Pharmacom Mix 2

i would stick with the mix 2. the mix 3 has tren E 100mg and deca 200mg you would need to run deca for atleast 10 weeks and it dont even kick in until around week 6
I meant the PHARMA 3 TREN 200 not the Mix 3
it is a blend of 3 trenbolone esters
I meant the PHARMA 3 TREN 200 not the Mix 3
it is a blend of 3 trenbolone esters
yes you can do it probably at the same schedule MWF 1ml with a small dose of test E but honestly i would stick with the mix 2 and do the pharma 3 tren next cycle. i personally am interested in the 3 tren next cycle
Yes, you are probably right. I am getting too greedy...
So would you suggest a 8 weeks gap between cycles?
try not to think to much into next cycle. i do it to but focus more on what im doing now and making the best out of it. from what i hear that mix 2 is great
Yes, you are probably right. I am getting too greedy...
So would you suggest a 8 weeks gap between cycles?


How is it going with ur cycle so far , I'm thinking of giving it ago .. Do u see feel any of the mix 2 already?
Defenetly, energy level and strength is on the increase, feel horny too...;-)
You must make sure you inject slowly as this really decrease the pip.
I have do sweat at night but apRt that all is good. I am one injection away from finishing my first vial and two weeks into the cycle so far.
This is my first experience with any anabolic, so very positive so far.
The guys on this blog are super nice and super helpful, and have more experience than me.
Thanks for the quick update, from what I heard after 2 weeks is when it really kicks in so you should feel and start to see real difference.did u get any fat loss so far ?
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By the way if this is your first cycle than you really need to watch out for any sides, tren is no joke and should be taken seriously. Make sure your cholesterol,kidney,Blood pressure,liver,is ok. U should get a blood test after your pct or before your next cycle.

Also aroma/arimadex would be a good idea to have in hand just in case there any estrogen sides
This is my first experience with any anabolic, so very positive so far.
The guys on this blog are super nice and super helpful, and have more experience than me.
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By the way if this is your first cycle than you really need to watch out for any sides, tren is no joke and should be taken seriously. Make sure your cholesterol,kidney,Blood pressure,liver,is ok. U should get a blood test after your pct or before your next cycle.

Also aroma/arimadex would be a good idea to have in hand just in case there any estrogen sides

HE jumped rite on the tren took me a order that was wrong to finally get it and I said fucj thing I ever did.LM all pro tren.haaaaa
Yeah I love the cut mix2 I have like ten vials for next cycle.its gtg.everything I have ran from them is gtg.