Pharmacom Mix 2

superdrol? i cant handle more than 20mg for 4 weeks usually do it for about 3 1/2 weeks but yea you could run it as a kickstart tren E would kick in around week 4
I was going for two weeks on one off then two weeks on until they are gone.
I was going for two weeks on one off then two weeks on until they are gone.
i would just do 1 a day for the first few days and run 1 in the AM and 1 30 mins preworkout for 4 weeks if you can handle it. it kicks in around day7-10 if i remember correctly and best gains are weeks 2-3 damn i miss that week of pure strength but im lethargic as fuck on SD
just a quick bump to say that I'm going to begin pinning the mix tomorrow at 1ml eod. I've been on 400-500mg/wk of Test E for about 4 weeks, last injection was sunday. I'll drop the Test E for this small run of the mix...I'm considering this a test run of some sort. I'll try and update once or twice a week.

Anyone else running this mix, feel free to update as well...
just got my Pharmacom mix2, and had my first injection I will go for 500mg per week.
This is my first testosterone I am 47, got back in the gym two years ago after years of low back problems. I am constant with the gym but at my age I need some help!
I must say so far I feel regenerated and energy level is increasing? It is too early or maybe a phycological effect?
I generally don't have a very good sleep pattern so I am not bothered if it will effect my sleep. I will update as time goes on.

just got my Pharmacom mix2, and had my first injection I will go for 500mg per week.
This is my first testosterone I am 47, got back in the gym two years ago after years of low back problems. I am constant with the gym but at my age I need some help!
I must say so far I feel regenerated and energy level is increasing? It is too early or maybe a phycological effect?
I generally don't have a very good sleep pattern so I am not bothered if it will effect my sleep. I will update as time goes on.
Get ready!!!!!!
So far so good apart for night sweats, feels like the metabolism is speeding up!

Did I read your initial post correctly in that you are only dosing the mix 2 at 500mg/wk?

If so, what is your pinning schedule?

This is a short ester mix, and pinning should be eod at most...
Ageed^^^^ i ran the same mix and pinned 3x PW, M W F and handled the sides pretty good, all but the aggression, thats the one that got me. But it is a really good blend for leaning out as long as your eating clean of course.
Enjoy Rocco, you haven't even started to feel it yet wait about 3 weeks, good things happen after that.
I adjusted to 600 a week, twice a week. This is my very first and only time I inject testosterone so I am going by the supplier advice of a 500/750 dose per week.
I adjusted to 600 a week, twice a week. This is my very first and only time I inject testosterone so I am going by the supplier advice of a 500/750 dose per week.
600mg a week of test is good but you need to dose it at least 3x a week like stated MWF is ok i guess but Every Other Day is better. twice a week is not enough
600mg a week of test is good but you need to dose it at least 3x a week like stated MWF is ok i guess but Every Other Day is better. twice a week is not enough
Ok... So I divide the 600mg into 3 injection per week? Or increase the total to 750mg ?
My p
600mg a week of test is good but you need to dose it at least 3x a week like stated MWF is ok i guess but Every Other Day is better. twice a week is not enough
My plan was to do this for a total of 8 weeks and I got two vials of the mix..