- US Domestic + International Pharm

I’m not taking up for this source completely as I’ve had under dosed primo from them but in regards to pip and or infections, I’ve used a TON of their stuff. Some better than others in terms of accurate dosage and effectiveness but I literally get zero pip or swelling from their gear. A number of things could have lead to the infection. Pretty impossible to narrow it down to their gear
Im not taking up for anyone, but this source been SST since '19..I know they monitor bad experiences heavily, but still. Where else they been and for how long I dont know. biz that long and all feedbacks from shills? Cause thats what I get when I read a post bitching about no lab pics! gtfo! Again, not taking up for anyone...
Sst is garbage
He says quads are a dangerous place to inject? Bullshit. More like you have dirty product that likely gave someone an infection, but of course blame the guy for poor injection technique, then call into question the MRI report which is suspicious for abscess along with elevated CRP and WBC.
I've been on TRT for what will be 4 years this October. I've injected in my lateral quads since day one backloading a 28g 1/2in insulin needle and have never had this issue. As mentioned before, I have clinically diagnosed OCD and would argue my sanitary habits are better than 99% of people. The fact that, despite actual evidence showing I had an infection due to the gear, I'm being called a shill is pretty telling.

But get this...they can't post lab pics due to OPSEC, but I need to post pictures of my MRI results? Interesting logic.
It didn't take long for you to go to the shill/competitor nonsense of course with no proof. Weak and hopefully people can see what it is. You could've asked the guy questions about his post and to provide more info to either prove or disprove his claim because reverse scammers or shills get shit on as much as shitty sources here. I guess it's easier to handle it like you're trying to. Seeing as you're un established here it makes perfect sense that the competition would make fake claims against you to ruin your non existent rep here. For such a self proclaimed great source you certainly haven't handled your launch to well. Had you done some reading you'd know how to launch here successfully. The last sst source that came over (triple b) got ripped apart and turned out in the end to be solid based off actual member feed back. So it can be done you simply need to do better because there's still members here that are going to call you on your bullshit. You already have someone who appears to be carrying your water from sst which is unnecessary if you're as good as you say you are.
Ok fair enough
I stand corrected by sp2.0 Maybe your not a shill. I should have asked you first before jumping the gun Im just saying you seem very intent on making very strong unsubstantiated claims without proof. Are sources the only ones that have to provide proof for there claims ? Let me know how it works . Ill be happy to play by your rules.
There are many reasons you could have been diagnosed with cellulitis . Can you provide some proof as to being diagnose with that? Im sure you have the hospital documents with the date on it ? However even if you do That aside can you provide evidence based data that would prove that you received cellulitis from the gear . Being that every bottle has 2% BA alcohol and is filtered through a .45 and .22 micron filters . everything is sterilized in an autoclave and bottled under a flow hood Its hard to believe it was our gear that did it . I would say we have our bases covered . we havent changed anything . This is how we have done it since we started .
Didn’t you get banned from SST for selling your garbage test that barely gave a 1.2x multiplier? Then a bunch of yoir vials came back containing traces of multiple compounds? I remember your lab name.
if @Imperial inc. is Imperial Lion they also tried to come back under Silverback Gorilla Compounds or something after abandoning fixing their issues...
I've been on TRT for what will be 4 years this October. I've injected in my lateral quads since day one backloading a 28g 1/2in insulin needle and have never had this issue. As mentioned before, I have clinically diagnosed OCD and would argue my sanitary habits are better than 99% of people. The fact that, despite actual evidence showing I had an infection due to the gear, I'm being called a shill is pretty telling.

