- US Domestic + International Pharm

Jeebus! Glad I got lucky..guess I did. Been using his test c since I got it no issues. BUT, I didnt go through him, I think I said earlier in the thread I got it through SST email..not sure if its all coming from same place or not. Either way this not looking good.
I got mine from the SST e-mail as well. At this point through reading the account posts here and the account posts there (SST), along with e-mail exchanges, I believe its all the same person posting, not two like he's claiming. All the typing patterns, phrases, etc, are exactly the same. That being said, maybe I just got a bad batch. So if you're willing to risk getting bad shit (which could be any UGL source tbh), then more power to you.

Why is opsec a weak excuse? Ask @Liska why she hasn’t provided pics and she’ll explain to you why it’s a bad idea. The guy with the “infection” injected test e and he’s wondering why his leg is inflamed. Seriously bro try to think why posting pics of a lab is a bad idea. Think hard. It’s pretty common sense why even the biggest sources don’t post lab pics
Are you referring to me, or?

@Titan18 All of the stuff other people have mentioned, along with what you mentioned, are completely possible. I may have reacted too harshly, or maybe not, all I know is I don't feel comfortable with this source moving forward. If other people do, that's on them and I won't fault them for it.
Why is opsec a weak excuse? Ask @Liska why she hasn’t provided pics and she’ll explain to you why it’s a bad idea. The guy with the “infection” injected test e and he’s wondering why his leg is inflamed. Seriously bro try to think why posting pics of a lab is a bad idea. Think hard. It’s pretty common sense why even the biggest sources don’t post lab pics. If any of you could read you’d have answers to all the questions you keep berating me about. It’s difficult to engage someone in conversation when they refuse to even read without being spoon fed.
If he can't figure out how to strip data from a pic that's an issue. Amazing the sources that have done it aren't busted. It's difficult to engage in discussion with someone who's worried more about their precious source then members best interest.
I completely understand. Once you get burned like this it's not worth taking the risk of it happening again imo. Like I mentioned i had almost the exact same thing from another domestic source. Its scary when you don't know how bad it's going to get.
If he can't figure out how to strip data from a pic that's an issue. Amazing the sources that have done it aren't busted. It's difficult to engage in discussion with someone who's worried more about their precious source then members best interest.

Im not taking up for anyone, but this source been SST since '19..I know they monitor bad experiences heavily, but still. Where else they been and for how long I dont know. biz that long and all feedbacks from shills? Cause thats what I get when I read a post bitching about no lab pics! gtfo! Again, not taking up for anyone...
Im not taking up for anyone, but this source been SST since '19..I know they monitor bad experiences heavily, but still. Where else they been and for how long I dont know. biz that long and all feedbacks from shills? Cause thats what I get when I read a post bitching about no lab pics! gtfo! Again, not taking up for anyone...
Who said all feedback is from shills? I don't go to sst and he's a new source here at meso so yes he'll get asked the questions all new sources are asked here. Good you're not taking up for him though.
Why is opsec a weak excuse? Ask @Liska why she hasn’t provided pics and she’ll explain to you why it’s a bad idea. The guy with the “infection” injected test e and he’s wondering why his leg is inflamed. Seriously bro try to think why posting pics of a lab is a bad idea. Think hard. It’s pretty common sense why even the biggest sources don’t post lab pics. If any of you could read you’d have answers to all the questions you keep berating me about. It’s difficult to engage someone in conversation when they refuse to even read without being spoon fed.
..."answering all questions you keep berating me about"

Why would you be getting berated? Are you a source or sign in under the wrong handle?
Who said all feedback is from shills? I don't go to sst and he's a new source here at meso so yes he'll get asked the questions all new sources are asked here. Good you're not taking up for him though.

Never said you anything about shills. Im saying youre not in biz that long with shit gear. Right? So you dont go to SST, wgaf? Im saying this persons been in biz xxx amount of time. They do biz across diff places. Im not taking up for anyone, believe that. Im just saying this person comes here and it all goes to shit? Ya I dont believe that.
..."answering all questions you keep berating me about"

Why would you be getting berated? Are you a source or sign in under the wrong handle?
Because you keep asking the same fucking questions but you can’t read for yourself to find out the answers you fucking retard. Jfc. Talking to you is like speaking to a brick wall. I’m done wasting my time trying to converse with you like a mature adult . Let me go talk to my fucking dog and have a more logical conversation. My god bro you are exhausting. Good luck getting your GED, Hopefully 3rd grade reading isn’t part of that process.
In my defense, back then I wasn't aware I could just pay a well equipped chinese lab for a photoshoot with crumpled up dated Meso paper.
I read your thread a long time ago and I remember you saying you don’t provide lab pics because certain instruments could be tracked by LE. Like certain autoclaves or certain glassware or certain hoods.

