- US Domestic + International Pharm

Welp, seeing as this was my first experience with UGL this sucks, but I'm glad I was able to be everyone's guinea pig to hopefully prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Just got back from the ER with a pretty large infection (cellulitis) in my left quad near where I inject. Luckily I'm only 3 injections/~2 weeks into using my gear (just the Primo and Var, haven't touched the Test), so I'm able to stop before anything worse happens. I was prescribed IV antibiotics and given a script for oral antibiotics as well. Bad news is if the infection doesn't subside within 2-3 days I'll have to be admitted. Obviously to top it off I'm pretty miffed I wasted ~$300 on shit gear (but at least I learned my lesson...)

I have been on TRT for almost 4 years with no instance of this ever happening. I've done once weekly injections, twice weekly injections, thrice weekly injections, and even daily injections with no issues like this ever occurring. I have OCD (literally diagnosed) and know for a fact that this has nothing to do with me being unsanitary. This is 110% the gear as confirmed by the ER docs.

I should've done more research, so I take responsibility for that part. All I can say is AVOID THIS SOURCE LIKE THE PLAGUE. IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE GEAR FROM THEM, TOSS IT.
Ouch... You have pics of the infection ?
That’s scary stuff. But yes, the fact this source squirms around not sending pics of their operation is worrisome and a huge red flag. I was hoping this source would be decent but he belongs on PM like the rest of the reps who just wanna take to their feelz customers.
I’m not understanding why everyone doesn’t bust other sources balls for not having lab pics. There are maybe 2-3 domestic labs that have posted such pictures. Shouldn’t accountability be universal instead of just to one specific source? Some sources on here take 4+ weeks to get you a pack domestically and still the vials tops come off when you receive it…Yet no one cares? Why is that? It seems meso users like to play favorites, If you aren’t in a certain click you get run off. But month TAs, loose vial caps, floaters, etc is acceptable for some sources but not others.
I’m not understanding why everyone doesn’t bust other sources balls for not having lab pics. There are maybe 2-3 domestic labs that have posted such pictures. Shouldn’t accountability be universal instead of just to one specific source? Some sources on here take 4+ weeks to get you a pack domestically and still the vials tops come off when you receive it…Yet no one cares? Why is that? It seems meso users like to play favorites, If you aren’t in a certain click you get run off. But month TAs, loose vial caps, floaters, etc is acceptable for some sources but not others.
We have Jet Labs who has posted pics, we have Goodlyfe, we have/had tripleB just as 3 examples who provided pics, atleast of some equipment.
We have Driada posting videos. i am sure much more
Here we have a source posting his lab equipment in his intro, it is clear as glass that people would ask him to post pics
We have Jet Labs who has posted pics, we have Goodlyfe, we have/had tripleB just as 3 examples who provided pics, atleast of some equipment.
We have Driada posting videos. i am sure much more
Here we have a source posting his lab equipment in his intro, it is clear as glass that people would ask him to post pics
I was speaking of domestic US sources. Obviously posting lab pics of a Chinese or Canadian lab is no big deal because it’s legal in china to produce AAS and it’s decriminalized in Canada to possess them. Triple b has not been in business for some time now. There are hundreds of US labs across multiple forums including this one that do not post lab pics for security. I’m just not understanding the double standard here….
I was speaking of domestic US sources. Obviously posting lab pics of a Chinese or Canadian lab is no big deal because it’s legal in china to produce AAS and it’s decriminalized in Canada to possess them. Triple b has not been in business for some time now. There are hundreds of US labs across multiple forums including this one that do not post lab pics for security. I’m just not understanding the double standard here….
ive posted 1 canadian. Rest is either US or EU.
I am not even sure there are other popular US domestic ones here that bew themselves and are not dropshipper/reseller
ive posted 1 canadian. Rest is either US or EU.
I am not even sure there are other popular US domestic ones here that bew themselves and are not dropshipper/reseller
There are a lot of US sources that brew themselves. Several on this forum
Ouch... You have pics of the infection ?
The outside of my quad just looked swollen, nothing crazy, no bruising or redness, just swollen and warm to the touch. What prompted me to go in was that I could barely walk (health anxiety had me thinking I had a clot/DVT).

Here's the MRI/contrast report:
"MR Extremity Lower Left Joint With and Without IV Contrast


Muscle edema at left vastus lateralis, which may be secondary to myositis, muscle tear, or contusion. Possible thin, elongated fluid collection suggesting the possibility of intramuscular abscess, 6.5 cm longitudinal dimension, 9 x 3 mm transverse dimension.

Subcutaneous edema/cellulitis at the left thigh.


HISTORY: left thigh swelling, deep space infection?, elevated CRP and WBC


TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multisequence imaging was obtained of the LEFT femur before and after the injection of intravenous contrast. Scanning includes bilateral femora/thigh, from the level of the hips to the distal metaphysis, specific attention to the left.

CONTRAST: 19 mL of Dotarem.


BONES: Marrow signal intensity normal. No evidence of acute osseous abnormality. No evidence of fracture, contusion, or avascular necrosis. No evidence of pathologic marrow replacement. Physiologic amount of joint fluid at bilateral hips.