But get this...they can't post lab pics due to OPSEC, but I need to post pictures of my MRI results? Interesting logic.
Dont worry bro Trust me Im rushing to get the pics . why would I try and play it off? That makes absolutely no seance . It wont matter once the pictures are posted anyway, you will take issue with those to. also why is it you are not addressing me directly ? Your very intent on convincing everyone else not to use our gear. Guaranteed you wont like the flow hood we use . or the autoclave is an older model ect . you will take issue with something. Ive already explained why the hesitation for the pics .Its not OPSEC . Thats why im not comfortable with it, But we agreed to post and Ive already explained why its taking time.
I stand corrected by sp2.0 Maybe your not a shill. I should have asked you first before jumping the gun Im just saying you seem very intent on making very strong unsubstantiated claims without proof. Are sources the only ones that have to provide proof for there claims ? Let me know how it works . Ill be happy to play by your rules.
There are many reasons you could have been diagnosed with cellulitis . Can you provide some proof as to being diagnose with that? Im sure you have the hospital documents with the date on it ? However even if you do That aside can you provide evidence based data that would prove that you received cellulitis from the gear . Being that every bottle has 2% BA alcohol and is filtered through a .45 and .22 micron filters . everything is sterilized in an autoclave and bottled under a flow hood Its hard to believe it was our gear that did it . I would say we have our bases covered . we havent changed anything . This is how we have done it since we started .
I've also stated that maybe its not your gear, but going off what I know, doctors diagnosis, etc, that is my unwavering opinion. I will gladly post my MRI/MRI with contrast results if other people request them, but no, I'm not going to provide them to you, because you're just going to call in the validity of them anyway. I've stated that if other people trust you as a source, then they should feel free to ignore me and continue using y'all. I've also openly said multiple times since the beginning of the thread how impressed I was with CS, response time, and resolution of issues -- go back and read and see how defensive and positive I was of your company. To call me a shill is just patently false and only makes you guys look bad.
I've been on TRT for what will be 4 years this October. I've injected in my lateral quads since day one backloading a 28g 1/2in insulin needle and have never had this issue. As mentioned before, I have clinically diagnosed OCD and would argue my sanitary habits are better than 99% of people. The fact that, despite actual evidence showing I had an infection due to the gear, I'm being called a shill is pretty telling.

But get this...they can't post lab pics due to OPSEC, but I need to post pictures of my MRI results? Interesting logic.
so once we post our lab pictures you post your hospital documents showing the date and lab results of the claims you are making about the gear. I dont doubt you may have went to the hospital but I would like you to produce evidence and clearly expalin how its possible you got that diognosis from our gear . In the same way you dont know what out procedures and protocols are when we make gear. Nobody hear knows your sanitary habits . A diagnosis of OCD is hardly a tell tale . OCD manifests itself in a variety of ways. cleanliness dose not have to be one of them . I have a very close family member with it and although debilitating at times, compulsive sanitary conditions is not one that is on the list for them.
if @Imperial inc. is Imperial Lion they also tried to come back under Silverback Gorilla Compounds or something after abandoning fixing their issues...
Well I mean their account age is the exact same time they were going by imperial lion (and later imperial inc) on SST. One of their only 3 posts ever on meso is bashing the forum that banned them so I’m guessing it’s them lol. They tried to make shill accounts on SST to engage themselves in conversation by keeping their name relevant after they were banned lol. It was funny shit to see the extent that dude went to be a vendor but somehow can’t source testosterone raws lol.
I've also stated that maybe its not your gear, but going off what I know, doctors diagnosis, etc, that is my unwavering opinion. I will gladly post my MRI/MRI with contrast results if other people request them, but no, I'm not going to provide them to you, because you're just going to call in the validity of them anyway. I've stated that if other people trust you as a source, then they should feel free to ignore me and continue using y'all. I've also openly said multiple times since the beginning of the thread how impressed I was with CS, response time, and resolution of issues -- go back and read and see how defensive and positive I was of your company. To call me a shill is just patently false and only makes you guys look bad.
I do think posting a pic of your quad to go along with your diagnosis should happen. I've never had cellulitis, but I'd imagine it should be very noticeable.

I'd think if there was a batch of straight up unsterile oil, we'd see members on other forums posting about infections. I'm not on Bostons forum and PM is too moderated to trust, but I haven't seen anything on SST. I personally believe if anything, maybe a piece of a filter or stopper assuming all precautions were taken before the injection. Could it still be from crap gear, absolutely.

