MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

ok, I have replied to MANY PMs all day.
I hope the info helps everyone.
But now , I need a little break to go eat and hit the gym etc.
If anyone still has more replies to PMs with me, do not worry, I will get to it later (or tomorrow) as soon as I have more time.
Info for potential customers:
As you may know, our store reserves orders for 5 days. If you place an order you have 5 days to pay for it and submit payment details. If payment info is not provided within 5 days, our system automatically removes those orders and reserved items become available for purchase for all customers.
We keep this 5-days period for our international warehouse, but considering the limited stock of our US domestic warehouse, we decided to reduce this period down to 3 days for US domestic only! The reason is simple: we are trying to optimize the ordering process. Some customers place several orders and pay for only one. A portion of customers place orders and never pay at all. However, pre-ordered items are reserved and no longer available for others; in other words, those customers who really want to purchase some products may not have the opportunity due to all stock being stuck reserved in pending orders. Therefore, we decided that 3 days is more than enough to pay; orders that are not paid within 3 days in the US domestic warehouse will be removed and the reserved items will become available again in stock faster.
I Just want to keep everyone posted on the reshipped order from 7/31 that was originally placed back on 7/13 I wrote about on about 8/1/18. This order was not seized or anything like that it was strictly miscommunication from the internal side of pcom. I’ve gotten 3 notices since 7/31 via email by pcom that my order has been “reshipped” but no tracking info and they couldn’t help me at all when I asked several times and they didn’t know what was going on. I get that these guys are busy and due to the quality of their product and at least the “attempt” to communicate back to me what the issues were no matter how ridiculous, I will just have to wait with more patience and hope that the three different times they keep saying they’ll “give me a bonus” for the excessive wait time from their errors, that the bonuses are good enough to warrant a two to two and a half month order time. It Worries me a little cause I just placed another $1000 order right after they said they originally fixed this on 7/31/18. I’ll keep everyone posted but from what I can see so far they’re really having a hard time working the bugs out with this new shipping point to supposedly make things better for us all. This is the best company I’ve dealt with up till this last order so depending on how well they make this right I’ll keep those opinions. Either way the quality is there it’s just not worth a 3 month wait to get.. I’m rooting for y’all at Pharmacom Labs! Make this right and hopefully do it fast. Thanks!
@Pharmacom Labs
@Pharmacom Helper

Still no landing on my reship.. Longer than a month and a half is something I’ve never seen with Pcom but as long as it makes it I’ll be happy. Again, I’ll keep y’all posted.

My other new order I bought long after that landed about a few days ago though so that’s good and 100% correct!
Still no landing on my reship.. Longer than a month and a half is something I’ve never seen with Pcom but as long as it makes it I’ll be happy. Again, I’ll keep y’all posted.

My other new order I bought long after that landed about a few days ago though so that’s good and 100% correct!

I was under the understanding (based on previous posts here and Basicstero's replies) that you have tracking for that order; therefore, it was shipped out and there is no question regarding PCOM did their part and sent the products (twice, a second time at the company's loss to try to make things right -- correct me if I am mistaken because I thought this was a re-ship).

So, your issue is frustration with the postal service not an issue regarding "something [you've] never seen with PCOM" because PCOM is not who has control of the package. By this I mean, you are not questioning that Basicstero failed to send your package, right?

Again, to be clear,
did PCOM send the original order that you paid for?
And, PCOM then re-shipped a second pack (at the source's expense) to try to make up for the first pack being lost?
So each time PCOM did send the products and you can see that on your tracking data which means it is the postal service (or customs) that is causing the delay/loss NOT Pharmacom?

IF whether or not the pack was sent yet is in question, please PM me with the order number and I will ask Frank when I talk to him (or, if you are already in private convo with him or helper, simply ask one of them to check to see if tracking is available to verify if the pack was sent out).

IF your reply needs to include any details, times, locations, please keep those to PM -- I will try my best to help figure out if it shipped out or get you in contact with someone that can look into that info.
I was under the understanding (based on previous posts here and Basicstero's replies) that you have tracking for that order; therefore, it was shipped out and there is no question regarding PCOM did their part and sent the products (twice, a second time at the company's loss to try to make things right -- correct me if I am mistaken because I thought this was a re-ship).

So, your issue is frustration with the postal service not an issue regarding "something [you've] never seen with PCOM" because PCOM is not who has control of the package. By this I mean, you are not questioning that Basicstero failed to send your package, right?

Again, to be clear,
did PCOM send the original order that you paid for?
And, PCOM then re-shipped a second pack (at the source's expense) to try to make up for the first pack being lost?
So each time PCOM did send the products and you can see that on your tracking data which means it is the postal service (or customs) that is causing the delay/loss NOT Pharmacom?

IF whether or not the pack was sent yet is in question, please PM me with the order number and I will ask Frank when I talk to him (or, if you are already in private convo with him or helper, simply ask one of them to check to see if tracking is available to verify if the pack was sent out).

IF your reply needs to include any details, times, locations, please keep those to PM -- I will try my best to help figure out if it shipped out or get you in contact with someone that can look into that info.

They sent me a tracking awhile ago when I last posted about 10 days ago. They did their part just updating my post that I wrote awhile back.

