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Damn man, people are still making fakes of pcom products... shakes head.
Just goes to show you how awesome you guys are.
Btw, I’m two weeks in my Test Cyp 500 mg a week and dbol 20mg ed my first week and 30mg ed week 2-5 and I’m up 5 lbs in weight and my squat has got up 10-15 lbs easy.
Just stating this lab is fucking killing it !!
Anyone know how Pharmacom has been with getting shipments from the international store through either EU/German customs or APO customs?

Had an old military buddy who just got back over to Germany reach out asking me if I knew of any sources who could ship to him.

I tried reading the thread in the French Meso forum about how it's been with customs into France and it seemed like some guys were getting their packs but my French is awful and Google translate isn't great either.

Anyone got any info on this?

I know there are EU sources but I've always had good luck with pcom and thought I'd steer him that way if it's an option for him.
Anyone got any info on this?

I know there are EU sources but I've always had good luck with pcom and thought I'd steer him that way if it's an option for him.

Sorry, I do not know much about the EU/Germany.
Maybe @Pharmacom Helper can tell you more about EU/Germany.
If he does not see this post, try to PM him your question.
Loyalty discount...bitcoin discount...summer heat special...order placed...processed...dispatched!

On mix4 right now...amazing stuff. Loving the tpp and npp spread with the deca esters. Just started week 3 and getting that accusing look from people lmao.
Loyalty discount...bitcoin discount...summer heat special...order placed...processed...dispatched!

On mix4 right now...amazing stuff. Loving the tpp and npp spread with the deca esters. Just started week 3 and getting that accusing look from people lmao.
How often you do injections?
Anyone know how Pharmacom has been with getting shipments from the international store through either EU/German customs or APO customs?

Had an old military buddy who just got back over to Germany reach out asking me if I knew of any sources who could ship to him.

I tried reading the thread in the French Meso forum about how it's been with customs into France and it seemed like some guys were getting their packs but my French is awful and Google translate isn't great either.
Hello Sir! Yes we have more than enough success shipping rate to Germany (discreetly).
Check post #19639 on 8/5 [emoji106]

Looking good bro, it's almost like your illness forced you to cut, because you've been putting on some nice lean mass.

I saw you mentioned your potential cycle awhile back and you had both Tren and NPP in it. Have you ever ran two 19-nors together before? I'm going to try NPP this winter for the first time, and I was wondering what it's like because everyone says people new to 19-nors shouldn't run two together.
Looking good bro, it's almost like your illness forced you to cut, because you've been putting on some nice lean mass.

I saw you mentioned your potential cycle awhile back and you had both Tren and NPP in it. Have you ever ran two 19-nors together before? I'm going to try NPP this winter for the first time, and I was wondering what it's like because everyone says people new to 19-nors shouldn't run two together.
Sir, I don't see problem with using two 19-nors... You need just have caber and farestone (or tamox, but I recommend farestone) on hand and check prolactin level 1-2 times and based on 19-nors volume you need select correct amount of testo, I recommend at least 300mg of testo weekly.

Also I recommend you start without tren, reason for this is that without tren you can find correct IA dose.
Sir, I don't see problem with using two 19-nors... You need just have caber and farestone (or tamox, but I recommend farestone) on hand and check prolactin level 1-2 times and based on 19-nors volume you need select correct amount of testo, I recommend at least 300mg of testo weekly.

Also I recommend you start without tren, reason for this is that without tren you can find correct IA dose.

I was going to try NPP 100 and TPP 150 EOD. Have caber on hand just in case. Have Tamoxifen but will get Farestone.

And when you say start without Tren, you mean start cycle without it and then later when stable in cycle introduce it?

(Assuming Tren A)
Looking good bro, it's almost like your illness forced you to cut, because you've been putting on some nice lean mass.

I saw you mentioned your potential cycle awhile back and you had both Tren and NPP in it. Have you ever ran two 19-nors together before? I'm going to try NPP this winter for the first time, and I was wondering what it's like because everyone says people new to 19-nors shouldn't run two together.

Thanks for the compliments bud I feel good and feel like I’m looking good too so thanks!
Yes I’ve ran them together since the first time I tried tren years ago. I’ve never had any problems with Gyno or any of that but I keep clomid and Arimidex on hand always. I take .25 to .5 of the Arimidex about eod after two weeks or so of starting the tren as a precaution but never had an issue either so it could be helping. I ran them both this time with only about 8 weeks on the tren and about 11 weeks on the NPP. It all depends on how sensitive your body is to the 19-nor’s.. that’s why I like the NPP over deca though and stick usually with Tren A cause you can stop one or Both before any major problems if you do have bad sides cause of the shorter esters..
I was going to try NPP 100 and TPP 150 EOD. Have caber on hand just in case. Have Tamoxifen but will get Farestone.

And when you say start without Tren, you mean start cycle without it and then later when stable in cycle introduce it?

(Assuming Tren A)
Yes Sir!

Something like this -

TPP150mg+NPP100mg EOD
Anastrazole 1tab EOD

2wk - same

3wk - same + blood test E2 and if E2 level in normal refs you can add tren A, but if you want tren A, I recommend you ED injections