Pharmacom Mix 2

I adjusted to 600 a week, twice a week. This is my very first and only time I inject testosterone so I am going by the supplier advice of a 500/750 dose per week.

You realize there is only 75mg of testosterone per ml in the mix 2, right? If you're shooting for 750mg/wk of testosterone, then you will need 10ml of mix 2 every week.

You say you'll inject twice a week?
You realize there is only 75mg of testosterone per ml in the mix 2, right? If you're shooting for 750mg/wk of testosterone, then you will need 10ml of mix 2 every week.

You say you'll inject twice a week?
Ok, now I am confused.... The bottle is 10 ml it says 250mg/ml .... So 750mg will amount to 2 injection per week of 250mg each / 1 ml
Do you intend to use a Mix-2 only cycle?
Hi, I just started using the Pharmacom mix 2 i am pinning 3 times a week, for a total of 750 mg. one vial is 10 ml of product so that equal to 10 injection of 250mg of each is that correct?
I am getting contracdictory opinions about dosage and injections per week. Could you help as you know the product better than anyone else.
Hi, I just started using the Pharmacom mix 2 i am pinning 3 times a week, for a total of 750 mg. one vial is 10 ml of product so that equal to 10 injection of 250mg of each is that correct?
I am getting contracdictory opinions about dosage and injections per week. Could you help as you know the product better than anyone else.
@Darius PharmacomStore

i would run it like jolter did 1.5ml MWF for 8 weeks which you would need 2 more vials
Yes, the supplier is very good and delivery in not expensive. So for my PCT I have 24, 50mg Clomiphene Citrate is that enough?
i would use the 24 clomid like this 4 days after last shot of mix 2
100mg first 4 days = 8
50mg next 9 days =17
25mg nex 14 days = 24
Hi, I just started using the Pharmacom mix 2 i am pinning 3 times a week, for a total of 750 mg. one vial is 10 ml of product so that equal to 10 injection of 250mg of each is that correct?
I am getting contracdictory opinions about dosage and injections per week. Could you help as you know the product better than anyone else.

750mg per week is a good dosage. 3 injections. Monday - Wednesday - Friday.

Clomid can be used exactly like IronJulius said.
Small update. PIP.... Ermm... Ok I can deal with it but after Wednesday injection in my left quad it was sore all day and it was giving me trouble walking... Went to the gym this evening and did my legs! Best way to deal with the PIP as it has warmed up the muscle that was feeling sore and now the pain has defenetly subsided.
Small update. PIP.... Ermm... Ok I can deal with it but after Wednesday injection in my left quad it was sore all day and it was giving me trouble walking... Went to the gym this evening and did my legs! Best way to deal with the PIP as it has warmed up the muscle that was feeling sore and now the pain has defenetly subsided.
try warming the vial and area pinned before and after injecting also make sure you pin about 30 secs per ml so if you are injecting 1.5ml shot for 45 secs
Question.... What if after my two vials of Pharmacom Mix 2, I get two vials of PHARMA 3 TREN 200 instead ? And complete my cycle that way ??