Pharmacom Mix 2

Same here, i dont think im gonna run the mix 2 ever again, not because it isnt a great mix but because the anger and breathing issues are just no fun at all.

Oh I'll definitely still run it again, but might have to find something else to take with it to help me chill out.

I work with a buddy I've known since my military days and he pulled me aside one day and told me I should chill out on whatever I was taking because I was being even more of an asshole at work than normal, and he's an even bigger dickhead than I am in the office...that's when I knew I should give it a rest
Oh I'll definitely still run it again, but might have to find something else to take with it to help me chill out.

I work with a buddy I've known since my military days and he pulled me aside one day and told me I should chill out on whatever I was taking because I was being even more of an asshole at work than normal, and he's an even bigger dickhead than I am in the office...that's when I knew I should give it a rest
Add some primo
Oh I'll definitely still run it again, but might have to find something else to take with it to help me chill out.

I work with a buddy I've known since my military days and he pulled me aside one day and told me I should chill out on whatever I was taking because I was being even more of an asshole at work than normal, and he's an even bigger dickhead than I am in the office...that's when I knew I should give it a rest
Lol!! Yup i knew i was getting bad when i realized nobody wanted to disagree with me anymore[emoji35]
yea i wouldnt either im wanting to run just var with it but not sure if it would be more beneficial
I think it would be pretty good, i really like the mix its just the sides from the tren turn me into a fucking asshole after about 6-8 weeks but the physical results are nice.
thats a great selling point lol i cant wait to try the mix 2. would running 50-60mg anavar for 7 weeks with it be overkill?

I ran 50mg var with it. In hindsight it may have been overkill for me but everyone is different. Hard to see the var working when you're on tren.
4 pins later, and I'm tapping out due to insomnia...I can't handle it! thread over, unless another user of the Mix 2 would like to keep updating. Insomnia aside, 1ml eod gave me pretty respectful results in just 2 weeks. Weight stayed right about the same, but vascularity and strength were shooting up quickly. Not much more to say about this compound...
Woah... Well, um, what're you doing with the extra vials? :)