@Pharma the accusation you made against the guy being a shill is ridiculous. I know you've been around on other forums for years with a decent rep, but this has been one of the worst intros for a source already established for years outside of meso. SP2.0 made a great point about triple B turning things around, I suggest you follow thru with your commitment as a start and make it a point to be here for issues.
Welp, seeing as this was my first experience with UGL this sucks, but I'm glad I was able to be everyone's guinea pig to hopefully prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Just got back from the ER with a pretty large infection (cellulitis) in my left quad near where I inject. Luckily I'm only 3 injections/~2 weeks into using my gear (just the Primo and Var, haven't touched the Test), so I'm able to stop before anything worse happens. I was prescribed IV antibiotics and given a script for oral antibiotics as well. Bad news is if the infection doesn't subside within 2-3 days I'll have to be admitted. Obviously to top it off I'm pretty miffed I wasted ~$300 on shit gear (but at least I learned my lesson...)

I have been on TRT for almost 4 years with no instance of this ever happening. I've done once weekly injections, twice weekly injections, thrice weekly injections, and even daily injections with no issues like this ever occurring. I have OCD (literally diagnosed) and know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me being unsanitary. This is 110% the gear as confirmed by the ER docs.

I should've done more research, so I take responsibility for that part. All I can say is AVOID THIS SOURCE LIKE THE PLAGUE. IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE GEAR FROM THEM, TOSS
This doesnt make sense to me… you said you are 3 injections in and just now got an infection on the last injection? Sounds to me that if his gear was actually dirty you wouldve gotten it from the getgo right? Im not defending him since i havent even taken his product but that just doesnt make sense
I do think posting a pic of your quad to go along with your diagnosis should happen. I've never had cellulitis, but I'd imagine it should be very noticeable.

I'd think if there was a batch of straight up unsterile oil, we'd see members on other forums posting about infections. I'm not on Bostons forum and PM is too moderated to trust, but I haven't seen anything on SST. I personally believe if anything, maybe a piece of a filter or stopper assuming all precautions were taken before the injection. Could it still be from crap gear, absolutely.

