is added later that it be Tran-ace.
Then you can simply control the tren-ace stacked on top and quickly abort tren-ace if its too much 19-nor for you.
Working with the framework you presented, here are some of my thoughts:

I wouldn't titrate up the EQ because it such a long ester and already takes a long time to build; therefore, in a way, EQ already titrates itself up throughout most of the cycle -- by this I mean it will continually slowly build higher and higher levels in the time frame we have at hand.
I would make a graph of the levels but the steroid plot website is down.

Therefore, the Test-E + Primo + EQ would all be the foundation and run at full dosage right from the start. I think this makes sense and would allow you to gauge AI dosage adjustments with first mid-cycle bloods at the end of week 4.

IF anything, I would slowly increase the NPP since it is a short ester and you can more specifically control when it increases (also 19-nor may pose greater challenges in terms of side effects so you will be able to slowly increase and see how you handle the nandrolone).

Consider upping the short ester as your body accommodates to the cycle (SHBG and myostatin increases etc).
So maybe the first 5 weeks just run 200mg NPP (or even zero).
Then, the next 5 weeks up the nandrolone to 400mg.
The final 4 weeks up it to 600mg.

Tren -- I would consider Tren-Ace ED (you are already pinning a short ester anyway with the NPP) so you again have more control over the 19-nors, can increase in specific phases, and can adjust/drop fast if any undesired effects.
You have a very BIG 19-nor total written (1100mg a week of 19-nors) which many would not be able to handle. I say go for it haha :cool: but also give yourself a quick exit strategy if you do not like how it makes you feel.

Either way, tren-e or tren-ace, save it for the last 10-8 weeks (if it were myself, I would only do it the last 8 weeks because of the high 19-nor total).
If you go with tren-e then just start right at week 6 and pin it full dosage because it will slowly build.

IF you go with Ace, then do something similar as I suggested for the NPP -- increase over time/phases so you get the most from the lowest dosage and then up it to push new gains.
My suggestion is start low with Tren-ace at 30mg ED, then a couple weeks go to 40mg ED, then a couple more weeks try 50mg ED... that is about as high as I would take it considering teh NPP is also increasing and will be at 600-700mg a week by the time you are at 350mg a week of tren-ace.

IF any shitty side effects or just not feeling good anymore -- you can quickly drop the NPP and Tren which after a few days would leave you back with your base of Test+Primo+EQ which I think are very clean and would not have side effects or issues.
This way you have great options to go either way -- increase to overcome the physiological compensations to gear and/or abort mission on the high 19-nors stack if you are not enjoying it -- a win-win with such options :)

I do not see a need for an oral in this stack.
But if you have a lot of experience and feel you have exhausted what the oils at these dosages can give you, or simply have a specific goal that you feel will be better reached with adding an oral, then an oral may have its place.
The choice would depend upon the goal.
IF you are planning to go all out for mass, I would run 4 weeks Adrol at the end.
IF the goal was to harden and look dry at the end, I would consider winny or Var (I personally have no experience with tbol so I can not comment on it).

I hope some of these ideas help or at least give you some different perspectives.

That helps dramatically actually cause it never would have occurred to me to slowly climb the 19-Nor’s like that. I never run the Tren Ace higher than 350 a week but the NPP I have always been a fan of over Deca. The base like you said will be the Primo, EQ, and Test and the EQ I’m still learning about so keeping it at a stagnate dose to let it climb on its own is awesome advice! Thanks RT! I really appreciate you taking the time to write that!!!
@Lean_N_Mean no problem brother.

Ok, on that note -- I am off for the evening and most of the day tomorrow. Lift tomorrow at a gym an hour from my home and then later I have a bday party / dinner for my family so I might not be on much tomorrow.

Have a good one everybody and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Warning: fakes found again. This time we got report from Iran and Kuwait ( probably other Arabian markets too), but nobody knows where they can show up else..
Those are sold extremely cheap and packaging looks pretty close similarly.
Nobody knows, what is there inside. Be careful!
All current genuine Pharmacom Labs batches/ products should have verification codes under a silver-like scratch-off protection layer.
Codes should be checked only here:
Pharmacom Labs - Code Site
If you see the “Fake” message it could mean that you have fake or you entered some symbol wrong, it also happens. Our site shows, how many times the code was checked before. If you check it for the first time, you should see notification that it was checked 0 times before. If you find that your code was checked multiple times, it means its a duplicate and fake!

We, are not resellers, we are Pharmacom Labs and we produce these items, so there is no way we can have fakes. But be cautions, when ordering from resellers.

Here some pics

Warning: fakes found again. This time we got report from Iran and Kuwait ( probably other Arabian markets too), but nobody knows where they can show up else..
Those are sold extremely cheap and packaging looks pretty close similarly.
Nobody knows, what is there inside. Be careful!
All current genuine Pharmacom Labs batches/ products should have verification codes under a silver-like scratch-off protection layer.
Codes should be checked only here:
Pharmacom Labs - Code Site
If you see the “Fake” message it could mean that you have fake or you entered some symbol wrong, it also happens. Our site shows, how many times the code was checked before. If you check it for the first time, you should see notification that it was checked 0 times before. If you find that your code was checked multiple times, it means its a duplicate and fake!

