Pharmacom test p 100!!!

Maybe it's mislabeled test base.

Not sure if that amount per day would shut him down like this though. Maybe someone with more knowledge could chime in.
Will do brother. Wish they would show up on this thread
Might be best if you post your bloods in their thread on the underground. Idk but most of the vets say to PM them and you'll get a quick response. I'm not sure what's best.
Might be best if you post your bloods in their thread on the underground. Idk but most of the vets say to PM them and you'll get a quick response. I'm not sure what's best.
I have my 50 post but not sure how to pm? I just click on start conversation under their name?
This might be the start of a bad picture being painted. I had blood drawn yesterday and i suspect i have similar news coming on test e 500.
It was on domestic too. I spent 300 and got like 200 credit. They were like 58 I think

Man I hate to question you, but a quick look at the site all promo's are for International store. About when did you buy it? Just the month.
Man I hate to question you, but a quick look at the site all promo's are for International store. About when did you buy it? Just the month.
First week of August I still have conformation email. I spent 300 U.S. Domestic and got 200 credit
Yes. But that also say they ship the vials without labels, then label in the warehouse before shipping. Easy to
Mix up.

This is what everyone should be aware of. Yes domestic is faster, but they relabel em and there's always gonna be that chance they fucked up. Who the fuck knows who the hire to do it. I'd guess the cheapest labor possible.
Well once he send his closed vials in for testing we will know what it is and how much of it.

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