- US Domestic + International Pharm

Ok, that’s my inexperience showing. I’ve never dealt with crashed test before, so warming it up under the sink for a couple minutes was obviously not enough.
I did as you said @Pharma and soaked the vials in hot water for about 30 minutes. Cleared up, and stayed clear. I’ve attached the after pictures.
Again, my apologies to @Pharma, I jumped the gun on that initial post after getting the product.
I’ll still update as things progress.


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Goods landed Today…but
I had ordered 2xtest e along with an Arimidex and only received the 2 test e
T/A 6 days since order was placed on Wed 11th Afternoon
Really wish the package came complete since im starting my cycle tomorrow:/
Packaging was only bubble wrapped, no tapes no vacuum sealed, @Pharma could we fix my arimidex situation asap?
8/10 Customer service .. only knock was the missing item and poor packaging
Goods landed Today…but
I had ordered 2xtest e along with an Arimidex and only received the 2 test e
T/A 6 days since order was placed on Wed 11th Afternoon
Really wish the package came complete since im starting my cycle tomorrow:/
Packaging was only bubble wrapped, no tapes no vacuum sealed, @Pharma could we fix my arimidex situation asap?
8/10 Customer service .. only knock was the missing item and poor packaging


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just checked vials and one vial had less test than the other !:/


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@FishouttaWater - no worries at all glad the method I mentioned helped. Let me know how it treats you, as I said after you reconstitute it like that with reheating it should be perfectly normal. I used to have to do this a lot when I was in the midwest.

@Eddieb - hey mate sorry for the confusion but yes the pharm packages ship from Turkey and come completely separate with a longer processing time and a longer T/A I do believe I got to you via email but let me know if you need anything else on this. Also we try to overfill above 10ml but its not always a full 11ml fill. I think I mentioned it in the email but that looks like a 10ml fill on the right and 11ml on the left. You will always get the 10ml you pay for but we do try to overfill most of the vials to 11 when we can.

@jJjburton - thats fair this launch has presented way more problems than I expected. We are not a horrible source, we have been in business for over 7 years and have a large and loyal customer base. But being under the microscope here has definitely shown us that we need to sure everything up and make some changes.

To top everything off:
I am not going to be posting lab pics anytime soon, like I said I would, multiple times...

What should be a simple thing really has become a massive headache. My shippers / brewers are all set up quite a ways from one another. My lab guys want nothing to do with the pictures they are all very terrified of the idea. Ive explained removing Exfil data and blacking out anything in the background that makes it identifiable but its been a coordination nightmare. Nothing I can do about it right now, even being at the top of the food chain doesn't mean I can just do whatever I want against the consensus of the team. So once I can post them I will, but at this point I dont even know when that will be.
This sounds like a mess. The packaging looks great and prices are great.. but c'mon.. floaters and vials that have "11 ml"
If your gear has floaters, changes color, or is underfilled.. trash it
To be fair, he replaced the 1 vial of mine that had a single floater in it. He also insured the resend was vacuum sealed on top of sending me an EXTRA vial. So now I have 3 bottles of Test E 250, one which I'll refilter, and only paid for 1.

I will say, the only thing that I'm not a fan of is the whole lab pics deal. All we really need is pictures of the equipment, and dudes that are illegally brewing should know enough about the industry that its pretty much a requirement nowadays.

Other than that, they have very recent testing through @janoshik, the pricing is fair, the customer service is top notch, and shipping domestic was faster than most "real" businesses I've ordered from online.
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I'm guessing there was never going to be pics of the bath tub provided. You're not the first source to show up here with fan boys and drag your feet on what's requested and not provide it. You've got people ordering just off of your intro. Nothing shady at all, you'll do great here.
I am more than happy to put a hold on the current sale, and to encourage everyone to not buy from me until I can provide the proof that we have a decent set up.
You guys heard it here! Don't buy from the source until he can provide proof his lab isn't in the back seat of his Chevy.

But all jokes aside, I seen this coming. He's been the one promising lab pics and backing out on every single date he set. You run the operation but can't pop in and take a pic? Makes sense.
You guys heard it here! Don't buy from the source until he can provide proof his lab isn't in the back seat of his Chevy.

But all jokes aside, I seen this coming. He's been the one promising lab pics and backing out on every single date he set. You run the operation but can't pop in and take a pic? Makes sense.
This always happens, its so obvious they are hiding something.

I 100% guarentee they never post pics, and it need crumbled paper of meso and date
I'm guessing there was never going to be pics of the bath tub provided. You're not the first source to show up here with fan boys and drag your feet on what's requested and not provide it. You've got people ordering just off of your intro. Nothing shady at all, you'll do great here.
Can you name a domestic source that HAS provided lab pics? I’m not aware of any except triple b (who’s now out of business). Labs don’t provide this for opsec. A fat dea agent could just track down all the makers of a certain model autoclave and find the people who ordered them. Cunt cafe said this is the exact reason she hasn’t provided lab pics.

I personally don’t give a fuck about lab pics if what I ordered is accurately dosed. His recent jano testing has confirmed that. All the tren I ordered from pharmahgh was clean so I’m pleased with the service he’s providing. Lab pics are an all around bad idea imo.
Can you name a domestic source that HAS provided lab pics? I’m not aware of any except triple b (who’s now out of business). Labs don’t provide this for opsec. A fat dea agent could just track down all the makers of a certain model autoclave and find the people who ordered them. Cunt cafe said this is the exact reason she hasn’t provided lab pics.

I personally don’t give a fuck about lab pics if what I ordered is accurately dosed. His recent jano testing has confirmed that. All the tren I ordered from pharmahgh was clean so I’m pleased with the service he’s providing. Lab pics are an all around bad idea imo.
Big bear, symbiotics, and i know of 2 more. But it was a bit ago

Every lab used to, before 6 months ago

Edit- things have changed terribly here
Can you name a domestic source that HAS provided lab pics? I’m not aware of any except triple b (who’s now out of business). Labs don’t provide this for opsec. A fat dea agent could just track down all the makers of a certain model autoclave and find the people who ordered them. Cunt cafe said this is the exact reason she hasn’t provided lab pics.

I personally don’t give a fuck about lab pics if what I ordered is accurately dosed. His recent jano testing has confirmed that. All the tren I ordered from pharmahgh was clean so I’m pleased with the service he’s providing. Lab pics are an all around bad idea imo.
It does matter because there were labs that litterally would brew and say there stuff was sterile, but then they post pics and it was clear i can make more gear sterile in my dogs kennel then they did. It was dangerous
Can you name a domestic source that HAS provided lab pics? I’m not aware of any except triple b (who’s now out of business). Labs don’t provide this for opsec. A fat dea agent could just track down all the makers of a certain model autoclave and find the people who ordered them. Cunt cafe said this is the exact reason she hasn’t provided lab pics.

I personally don’t give a fuck about lab pics if what I ordered is accurately dosed. His recent jano testing has confirmed that. All the tren I ordered from pharmahgh was clean so I’m pleased with the service he’s providing. Lab pics are an all around bad idea imo.
Goodlyfe for one provide pics of his flow hood and such. More importantly is this source was blowing smoke up everyone's asses from jump.

Venom proudly provided pics of what he thought was a sterile set up. It was a weed tent a wall fan and anal beads. He was quickly sent packing. Search venom if you think I'm bullshitting. It's not that difficult to strip identifying info from pics.