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What is Trestolone ? I feel dumb but I’m curious what this is

I first saw it on steroid dot com..

PSL sells it so I got this info from their product info guide. Here’s the basic info they have on it.
It has a Ratio of
Over 10 times the strength of testosterone and way stronger than Tren with less sides.

See info about it below. It’s also called “Ment”..

Methylnortestosterone Acetate (Trestolone/MENT)

Trestolone Ace (Methylnortestosterone Acetate or MENT), is an oral differential of the steroid Nandrolone (Deca)
Trestolone was originally made for androgen substitution, yet it encompasses an immense amount of treatment applications.
In bodybuilding it is a synthetic steroid used that is considered highly powerful , & it exceeds the strength of testosterone. It is considered beneficial for the purpose of bodybuilding & strength training. It is acknowledged for its quick & effective results for the BB who is looking for fast strength improvement & is serious about increased mass in a short time.
Medical applications include: Testicular Failure, Contraception Therapies, Bone Mass Loss, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia , Prostate Cancer, Cachexia (know as a muscle wasting syndrome), Primary Hypogonadism, Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism , Baldness, & Sarcopenia.
Trestolone Ace will be found in an oral, injectable, implantation, & transdermal form, but it is not yet available as a prescription drug.
Trestolone Ace is a versatile steroid that should be cycled with a testosterone of any ester (such as Enathate, Cyp, or Prop). Trestolone cutting cycles can incorporate any of the traditional definition compounds such as, but not limited to: Var, Primo, T-bol, & Winny.
When combined with a mass building cycle, which should most always be Test based, some of the sterods that stack well including, but not limited to: Dbol, Halo, EQ, Tren (either acetate or enanthate), & Drol (A-bombs) (not recommended stack with Deca as it is a similar but more powerful compound).
The uses of of Trestolone Ace are essentially that of a stronger version of Deca, however it has a much shorter half-life. It's hypertrophic abilities are seen to be stronger than both Testosterone & Trenbolone.
Side Effects:
It Aromatizes more like a testosterone than a nandrolone. Thus, the side effects of Trestolone could easily be compared to Test Prop (such as possible male patterned baldnes, gyno, some water retention, etc)
Effective dose:

Trestolone Acetate has a minimum dosage of 10mg/day & as high of a dose as 50mg/day.
I first saw it on steroid dot com..

PSL sells it so I got this info from their product info guide. Here’s the basic info they have on it.
It has a Ratio of
Over 10 times the strength of testosterone and way stronger than Tren with less sides.

See info about it below. It’s also called “Ment”..

Methylnortestosterone Acetate (Trestolone/MENT)

Trestolone Ace (Methylnortestosterone Acetate or MENT), is an oral differential of the steroid Nandrolone (Deca)
Trestolone was originally made for androgen substitution, yet it encompasses an immense amount of treatment applications.
In bodybuilding it is a synthetic steroid used that is considered highly powerful , & it exceeds the strength of testosterone. It is considered beneficial for the purpose of bodybuilding & strength training. It is acknowledged for its quick & effective results for the BB who is looking for fast strength improvement & is serious about increased mass in a short time.
Medical applications include: Testicular Failure, Contraception Therapies, Bone Mass Loss, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia , Prostate Cancer, Cachexia (know as a muscle wasting syndrome), Primary Hypogonadism, Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism , Baldness, & Sarcopenia.
Trestolone Ace will be found in an oral, injectable, implantation, & transdermal form, but it is not yet available as a prescription drug.
Trestolone Ace is a versatile steroid that should be cycled with a testosterone of any ester (such as Enathate, Cyp, or Prop). Trestolone cutting cycles can incorporate any of the traditional definition compounds such as, but not limited to: Var, Primo, T-bol, & Winny.
When combined with a mass building cycle, which should most always be Test based, some of the sterods that stack well including, but not limited to: Dbol, Halo, EQ, Tren (either acetate or enanthate), & Drol (A-bombs) (not recommended stack with Deca as it is a similar but more powerful compound).
The uses of of Trestolone Ace are essentially that of a stronger version of Deca, however it has a much shorter half-life. It's hypertrophic abilities are seen to be stronger than both Testosterone & Trenbolone.
Side Effects:
It Aromatizes more like a testosterone than a nandrolone. Thus, the side effects of Trestolone could easily be compared to Test Prop (such as possible male patterned baldnes, gyno, some water retention, etc)
Effective dose:

Trestolone Acetate has a minimum dosage of 10mg/day & as high of a dose as 50mg/day.