We, are not resellers, we are Pharmacom Labs and we produce these items, so there is no way we can have fakes. But be cautions, when ordering from resellers.

Here some pics

Wow, they spent a lot of money to get so much details and make these fakes. Thank you for sharing the info @Pharmacom Labs

I know this sucks -- counterfeits make a lot of trouble for customers and for the real company.

But it also shows that Pharmacom is a very good brand because someone would not waste time and money to make such detailed fakes unless it is of something good.
Think about it -- while bashers will not want to admit it -- this means Pharmacom is so good and reputable of a brand that it is worth it for counterfeiters to spend this much money and effort to fake the products.
The counterfeiters can pick any brand to fake (some other brands have easier packaging to duplicate too) but they pick Pharmacom because even they know this is a great brand.

Well, like with most things in life: if the price is too good to be true, it likely is a scam.

Basicstero customers do not have to worry about such things because Basicstero is the direct from Pharmacom store.
An addition to the previous post

Please be cautions and pay great attention to the following:

All current genuine Pharmacom Labs batches/products have verification codes.

Pills and ampules on the side of the box under a under a silver-like scratch-off protection layer.

Vials have codes on the right side of the label under a silver-like scratch-off protection layer with Pharmacom Labs logo on it.



CAUTION: It became known that fake products also have protection codes and QR-codes leading to the fake Pharmacom Labs site
, which is a complete copy of our site. Be very carefully with this. All genuine products should be checked only on

While checking your code, if you see the “Fake” message it could mean that you have fake or you entered some symbol wrong; it also happens; in this case you need to attentively recheck your code and find, what symbol could be wrong. Sometimes 0 (zero) and O or L and I and 1 (one) are mixed up. Pay attention to this.

Our site shows, how many times the code was checked before. If you check it for the first time, you should see notification that it was checked 0 times before. If you find that your code was checked multiple times, it means someone has already checked it before, so, most probably its a duplicate and fake!
I Just want to keep everyone posted on the reshipped order from 7/31 that was originally placed back on 7/13 I wrote about on about 8/1/18. This order was not seized or anything like that it was strictly miscommunication from the internal side of pcom. I’ve gotten 3 notices since 7/31 via email by pcom that my order has been “reshipped” but no tracking info and they couldn’t help me at all when I asked several times and they didn’t know what was going on. I get that these guys are busy and due to the quality of their product and at least the “attempt” to communicate back to me what the issues were no matter how ridiculous, I will just have to wait with more patience and hope that the three different times they keep saying they’ll “give me a bonus” for the excessive wait time from their errors, that the bonuses are good enough to warrant a two to two and a half month order time. It Worries me a little cause I just placed another $1000 order right after they said they originally fixed this on 7/31/18. I’ll keep everyone posted but from what I can see so far they’re really having a hard time working the bugs out with this new shipping point to supposedly make things better for us all. This is the best company I’ve dealt with up till this last order so depending on how well they make this right I’ll keep those opinions. Either way the quality is there it’s just not worth a 3 month wait to get.. I’m rooting for y’all at Pharmacom Labs! Make this right and hopefully do it fast. Thanks!
@Pharmacom Labs
@Pharmacom Helper
@Lean_N_Mean you should edit out exact dates.
Remember this is a public forum anyone can see.
It is commonly known that exact dates, exact times, and any exact locations should not be publicly displayed for your own and everyone else's safety.

Just say something such as "a couple of weeks ago" or "its been a few weeks and still no reply" or "its been over a month and nothing" etc. Not the exact date.
It will communicate the same information but not give anyone specific details.
@Lean_N_Mean you should edit out exact dates.
Remember this is a public forum anyone can see.
It is commonly known that exact dates, exact times, and any exact locations should not be publicly displayed for your own and everyone else's safety.

Just say something such as "a couple of weeks ago" or "its been a few weeks and still no reply" or "its been over a month and nothing" etc. Not the exact date.
It will communicate the same information but not give anyone specific details.

Shit you’re a hundred percent right and they’re just order dates luckily but the site won’t let me edit it unless you can just delete it as a thread admin? I wouldn’t mind..
Shit you’re a hundred percent right and they’re just order dates luckily but the site won’t let me edit it unless you can just delete it as a thread admin? I wouldn’t mind..

yeah, there is a timer for edit.
Looks like not a big deal as you only said when you placed the order but not when it actually shipped or more importantly any locations.
When I re-read it I see the other dates are just when you had correspondences with Basicstero (in my opinion that is not sensitive info; we all email and PM each other often and it will not matter what days). I just saw specific dates and its a general advice on most boards not to post specifics. But to me, on closer look, it does not look like you even posted anything sensitive.


Just a general advice/reminder to everyone -- never post locations or exact transit dates in the public.
You are free to say it took too long, say a source sucks, its been over 3+ weeks etc, whatever, but try not to put exact dates or ever a location.
This is just for your and the communities safety.
Law enforcement and customs do read these boards and we do not need to make it any easier for them to ruin things, learn more about our details, or get anyone in trouble.
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