Pharmacom Mix 2

Thank you for the advice I will try to up the dosge, what would u recommend 1ml Ed or 1.5 eod
By the way heard about this brand gigant pharmaceuticals??
Either. Depends on how high you want the tren to go. And whether higher mast starts you shedding.

But if you want to "feel it", you sure will at 1ml ed. Assuming it's dosed right. You used tren before?
This my first time on tren..
Start lower. It's quick to build up if you still want to go higher. Titrate up every two weeks or so to figure your sweet spot. You don't have to go crazy to get results.

But either way won't kill you. If you don't fear the sides, jump in. I just dislike that mix for having more mast than tren. And I can't comment much on mast.

But the guy who's actually run the mix says 1ml ed. I'm just basing that call on the way my tren is dosed, so take it with a grain of salt. . .
Will do.

Thank again for the advice I will try higher dosge,and like u say try to find the sweet spot.
I am on week 6. I was doing 2 ml a week divided by 3 for the first four weeks. I have been on 1 ml eod. But during the whole time I have taken bold 500 Saturday and Wednesday at .5 ml.

I am 5'8". When I started I was around 178 and 182 at the end of the day, but with a 42 inch waist.

I am at approximately a 36.5" waist now, and end of the day weight went up to 189. But I have started to go down in weight to 184, I am getting more strict with the diet.

My wife has noticed, and I notice, but really other people have not.

I have felt few sides, except the first week getting up to pee, and starving but that was from changing my diet to a clean diet. Lately for the past few weeks at work, I have been getting pissed off more at people and lazy coworkers, but I can control it. The reason could be nicotine withdrawls or uping the dosage. But when I have been better at peace making with the wife. But perhaps it is because she is more satisfied.

My wife likes it because my libido has gone up. Before, I felt like Al Bundy fighting off his wife Peg, who always wants sex.

I am planning on going 12 or past because of the bold. But I am switching to mix 6 for the rest. I want to see what the bold does in the end too. I see you should not go less than 12 weeks.
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Never really order from a different place other then my go to. But this mix two looks lovely for a lovely price.

What do you guys think on running it toward the end of a npp test p cycle. I have asked this question but I would like more fed back on npp in the mix
Never really order from a different place other then my go to. But this mix two looks lovely for a lovely price.

What do you guys think on running it toward the end of a npp test p cycle. I have asked this question but I would like more fed back on npp in the mix
I'm on the mix 2 now its good shit I mix it with test e,tren e,master e.double wammy.
I am at the end of my 10 weeks Pharmamix, it was my first experience with steroids and it has been a positive one, thank to all of you for the advice and support. I was thinking to stretch the cycle to 12 weeks and finish off with some Sustaver and Boldever that a friend of mine has gifted me. Is this a good thing for the next two weeks or shall I keep it for the next cycle? By the way my next cycle with be HG.
I am at the end of my 10 weeks Pharmamix, it was my first experience with steroids and it has been a positive one, thank to all of you for the advice and support. I was thinking to stretch the cycle to 12 weeks and finish off with some Sustaver and Boldever that a friend of mine has gifted me. Is this a good thing for the next two weeks or shall I keep it for the next cycle? By the way my next cycle with be HG.
I knew u would love it.
I'm on it week one and loving it .
So what about the stacking with the testosterone?
Well i feel the mix 2 already,bit I won't really feel the slower esters for a couple weeks then I can adjust those as I go .
I am adding test e,tren e,and master e.I made my own cut mix with can get empty sterile vials on Google .
Its really cheap on
Hey, I have been on Clomiphene Citrate for 4 weeks now, my balls have been growing back but my sex drive has gone downhill included having ED... How long will it take for the natural hormone to kick in??
Hey, I have been on Clomiphene Citrate for 4 weeks now, my balls have been growing back but my sex drive has gone downhill included having ED... How long will it take for the natural hormone to kick in??
Have you tried milking your prostate yet? Sometimes the estrogen will get stuck in there.
Hey, I have been on Clomiphene Citrate for 4 weeks now, my balls have been growing back but my sex drive has gone downhill included having ED... How long will it take for the natural hormone to kick in??
I'm not sure to be honest but I always take cialis while on pct so I do not have any time frame to give you and I'm sure people will have different times.I have read it takes 4-6 weeks.
Hi, Im 8 delt shots in Pharma mix 2 at 1ml eod. Ive been coughing for days now it has been irritating my chest and causing inflammation. This goes on through out the day. I thought it was a chest infection at first since every one at home had the flu and cough. Went to the doctor he gave me antibiotics and cortosil steroid. I really want to continue the cycle for at least a total of 6 to 8 weeks. Im starting to get worried.
I got my gear from part of there promo. Have 4 bottles left would be a waste to trash. Im also using Gw 501516 20mg pre workout.