I would definitely order this from pcom if sold it!
So Trestolone Acetate...
I Gotta ask cause I haven’t seen anyone ask this yet but when will Pharmacom Labs get Trestolone Ace or why does Pcom not carry it? That’s one I’d love to try on my next cycle for sure but don’t see it on another source I trust to buy from...

I agree it is very interesting compound and I would be interested myself as well.
However, I think it is not so easy to make a new product -- good raws must be found, then a recipe, testing etc... Takes time and also is a big investment so business decisions such as return on investment must be considered.
Maybe @Pharmacom Helper or @Pharmacom Labs knows more and can give a better answer.
I agree it is very interesting compound and I would be interested myself as well.
However, I think it is not so easy to make a new product -- good raws must be found, then a recipe, testing etc... Takes time and also is a big investment so business decisions such as return on investment must be considered.
Maybe @Pharmacom Helper or @Pharmacom Labs knows more and can give a better answer.

It’s exactly that reason why I would only buy this from Pharmacom. I don’t trust tough compounds that has mostly faked raw‘s like this or Primo to be bought from anyone but pcom. Would love to know if they ever plan to carry it or are working on it though! Thanks RT!!!
@RThoads I would be interested in hearing your opinion regarding Boldenone and which concentration is better. Unless I'm mistaken at your site you have up to 500mg/ml. Which would you recommend? There are many who state that you have to go quite high to see results on it.
@RThoads I would be interested in hearing your opinion regarding Boldenone and which concentration is better. Unless I'm mistaken at your site you have up to 500mg/ml. Which would you recommend? There are many who state that you have to go quite high to see results on it.

Well, firstly, yes Basicstero has both a high concentration Boldenone product at 500mg/mL and a normal concentration Boldenone product at 300mg/mL.

From my current experience with a high concentration product (and Pharmacom's own warning on the high concentration products), I can say that these are only for experienced users; I do not recommend high concentration products for anyone newer to this stuff or anyone running them solo or for a small cycle.

If you have decent experience, plan to run multiple compounds in the same pin (hence, they all mix and dilute across the entire 2 to 3cc pin volume), understand PIP etc, and have a need to fit high mg for a big cycle, then the high concentration has its place.

Now as for Boldenone, in my experience, I have run it a couple times at 600mg a week (1cc of the normal conc product twice a week) and enjoyed some very good results.
In my case it was during re-comps and cuts, and used on top of low dosage 300mg Test-E.

I have used it these following stacks (long cycles 16+ weeks):
300mg Test-E
300mg DECA
600mg EQ (Bold-U)
This was a very clean, felt healthy, re-comp while adding a lot of strength lifting using a variation of the "Texas Method" and hit PRs on all big lifts (including 500 lb deadlift) while reducing calories, built some quality muscle, and lost a lot of fat.

Recently I did something approximately like this (the actual cycle was very complicated and slowly added some things but this is the base of the idea):
600 Test-E
600 EQ
300 Deca
200 Tren-E
The results were great again -- best look in my life.
I was eating BIG to try to gain but couldn't eat enough to gain fat -- I actually lost body fat , re-comped while trying to bulk, and ended up pretty solid.

I have added EQ to most cycles.