@Pharma the accusation you made against the guy being a shill is ridiculous. I know you've been around on other forums for years with a decent rep, but this has been one of the worst intros for a source already established for years outside of meso. SP2.0 made a great point about triple B turning things around, I suggest you follow thru with your commitment as a start and make it a point to be here for issues.
Done brother . I'm on it . I realized that probably wasn't the best thing to say . I do know his intentions seem to be to sink us and all I can do Is refute his argument .
I went to the emergency room for what I thought may have been a DVT and was diagnosed with cellulitis. Cellulitis can be diagnosed as any red area on the skin.mine was so small and was hardly noticable . It fits in a very wide vast catigory and is very unspecific. usually happens from bacteria on the skin, thats a fact and the majority of us have had a lump that has hurt and turned slightly red after injecting .during the summer test e is known to do this because of its low melting point, If the product melts during transit it separates from the ester. when It re solidifies the process causes it to get acidic causing lumps under the skin and post injection pain. This is not new for underground sources . we try to avoid purchasing anything with a low melting point during summer months. Deca and sust are also among those. we try and stock up before . Also If you inject often enough your bound to experince this at one time or another, even with pharmaceutical gear. The body tends to react to Ethyl Oliate and a 4% BA level. Be in a rush one day or be purely lazy and inject too much,too fast and develop something that would resemble cellulitis.
A deep infection under the skin from dirty gear would cause a much bigger issue . In which the only way to deal with would be to lance it and drain it or have it surgically cleaned out in some manner. Medical statistics would back up what Im saying . Its a very long stretch to say that its our gear that caused it . If his story is true , Then I would ask him to reconsider his position and weight in all the possibilities and facts. The fact that we have been around a long time (although irrelevant to meso) and have never had anyone with an infection should at least carry some weight in this situation.
I've also stated that maybe its not your gear, but going off what I know, doctors diagnosis, etc, that is my unwavering opinion. I will gladly post my MRI/MRI with contrast results if other people request them, but no, I'm not going to provide them to you, because you're just going to call in the validity of them anyway. I've stated that if other people trust you as a source, then they should feel free to ignore me and continue using y'all. I've also openly said multiple times since the beginning of the thread how impressed I was with CS, response time, and resolution of issues -- go back and read and see how defensive and positive I was of your company. To call me a shill is just patently false and only makes you guys look bad.
Your right my apologies . I shouldn't have said that I have no proof of any of that. Im not going to say that you dont have MRI results, you might, But you are right that I will question The validity of your accusation, that it came from the gear. Being that cellulitus is a very broad diagnosis used to diagnose everything from in-grown hairs to red bumps on the skin. Its actually quite common for many of us to develop something that would resemble and be diagnosed with cellulitis simply from injecting the quad. reaction to GSO,reaction to BA, injecting to fast, injecting to much at a time, not wiping the skin or the top of the bottle. your not even supposed to blow on the alcohol to dry it once you wipe your skin. There are many many reasons why you could have a slight reaction. To say that its our gear thats dirty is an unfair accusation with no evidence. There are just way too many variables and possabilities . Sources that cut corners, ones who don't filter,or sterilize there equipment, who don't take the necessary precautions are the ones that may run into issues But thats not us .We have always taken the necessary precautions and have always been very professional. Operating our lab like any compounding pharmacy would . Everything is double filtered and has 2% BA alcohol in it . Everything is sterilized in our autoclave , everything is made under our flo- hood and consistently wiped down with sterilizing solvents like vesta bac. we take every precaution . To say that it came from the gear is to accuse us of not taking the necessary steps to produce clean quality gear. I would also like to point out that if we were the type of company that carelessly and blatantly cut corners there would be someone somewhere on these boards that had a real serious issue after using the gear and thats just not the case , In the 7 plus years we have been in business, with all the bottles produced and sent out there has never been one. Anyone that could be so sick and careless like that should immediately be put out of business .I would appreciate if you at least acknowledge that its very possible it could just be freak thing and your body having a bad reaction
I do think posting a pic of your quad to go along with your diagnosis should happen. I've never had cellulitis, but I'd imagine it should be very noticeable.

I'd think if there was a batch of straight up unsterile oil, we'd see members on other forums posting about infections. I'm not on Bostons forum and PM is too moderated to trust, but I haven't seen anything on SST. I personally believe if anything, maybe a piece of a filter or stopper assuming all precautions were taken before the injection. Could it still be from crap gear, absolutely.

@Pharma the accusation you made against the guy being a shill is ridiculous. I know you've been around on other forums for years with a decent rep, but this has been one of the worst intros for a source already established for years outside of meso. SP2.0 made a great point about triple B turning things around, I suggest you follow thru with your commitment as a start and make it a point to be here for issues.
My physical quad was mostly fine except slightly swollen. The MRI shows that the infection was deep within the muscle, hence why it was so difficult to walk. Like I said, I'm 50/50 on it in terms of it being user error or a bad batch, but for myself it isn't worth the risk using them again. I will find time within the next week or so to drive to the ER and get copies of my MRI, edit them/strip the EXIF data, and upload them for people to see I'm not totally full of shit. At this point it wouldn't be for anyone else except for the people here asking for it aside from the source, as he's already dismissed everything I've posted so far. I'm also convinced at this point that its the same person on both here and SST as all the typing, etc, are exactly the same. Either that or its his twin brother.

This doesnt make sense to me… you said you are 3 injections in and just now got an infection on the last injection? Sounds to me that if his gear was actually dirty you wouldve gotten it from the getgo right? Im not defending him since i havent even taken his product but that just doesnt make sense
First week I did an injection Monday and Thursday, both with 100mg of Primo E, in my right quad. Its entirely possible it was such a small amount of oil or its possible a piece of stopper/overlooked floater got in on the second injection, which was 200mg in my left quad, or because it was more oil/too much of bad oil that finally did it. Again, this is only my opinion, but it would be an insane coincidence if I'm wrong.
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