Welp, seeing as this was my first experience with UGL this sucks, but I'm glad I was able to be everyone's guinea pig to hopefully prevent this from happening to anyone else.
Just got back from the ER with a pretty large infection (cellulitis) in my left quad near where I inject. Luckily I'm only 3 injections/~2 weeks into using my gear (just the Primo and Var, haven't touched the Test), so I'm able to stop before anything worse happens. I was prescribed IV antibiotics and given a script for oral antibiotics as well. Bad news is if the infection doesn't subside within 2-3 days I'll have to be admitted. Obviously to top it off I'm pretty miffed I wasted ~$300 on shit gear (but at least I learned my lesson...)
I have been on TRT for almost 4 years with no instance of this ever happening. I've done once weekly injections, twice weekly injections, thrice weekly injections, and even daily injections with no issues like this ever occurring. I have OCD (literally diagnosed) and know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me being unsanitary. This is 110% the gear as confirmed by the ER docs.
I should've done more research, so I take responsibility for that part. All I can say is AVOID THIS SOURCE LIKE THE PLAGUE. IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE GEAR FROM THEM, TOSS IT.