For a client, he wanted a bigger cycle but keep it simple and two pins a week so we did get the 500mg/mL and he ran (1cc of the 500mg EQ in 3cc of total gear twice a week in glute to give the following):
600 Test-E
600 Deca
1000 EQ
and he made some big gains.
For him, he did not experience any notable PIP.
I think the EQ may be milder than the 500mg Test I am running, and it was diluted across the 3cc of other gear.
But this all varies a lot from person to person.
Therefore, unless absolutely needed (like in my client's case) to fit target milligrams into certain number of pins, I would go with the normal concentration.

I would run at least 600mg (it is milder than Test) in a stack with at least some testosterone.

Boldenone give some slow, clean, quality gains -- not going to blow you up fast but they are keepable.

Bold is structurally based upon testosterone (not a 19-nor, not a DHT) and is nice to add more anabolic without the androgenic side effects.
Because of this fact , I do NOT use it as a substitute for Deca (a 19-nor), or Primo/Mast (DHT). I stack it with 19-nor and/or DHT.

Finally, it does automatize less (about half as much as testosterone) and some even report it lowered E2 (I personally have not seen it lower E2).

With all this said, I add it as an "extension" of my testosterone base; by this I mean, instead of more testosterone, I added EQ where I would maybe want more Test so that I get the benefits of more mg without more side effects.
I do not recommend high concentration products for anyone newer to this stuff or anyone running them solo or for a small cycle...plan to run multiple compounds in the same pin (hence, they all mix and dilute across the entire 2 to 3cc pin volume)

Amen to this! The 500 test-e PIP nearly crippled me solo. Ran it in a 2ml stack and never had any PIP. Went to 0.5ml solo and PIP was pretty bad. 1ml solo and I was toast for a week.
Well, firstly, yes Basicstero has both a high concentration Boldenone product at 500mg/mL and a normal concentration Boldenone product at 300mg/mL.

From my current experience with a high concentration product (and Pharmacom's own warning on the high concentration products), I can say that these are only for experienced users; I do not recommend high concentration products for anyone newer to this stuff or anyone running them solo or for a small cycle.

If you have decent experience, plan to run multiple compounds in the same pin (hence, they all mix and dilute across the entire 2 to 3cc pin volume), understand PIP etc, and have a need to fit high mg for a big cycle, then the high concentration has its place.

Now as for Boldenone, in my experience, I have run it a couple times at 600mg a week (1cc of the normal conc product twice a week) and enjoyed some very good results.
In my case it was during re-comps and cuts, and used on top of low dosage 300mg Test-E.

I have used it these following stacks (long cycles 16+ weeks):
300mg Test-E
300mg DECA
600mg EQ (Bold-U)
This was a very clean, felt healthy, re-comp while adding a lot of strength lifting using a variation of the "Texas Method" and hit PRs on all big lifts (including 500 lb deadlift) while reducing calories, built some quality muscle, and lost a lot of fat.

Recently I did something approximately like this (the actual cycle was very complicated and slowly added some things but this is the base of the idea):
600 Test-E
600 EQ
300 Deca
200 Tren-E
The results were great again -- best look in my life.
I was eating BIG to try to gain but couldn't eat enough to gain fat -- I actually lost body fat , re-comped while trying to bulk, and ended up pretty solid.

I have added EQ to most cycles.

For a client, he wanted a bigger cycle but keep it simple and two pins a week so we did get the 500mg/mL and he ran (1cc of the 500mg EQ in 3cc of total gear twice a week in glute to give the following):
600 Test-E
600 Deca
1000 EQ
and he made some big gains.
For him, he did not experience any notable PIP.
I think the EQ may be milder than the 500mg Test I am running, and it was diluted across the 3cc of other gear.
But this all varies a lot from person to person.
Therefore, unless absolutely needed (like in my client's case) to fit target milligrams into certain number of pins, I would go with the normal concentration.

I would run at least 600mg (it is milder than Test) in a stack with at least some testosterone.

Boldenone give some slow, clean, quality gains -- not going to blow you up fast but they are keepable.

Bold is structurally based upon testosterone (not a 19-nor, not a DHT) and is nice to add more anabolic without the androgenic side effects.
Because of this fact , I do NOT use it as a substitute for Deca (a 19-nor), or Primo/Mast (DHT). I stack it with 19-nor and/or DHT.