MUSCLE/TENDONS: Moderate, ill-defined muscle edema evident at the left vastus lateralis muscle, from the level of the proximal to the level of the distal shaft. Differential diagnosis includes partial muscle tear, contusion, and myositis. Adjacent subcutaneous edema/cellulitis. An elongated, linear fluid collection observed within this edematous portion of the vastus lateralis muscle, measuring approximately 6.5 cm longitudinal dimension, and 9 x 3 mm transverse dimension, suspicious for abscess. No other findings evident within muscle or abdomen.

SOFT TISSUE: No mass or abnormal fluid collection otherwise observed. No abnormality evident along the course of neurovascular bundles.
@Pharma do you have anything to say about your gear infecting one of our members legs?

At this point you need to fuck off… In the short time you’ve been hear it’s only been issues. Go back to Boston's shitty shill forum where you belong.
and the guy that got the infection likes the post of the guy who doesnt understand why lab pics are useful.. well, crazy world :D
and the guy that got the infection likes the post of the guy who doesnt understand why lab pics are useful.. well, crazy world :D
I've been pretty clear since I posted on here, I'm new as fuck. This was my first purchase from an underground source. I was very naïve if anything, that I found a decent source in which I could get designers from consistently, and I owned up to that mistake. I liked his posts because I was hopeful of his promises and it seemed like he'd come through. He was super professional over email, responded quickly, and fixed an issue I had. Obviously this doesn't excuse a piss-poor product. So yeah, I previously liked a few of his posts, what of it?
and the guy that got the infection likes the post of the guy who doesnt understand why lab pics are useful.. well, crazy world :D
You apparently are illiterate. I didn’t say lab pics aren’t useful, I said look around and find more than 1 or 2 US labs that HAVE posted pictures. I think labs pics are important yeah, But no one’s saying shit to the 99% of other sources that have no provided one lab picture. I simply stated no one should be excluded from this self made policy if others don’t provide lab pics either. I have no skin in this, I paid for an order and received it then started reading the 6 pages of seething and wondered the logic behind it if other sources don’t have to provide lab pics and other sources have issues as well. Yet people will ride the dick of other sources with the same issue while penalizing this source. Goes back to my statement about meso “clicks” and no universal rules. Makes zero sense.
I've been pretty clear since I posted on here, I'm new as fuck. This was my first purchase from an underground source. I was very naïve if anything, that I found a decent source in which I could get designers from consistently, and I owned up to that mistake. I liked his posts because I was hopeful of his promises and it seemed like he'd come through. He was super professional over email, responded quickly, and fixed an issue I had. Obviously this doesn't excuse a piss-poor product. So yeah, I previously liked a few of his posts, what of it?
He was talking about you liking my comment I believe.
You apparently are illiterate. I didn’t say lab pics aren’t useful, I said look around and find more than 1 or 2 US labs that HAVE posted pictures. I think labs pics are important yeah, But no one’s saying shit to the 99% of other sources that have no provided one lab picture. I simply stated no one should be excluded from this self made policy if others don’t provide lab pics either. I have no skin in this, I paid for an order and received it then started reading the 6 pages of seething and wondered the logic behind it if other sources don’t have to provide lab pics and other sources have issues as well. Yet people will ride the dick of other sources with the same issue while penalizing this source. Goes back to my statement about meso “clicks” and no universal rules. Makes zero sense.
ive tried to talk as meaningful as possible with you when ive asked 2 times for examples of those US domestic sources that are popular here which did not post a single pic of a single equipment.
and i gave you 3 examples (even 4) and some other guy already gave you some older labs that are not active here anymore who did post plenty of pics
Jeebus! Glad I got lucky..guess I did. Been using his test c since I got it no issues. BUT, I didnt go through him, I think I said earlier in the thread I got it through SST email..not sure if its all coming from same place or not. Either way this not looking good.
I’m not understanding why everyone doesn’t bust other sources balls for not having lab pics. There are maybe 2-3 domestic labs that have posted such pictures. Shouldn’t accountability be universal instead of just to one specific source? Some sources on here take 4+ weeks to get you a pack domestically and still the vials tops come off when you receive it…Yet no one cares? Why is that? It seems meso users like to play favorites, If you aren’t in a certain click you get run off. But month TAs, loose vial caps, floaters, etc is acceptable for some sources but not others.
All domestic sources are asked for the pics. Some refuse and some don't. If they refuse it's a red flag and especially if they use opsec as the weak excuse for not providing them . The difference with this source is he said he would but drug ass getting them and then decided he wasn't going to provide them. Not the first time that tactic has been used by a new source.

His top secret lab is apparently pumping out infections free with purchase. May explain the true reason for not providing them.
All domestic sources are asked for the pics. Some refuse and some don't. If they refuse it's a red flag and especially if they use opsec as the weak excuse for not providing them . The difference with this source is he said he would but drug ass getting them and then decided he wasn't going to provide them. Not the first time that tactic has been used by a new source.

His top secret lab is apparently pumping out infections free with purchase. May explain the true reason for not providing them.
Why is opsec a weak excuse? Ask @Liska why she hasn’t provided pics and she’ll explain to you why it’s a bad idea. The guy with the “infection” injected test e and he’s wondering why his leg is inflamed. Seriously bro try to think why posting pics of a lab is a bad idea. Think hard. It’s pretty common sense why even the biggest sources don’t post lab pics. If any of you could read you’d have answers to all the questions you keep berating me about. It’s difficult to engage someone in conversation when they refuse to even read without being spoon fed.
I wonder if the cellulitis came from a piece of stopper? There's another post complaining about stopper pieces in vials from this source.