Pharmacom Test Cyp 250 1st run Big results


New Member
So, this is my first post hopefully im putting this in the right area.

(1st test cycle) I ran 10 weeks of Pharmacom's test cyp 250 . 1cc 2 times a week . one Monday and one Thursday (500mg week). very little sides. and I have to say its definitely over dosed and I have blood work that shows it. Anyhow, I started at 158lbs and finished around 190lbs.

Here's before and after pictures.

Any comments or advice is welcome. was thinking next cycle same cyp 250 but adding npp.

20170426_150221.png 20170426_150134.png
well, considering by the time I took those bloods , all my test ONLY came from the Cyp. considering you can see from my bloods that my nat. production was basically at zero. (my nuts were shut down! ha) that work was about week 6 or so. also that company guarantees at least 98.5% of what's labeled. apparently there stuff is coming in higher .

ex. ( "Actual content: Pharmacom PHARMA Test E300 was determined to have actual content of 363 mg/ml testosterone enanthate."

yes I know, it's not the 250. but its the point im making lol.

... no I did not take baseline bloods. but I will be taking new bloods after my PCT and before next cycle.
well, considering by the time I took those bloods , all my test ONLY came from the Cyp. considering you can see from my bloods that my nat. production was basically at zero. (my nuts were shut down! ha) that work was about week 6 or so. also that company guarantees at least 98.5% of what's labeled. apparently there stuff is coming in higher .

ex. ( "Actual content: Pharmacom PHARMA Test E300 was determined to have actual content of 363 mg/ml testosterone enanthate."

yes I know, it's not the 250. but its the point im making lol.

... no I did not take baseline bloods. but I will be taking new bloods after my PCT and before next cycle.
Yeah I wasn't trying to rip you bro. It looks pretty straight for 500 mg a week to me.

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I saw another thread the guy got 7000 on 580 mg I believe it was.

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Edit had to change mg.
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should I try to lose a little fat before my next cycle? I was also thinking running cyp 250 again with NPP . any advice?

oh, here are my stats.
5'11" 190lbs 17%BF goal is about 220lbs-230lbs then cut down to around 190ish at 6%BF
should I try to lose a little fat before my next cycle? I was also thinking running cyp 250 again with NPP . any advice?

oh, here are my stats.
5'11" 190lbs 17%BF
Depends on your goals. Cut or bulk . Never ran npp so I'm no help in that department.

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Holy SH%T lol aren't numbers like that a bit of a waste unless you're already huge?
I think he was a very good responder . Some like it high but you can still make good gains on alot less. And be healthier in the long term. I wouldn't want to go that high for a very long time.

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Always get pre bloods dude otherwise it's impossible to substantiate your claim of overdosing regardless of what anabolic lab says. Every underground lab is only as good as their last batch and pcom is no exception.
Always get pre bloods dude otherwise it's impossible to substantiate your claim of overdosing regardless of what anabolic lab says. Every underground lab is only as good as their last batch and pcom is no exception.

I hear ya. thanks. and im going to next round
Always get pre bloods dude otherwise it's impossible to substantiate your claim of overdosing regardless of what anabolic lab says. Every underground lab is only as good as their last batch and pcom is no exception.
Im honestly just happy knowing that what seemed like a shady transaction (at first) turned out very positive lol
Im honestly just happy knowing that what seemed like a shady transaction (at first) turned out very positive lol
That's great I'm glad it worked out. And if you always get pre mid and post bloods you'll always be able to hold your source accountable. Good luck.
Nice cycle, you really put on a lot of muscle.
Thanks . Yeah i was hitting the gym 5 to 7 days a week with multivitamins and whey gainer and the gaspari size on and super pump REALLY helped . But towards the end I was getting some tendon/ligament pain in my shoulders and arms :/