Finally, it does automatize less (about half as much as testosterone) and some even report it lowered E2 (I personally have not seen it lower E2).

With all this said, I add it as an "extension" of my testosterone base; by this I mean, instead of more testosterone, I added EQ where I would maybe want more Test so that I get the benefits of more mg without more side effects.
Well shit guess I may as well plan my next cycle before I even begin this one haha. So for someone trying EQ for the first time would you have them just run 600mg along with a test base at 500mg for 16 weeks so they can see see how it works? I'm currently waiting for the gear I ordered for my cycle test e 600mg and deca 300mg a week for 16 weeks. I just like to plan things far out. With that being said I want to try EQ next and just wondering if its best to just run it with test or would u add it to test and deca after the person has seen how they respond to deca? Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Well shit guess I may as well plan my next cycle before I even begin this one haha. So for someone trying EQ for the first time would you have them just run 600mg along with a test base at 500mg for 16 weeks so they can see see how it works? I'm currently waiting for the gear I ordered for my cycle test e 600mg and deca 300mg a week for 16 weeks. I just like to plan things far out. With that being said I want to try EQ next and just wondering if its best to just run it with test or would u add it to test and deca after the person has seen how they respond to deca? Hope everyone has a great weekend.

I would add it on top the Test/Deca so that you are progressively adding. Assuming your diet and training are good and you are able to keep cycle gains (like with weight on the bar and food intake etc) you would need to slowly increase dosages from cycle to cycle if you want to continue to grow (theoretically -- I know most of us have not "maxed out" the gains we can have on 600mg Test and 300mg Deca, but you get my point).

So yes, if it were myself, I would run the 600mg Test-E + 300mg, learn how I respond, and max out what I can get out of that. Then, the next time if you feel its needed or just want to run more, add 600mg EQ.

I also agree with the 16 week for these really long esters.
But, in my opinion, Test/Deca/Eq are some of the "cleanest" least toxic compounds so as long as your making good overall lifestyle choices there should not be any health concerns from long cycles with these.
I would add it on top the Test/Deca so that you are progressively adding. Assuming your diet and training are good and you are able to keep cycle gains (like with weight on the bar and food intake etc) you would need to slowly increase dosages from cycle to cycle if you want to continue to grow (theoretically -- I know most of us have not "maxed out" the gains we can have on 600mg Test and 300mg Deca, but you get my point).

So yes, if it were myself, I would run the 600mg Test-E + 300mg, learn how I respond, and max out what I can get out of that. Then, the next time if you feel its needed or just want to run more, add 600mg EQ.

I also agree with the 16 week for these really long esters.
But, in my opinion, Test/Deca/Eq are some of the "cleanest" least toxic compounds so as long as your making good overall lifestyle choices there should not be any health concerns from long cycles with these.
Thanks RT much appreciated
Have a great start to the weekend everyone.
I am going to call it a night, watch a movie with my girl, and spend some family time tomorrow.
Have a good evening and I will talk to you all again soon.
I would add it on top the Test/Deca so that you are progressively adding. Assuming your diet and training are good and you are able to keep cycle gains (like with weight on the bar and food intake etc) you would need to slowly increase dosages from cycle to cycle if you want to continue to grow (theoretically -- I know most of us have not "maxed out" the gains we can have on 600mg Test and 300mg Deca, but you get my point).

So yes, if it were myself, I would run the 600mg Test-E + 300mg, learn how I respond, and max out what I can get out of that. Then, the next time if you feel its needed or just want to run more, add 600mg EQ.

I also agree with the 16 week for these really long esters.
But, in my opinion, Test/Deca/Eq are some of the "cleanest" least toxic compounds so as long as your making good overall lifestyle choices there should not be any health concerns from long cycles with these.

My next cycle will be started in Dec 1st or so and is going to be as followed. Any feedback would be appreciated RT..

