Pharmacom Mix 2

and I am adding anavar 60 with the tbol 60 mg for 8 weeks .I'm gonna pin 1.25 cc cut mix EOD with 50 mg tren e and master e.and 50 test e.I know I know but I have so much gear I need to get rid of it....[emoji23]
Its gonna be the best 20 weeks of my life[emoji23]
Mmmmmm. Sounds delicious.

8 weeks of double orals though? Getting plenty of bloodwork right?

Have fun. You need to get rid of more of that gear than you're running, hit me up, haha. Safety first, right?
Mmmmmm. Sounds delicious.

8 weeks of double orals though? Getting plenty of bloodwork right?

Have fun. You need to get rid of more of that gear than you're running, hit me up, haha. Safety first, right?
Maybo 60 var 40 tbol??or switch to SD?
Maybo 60 var 40 tbol??or switch to SD?
Lol. Don't switch to SD for 8 weeks. . .

You're running the lightest orals you can really. If you're set on it, go. But be mindful, you know? The only irresponsible cycle is one that's approached blind. Smash it until your health says otherwise I guess.

Could switch the tbol to epistsane or something to off set liver. But it's taking a hit no matter what compound with that duration. Var definitely seems to be the mildest for longer runs.

I'd say var for 8, tbol 4 up front, and 4 add backload. Then you get a bit of a break.
Lol. Don't switch to SD for 8 weeks. . .

You're running the lightest orals you can really. If you're set on it, go. But be mindful, you know? The only irresponsible cycle is one that's approached blind. Smash it until your health says otherwise I guess.

Could switch the tbol to epistsane or something to off set liver. But it's taking a hit no matter what compound with that duration. Var definitely seems to be the mildest for longer runs.

I'd say var for 8, tbol 4 up front, and 4 add backload. Then you get a bit of a break.
Makes sense ty
Hi everyone
I am finishing now my second week on the mix2 cycle and so far I really haven't experience anything ,..

I'm just sweating more but that's it!!

Pretty disappointing
Hi everyone
I am finishing now my second week on the mix2 cycle and so far I really haven't experience anything ,..

I'm just sweating more but that's it!!

Pretty disappointing
You mean you didn't turn into ronnie coleman overnight?
Hi everyone
I am finishing now my second week on the mix2 cycle and so far I really haven't experience anything ,..

I'm just sweating more but that's it!!

Pretty disappointing
What are your doses and is it EOD?
I mean I'm starting to doubt the quality of pharmacom, mix 2 is a short ester, you should start to "feel" it with in 2 weeks
How much are you expecting to feel at that dose?

Sweats and some strength increase should be the only noticeable side that low. And libido But if you're coming off npp, the strength won't skyrocket the same as starting into a new cycle.

I'm no pharmacom fanboy myself, and I don't buy mixes either. But I'm curious as to what your expectation is here.
How much are you expecting to feel at that dose?

Sweats and some strength increase should be the only noticeable side that low. And libido But if you're coming off npp, the strength won't skyrocket the same as starting into a new cycle.

I'm no pharmacom fanboy myself, and I don't buy mixes either. But I'm curious as to what your expectation is here.
I was expecting to see strength going up more, I didn't even think at this point to see any size.but the strange thing is I was on Balkan pharmtuical gear on the first 5weeks and that gear felt strong as hell, soon as I moved on the mix 2 it felt like I'm not on anything ?

I was expecting to see strength going up more, I didn't even think at this point to see any size.but the strange thing is I was on Balkan pharmtuical gear on the first 5weeks and that gear felt strong as hell, soon as I moved on the mix 2 it felt like I'm not on anything ?
Try 1ml ED

I was expecting to see strength going up more, I didn't even think at this point to see any size.but the strange thing is I was on Balkan pharmtuical gear on the first 5weeks and that gear felt strong as hell, soon as I moved on the mix 2 it felt like I'm not on anything ?
Up the dose. The sweating indicates something is going on.

For me, with tren, the only sides I see below 400 are sweat and libido. Once you cross that 420 threshold, everything else starts.

As far as strength, like I said, you're going from an npp run right into this. So your strength has already been up a lot. There's a ceiling to things before you start needing to rely on your programming.

Just my opinion. Like I said, I'm not defending pc, as I don't use them or give a shit. But it seems to be well liked of late, and your doses are quite low.
Thank you for the advice I will try to up the dosge, what would u recommend 1ml Ed or 1.5 eod
By the way heard about this brand gigant pharmaceuticals??