Pharmacom test p 100!!!

Natty yes.

Something he's taking is shutting him down. I see a few possibilities:

1) it's another hormone and the vial is mislabeled.
2) there's just enough Test in there to shut him down but not raise his levels to supra physiologic or even mid to upper physiologic levels (under dosed like a motherfucker)
3) OP waited way too long between his last dose and bloods to test
4) OP is lying about something (not that I believe he's lying it's just one explanation for the results)
I'd bet #1
They look at lh and fsh. Since they are out of whack they will look into what is causing it. When they realize it's not an endocrine problem, they will guess it's steroid usage and tell him no. Docs aren't THAT stupid
She knows I use steroids. Doc is a friend
Natty yes.

Something he's taking is shutting him down. I see a few possibilities:

1) it's another hormone and the vial is mislabeled.
2) there's just enough Test in there to shut him down but not raise his levels to supra physiologic or even mid to upper physiologic levels (under dosed like a motherfucker)
3) OP waited way too long between his last dose and bloods to test
4) OP is lying about something (not that I believe he's lying it's just one explanation for the results)
I pin every day, so I definitely didn't wait too long. And I have no reason to lie to yall. I want to believe in the hype behind the brand. I'm just informing everyone what's going on
It's gotta be another hormone. Are you on test only? Are you making gains? Do you have a libido? Retaining water? Balls shrunk? I want details! I have the same batch from the domestic site also!! Fuck. I'm gonna order some lab maxes now.
It's gotta be another hormone. Are you on test only? Are you making gains? Do you have a libido? Retaining water? Balls shrunk? I want details! I have the same batch from the domestic site also!! Fuck. I'm gonna order some lab maxes now.
I have gained a few pounds. Not retaining water. Seem to be cutting up pretty nice. Nothing major. Still have hard bonners, nuts seem to be smaller
Clue me in?
Pharmacom PHARMA Test P100 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

Guys,we decided to promote bitcoin as payment option. It is much more convenient for us and for you shall be also more convenoient once you understand how to use it.
Bitcoin can not be blocked as Western Union or MoneyGram. It is anonymous. It is fast. We will be able to confirm payments much faster as compered to MG and WU.
So, from now we will put one free vial of testosterone propionate into all orders placed in our international warehouse, IF these orders are paid through bitcoin!
For European and US warehouses we will try to organize some discount. I will update you later about it.
Orders placed in our international section within our Christmas promo will also get an additional free test p vial if they are paid with bitcoins!
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I remind, that in addition to our running promo we put an additional test p vial into orders in our international store paid by bitcoin and additional 5% discount for orders in our Eu domestic warehouse!


I'm still looking for the part where frank mentions it was free due to the lab results. I know it's somewhere in the thread, and I may have gotten an email for it. Still searching
I am stunned myself. Little over 4 weeks and I'm not trying to talk shit or down the brand but I have the blood work In my hands as we speak how do I upload a pic
No need to down the gear or source yourself. You don't have to say shit. Your labs will do all the talking.
I posted my labs up
Then your work is done. Good man, now let their explaining begin. Id atleast want them to give me enough to up the dose an make the rest of your run count!!!! I also think they should reimburse yiu for your labs as well!!!!!!!.......Jus my 0.02cs
So the proper advice:
1) Make sure you have an unopened vial
2) Contact Pharmacom through PM and maybe send the basicstero website addy the same thing. Tell them about this thread/your blood results

There is no reason to think they will not pay for Simec testing. So that will be the most likely response.
Then your work is done. Good man, now let their explaining begin. Id atleast want them to give me enough to up the dose an make the rest of your run count!!!! I also think they should reimburse yiu for your labs as well!!!!!!!.......Jus my 0.02cs
That would be awesome. I just want a good run of some good shit! Tired of hit or miss bullshit
So the proper advice:
1) Make sure you have an unopened vial
2) Contact Pharmacom through PM and maybe send the basicstero website addy the same thing. Tell them about this thread/your blood results

There is no reason to think they will not pay for Simec testing. So that will be the most likely response.
Thank you! Will do
83mg/ml would still yield better bloods tha this.... Especially of prop
Of course, and I do use them as my source. But considering it happened once before, we know they aren't testing their raws now that it's happened twice, even if it was a raw mix up
Of course, and I do use them as my source. But considering it happened once before, we know they aren't testing their raws now that it's happened twice, even if it was a raw mix up
They claim they test all their Rae's though. I was really confident going into this run after hours and hours and hours of research and reviews
They claim they test all their Rae's though. I was really confident going into this run after hours and hours and hours of research and reviews
Sorry to hear abou the bad luck but ive been aroun hwre ling enough an saw enough bloods to know for myself that they have always been very inconsistent......
Now pharmacom will give us the lengthy "bad batch" explanation followed by how something got fucked up on their supposedly state of the art production line.

What a joke