Test 700mg weekly
NPP 700mg weekly
Tren E 400mg weekly
Primo 700mg weekly
EQ 600mg weekly
(Upping EQ to 750mg weekly at 8 week mark)
Total cycle will be 14 weeks and not starting Tren till week 3 or 4. Still debating on if I wanna run any orals with this and if so might run tbol or anavar for the last 8-9 weeks.

Thoughts? PM me later..
My next cycle will be started in Dec 1st or so and is going to be as followed. Any feedback would be appreciated RT..

Test 700mg weekly
NPP 700mg weekly
Tren E 400mg weekly
Primo 700mg weekly
EQ 600mg weekly
(Upping EQ to 750mg weekly at 8 week mark)
Total cycle will be 14 weeks and not starting Tren till week 3 or 4. Still debating on if I wanna run any orals with this and if so might run tbol or anavar for the last 8-9 weeks.

Thoughts? PM me later..
3.25 grams a week oil plus an oral seems conservative, maybe add another compound or two:rolleyes: just to be safe.
Well, firstly, yes Basicstero has both a high concentration Boldenone product at 500mg/mL and a normal concentration Boldenone product at 300mg/mL.

From my current experience with a high concentration product (and Pharmacom's own warning on the high concentration products), I can say that these are only for experienced users; I do not recommend high concentration products for anyone newer to this stuff or anyone running them solo or for a small cycle.

If you have decent experience, plan to run multiple compounds in the same pin (hence, they all mix and dilute across the entire 2 to 3cc pin volume), understand PIP etc, and have a need to fit high mg for a big cycle, then the high concentration has its place.

Now as for Boldenone, in my experience, I have run it a couple times at 600mg a week (1cc of the normal conc product twice a week) and enjoyed some very good results.
In my case it was during re-comps and cuts, and used on top of low dosage 300mg Test-E.

I have used it these following stacks (long cycles 16+ weeks):
300mg Test-E
300mg DECA
600mg EQ (Bold-U)
This was a very clean, felt healthy, re-comp while adding a lot of strength lifting using a variation of the "Texas Method" and hit PRs on all big lifts (including 500 lb deadlift) while reducing calories, built some quality muscle, and lost a lot of fat.

Recently I did something approximately like this (the actual cycle was very complicated and slowly added some things but this is the base of the idea):
600 Test-E
600 EQ
300 Deca
200 Tren-E
The results were great again -- best look in my life.
I was eating BIG to try to gain but couldn't eat enough to gain fat -- I actually lost body fat , re-comped while trying to bulk, and ended up pretty solid.

I have added EQ to most cycles.

For a client, he wanted a bigger cycle but keep it simple and two pins a week so we did get the 500mg/mL and he ran (1cc of the 500mg EQ in 3cc of total gear twice a week in glute to give the following):
600 Test-E
600 Deca
1000 EQ
and he made some big gains.
For him, he did not experience any notable PIP.
I think the EQ may be milder than the 500mg Test I am running, and it was diluted across the 3cc of other gear.
But this all varies a lot from person to person.
Therefore, unless absolutely needed (like in my client's case) to fit target milligrams into certain number of pins, I would go with the normal concentration.

I would run at least 600mg (it is milder than Test) in a stack with at least some testosterone.

Boldenone give some slow, clean, quality gains -- not going to blow you up fast but they are keepable.

Bold is structurally based upon testosterone (not a 19-nor, not a DHT) and is nice to add more anabolic without the androgenic side effects.
Because of this fact , I do NOT use it as a substitute for Deca (a 19-nor), or Primo/Mast (DHT). I stack it with 19-nor and/or DHT.

Finally, it does automatize less (about half as much as testosterone) and some even report it lowered E2 (I personally have not seen it lower E2).

With all this said, I add it as an "extension" of my testosterone base; by this I mean, instead of more testosterone, I added EQ where I would maybe want more Test so that I get the benefits of more mg without more side effects.
Great results, and didn't need trend or primo, and i wouldn't consider that a ton of gear. See too many cycles, where it seems to be how much you can inject. Good job