Also they never actually shipped the original order. There was some sort of miscommunication internally on their end and they only sent like 3 out of eight vials. They were never seized or lost it was just never sent at all. It was no loss at their expense only a screw up at my expense in the time I’ve waited but like I said before as long as it makes it to my door I’ll be happy. lol

I always plan ahead so if something like this happens it’s not a huge deal. Had a few times where I didn’t add right or buy enough so I’ve shorted myself but I always buy my next cycle months ahead of time. No big deal just updating my previous post like I said. I did get a tracking like I put in my previous post but that was close to a week and a half ago and nothing yet so I said I’d update when it landed. Thanks for clarifying for the thread though RT! [emoji106]
They sent me a tracking awhile ago when I last posted about 10 days ago. They did their part just updating my post that I wrote awhile back.

Also they never actually shipped the original order. There was some sort of miscommunication internally on their end and they only sent like 3 out of eight vials. They were never seized or lost it was just never sent at all. It was no loss at their expense only a screw up at my expense in the time I’ve waited but like I said before as long as it makes it to my door I’ll be happy. lol

I always plan ahead so if something like this happens it’s not a huge deal. Had a few times where I didn’t add right or buy enough so I’ve shorted myself but I always buy my next cycle months ahead of time. No big deal just updating my previous post like I said. I did get a tracking like I put in my previous post but that was close to a week and a half ago and nothing yet so I said I’d update when it landed. Thanks for clarifying for the thread though RT! [emoji106]

From the original order, Basicstero made some mistake -- I am sorry for that and thank you for clarifying so I better understand the situation.
You mention that they sent 3 of 8 vials. Did you get tracking for those 3 eventually? or at least, did the 3 original vials ever arrive? or are we looking at a chance it was seized?
I was under the understanding (based on previous posts here and Basicstero's replies) that you have tracking for that order; therefore, it was shipped out and there is no question regarding PCOM did their part and sent the products (twice, a second time at the company's loss to try to make things right -- correct me if I am mistaken because I thought this was a re-ship).

So, your issue is frustration with the postal service not an issue regarding "something [you've] never seen with PCOM" because PCOM is not who has control of the package. By this I mean, you are not questioning that Basicstero failed to send your package, right?

Again, to be clear,
did PCOM send the original order that you paid for?
And, PCOM then re-shipped a second pack (at the source's expense) to try to make up for the first pack being lost?
So each time PCOM did send the products and you can see that on your tracking data which means it is the postal service (or customs) that is causing the delay/loss NOT Pharmacom?

IF whether or not the pack was sent yet is in question, please PM me with the order number and I will ask Frank when I talk to him (or, if you are already in private convo with him or helper, simply ask one of them to check to see if tracking is available to verify if the pack was sent out).

IF your reply needs to include any details, times, locations, please keep those to PM -- I will try my best to help figure out if it shipped out or get you in contact with someone that can look into that info.

I would like to also clarify that Pcom has never not made something right for me regardless of the circumstances. They’re amazing and this was a first for me where the error fell on them and not the customs or postal service. They’re doing their part to fix this it’s just taking some time and like I said. Not a bid deal. Great service and great quality from a great company!
From the original order, Basicstero made some mistake -- I am sorry for that and thank you for clarifying so I better understand the situation.
You mention that they sent 3 of 8 vials. Did you get tracking for those 3 eventually? or at least, did the 3 original vials ever arrive? or are we looking at a chance it was seized?

The original was 4 out of eight vials I’m sorry but yes they sent a single tracking and that was it with only half the order. Their email said the “new location” sent a partial order which their not supposed to do and never told the main office so the rest was never shipped but they’re fixing it. Like I said. Great company!
The original was 4 out of eight vials I’m sorry but yes they sent a single tracking and that was it with only half the order. Their email said the “new location” sent a partial order which their not supposed to do and never told the main office so the rest was never shipped but they’re fixing it. Like I said. Great company!

Did those 4 make it to you?
or was that pack lost?

I would like to also clarify that Pcom has never not made something right for me regardless of the circumstances. They’re amazing and this was a first for me where the error fell on them and not the customs or postal service. They’re doing their part to fix this it’s just taking some time and like I said. Not a bid deal. Great service and great quality from a great company!

I completely understand and appreciate you have always been kind to Basicstero and fair.
I just trying to help but first I need to understand fully.

I'll PM you and get more details so we maybe figure out where the second pack is now and what are the odds it maybe is seized or not.
Did those 4 make it to you?
or was that pack lost?

I completely understand and appreciate you have always been kind to Basicstero and fair.
I just trying to help but first I need to understand fully.

I'll PM you and get more details so we maybe figure out where the second pack is now and what are the odds it maybe is seized or not.

The half order of 4 vials did make it. That’s how I figured out what happened with the partial order. Like I said though they’re making it good. Thanks RT!
The half order of 4 vials did make it. That’s how I figured out what happened with the partial order. Like I said though they’re making it good. Thanks RT!

Ok, cool -- so nothing was ever seized.
Thank you for getting me up to speed.
I PM'd you to try to offer some help regarding the second pack.
Ok, cool -- so nothing was ever seized.
Thank you for getting me up to speed.
I PM'd you to try to offer some help regarding the second pack.

I’ve gotten new tracking for the rest so all is good just waiting on delivery that’s all. Thanks again for following up though RT!