@giggythebones - have you experienced this yourself with my gear? I haven't had anyone with infections. A filter fiber is not the same as not having proper ratios or BB/BA Raws as well as a clean room to fill the vials. A filter fiber does not equal infection and neither does gear that has crashed out. But if you are experience fever, or bad swelling or issues with our Test C I need to know please.
We had a few orders from here yes. A similar amount to before we launched though to be fair. We arent here for a cash grab quick in and out. We are here for the long term and I know shit doesnt look the best right now, more than anyone I know that. But over time we will get things up to standard and beyond what the customer base expects here at Meso. Im sorry my intro was rough and lacking a lot of the vital pics and needed info. We will deliver, but theres a lot of shit I gotta sort out first and I apologize profusely to everyone that we have not presented our best selves here in the past 2 weeks.
If no one buys from me for quite some time I would not blame you, we have a lot to prove and havent done the best job so far. We will improve, and earn your trust over time, its just not going to be fast with such a shitty 1st impression.
But we have maintained a strong business for over 7 years, we have served many many customers time and time again with product satisfaction, integrity, good value and good customer service.
It is a red flag and It does look like shit, so if were anyone on this board I would be very leery myself. I fuckin get it, but my team is struggling with this among other things that make no difference because I cannot produce the results that I did put my word on. I fuckin hate it but hopefully within a few weeks or a month I can get all this shit sorted and show you our lab isnt just a porcelain bathtub. Until then I fuckin get it, I would not have a lot of confidence at the moment either.
Floaters, no lab pics, some crashed gear, its a fuckin mess and I dont blame anyone that stears clear for now.
In time hopefully I can rebuild confidence in us but its a long road ahead.
This is for international shipping only.
I know it doesnt carry any weight but believe it or not we really do give a shit about what we are doing and how we do it. We put the customer first in every aspect of the business as much as we can. If you have dealt with us through any issues, reships, you will know that our customer service is pretty spot on and we always rectify the wrongs or mistakes and we ALWAYS make sure you get your pack regardless of circumstance.
To the Meso community,
I am truly sorry for the fucked launch and false promises that I was not able to keep. We will get better. We will improve. For now just hold off on us, let us earn any trust or business we can. In time we will show you we are worth having around. But for now, let us make some adjustments and prove it first.