That’s a very good reason not to provide such pics. I assume this source has similar concerns but everyone ITT appears to be illiterate.
Because you keep asking the same fucking questions but you can’t read for yourself to find out the answers you fucking retard. Jfc. Talking to you is like speaking to a brick wall. I’m done wasting my time trying to converse with you like a mature adult . Let me go talk to my fucking dog and have a more logical conversation. My god bro you are exhausting. Good luck getting your GED, Hopefully 3rd grade reading isn’t part of that process.
No one's asking you shit unless you're this source. I'm sorry you won't interact with me anymore, I'll miss your 3rd grade insult attempts.
If you don't like your sources being questioned use the ignore feature or just continue whining about how they're treated here.
Never said you anything about shills. Im saying youre not in biz that long with shit gear. Right? So you dont go to SST, wgaf? Im saying this persons been in biz xxx amount of time. They do biz across diff places. Im not taking up for anyone, believe that. Im just saying this person comes here and it all goes to shit? Ya I dont believe that.
Isn't colonial a top source on sst? From what I read here they are and he's just had floaters in his gear. You can believe what you'd like but one guy here had multi day pip. To be fair he hasn't updated this thread so not sure where that landed. The other member got an all expense unpaid trip to the e.r for infection. So yeah that's an issue.
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Isn't colonial a top source on sst? From what I read here they are and he's just had floaters in his gear. You can believe what you'd like but one guy here had multi day pip. To be fair he hasn't updated this thread so not sure where that landed. The other member got an all expense unpaid trip to the e.r for infection. So yeah that's an issue.

Heres my final take, im not gonna go back and forth. I dont trust any mfer, no one! I believe everyone has issues, even the most beloved of every board, gym , back street, basement dweller. If im not picking it up at the local retail pharmacy I have no f'in clue whats in it. Even then I gotta be worried about the junkie pharmacist thats using off the shelf and fulfilling my shit. I go by what I read, and shits so manipulated across all platforms, fuck the drama heres unbelievable some days. Trust no one. Even this fuck.... so where ever I go, this place, another, gym where the fuck ever I gotta trust the g2g from the fan boys and I also gotta trust the issues from newbies? Fuck that! Its a mindfuck. We all take a chance every time we use.
Heres my final take, im not gonna go back and forth. I dont trust any mfer, no one! I believe everyone has issues, even the most beloved of every board, gym , back street, basement dweller. If im not picking it up at the local retail pharmacy I have no f'in clue whats in it. Even then I gotta be worried about the junkie pharmacist thats using off the shelf and fulfilling my shit. I go by what I read, and shits so manipulated across all platforms, fuck the drama heres unbelievable some days. Trust no one. Even this fuck.... so where ever I go, this place, another, gym where the fuck ever I gotta trust the g2g from the fan boys and I also gotta trust the issues from newbies? Fuck that! Its a mindfuck. We all take a chance every time we use.
You shouldn't trust any rando off a forum, sources included. Ive seen stuff in source threads recently that have reinforced that for me. Of course we all take a chance but what Meso members used to do was come together in an attempt to minimize the risk by grilling sources. The testing that the domestic sources do is a direct result of the members pushing the issue. Anyways this convo has ran its course, hopefully you don't get an infection or screwed by a source moving forward.
I read your thread a long time ago and I remember you saying you don’t provide lab pics because certain instruments could be tracked by LE. Like certain autoclaves or certain glassware or certain hoods.

That’s a very good reason not to provide such pics. I assume this source has similar concerns but everyone ITT appears to be illiterate.
so your example of a Lab that doesnt provide pics is @Liska .
one of the most harm-reduction oriented guys on the forum, one that has done heavy metal analysis (or atleast tried to do that), the one that tests every single batch 100%, the one that tests 10 vials of hgh to check for variance in purity/dimer etc. etc.
Bad example imo
If you are an adult and act like an adult, You can handle tren. Different guys tolerate the dosages differently though. So many people listen to that dyel shill MPMD that demonizes tren because his TRT clinic doesn’t prescribe tren so he can’t profit off people using it. The real truth is that it’s incredibly effective and has been used for decades. If you aren’t the type to get drunk and act like a prick then blame alcohol instead of your own behavior, You will have no problem running tren. I don’t yell at people, I don’t throw things, I don’t argue with my girl. Does it make you a bit edgy? Yes. But mature adults can control their own behavior.
It gives you dementia..
The outside of my quad just looked swollen, nothing crazy, no bruising or redness, just swollen and warm to the touch. What prompted me to go in was that I could barely walk (health anxiety had me thinking I had a clot/DVT).

Here's the MRI/contrast report:
"MR Extremity Lower Left Joint With and Without IV Contrast


Muscle edema at left vastus lateralis, which may be secondary to myositis, muscle tear, or contusion. Possible thin, elongated fluid collection suggesting the possibility of intramuscular abscess, 6.5 cm longitudinal dimension, 9 x 3 mm transverse dimension.

Subcutaneous edema/cellulitis at the left thigh.


HISTORY: left thigh swelling, deep space infection?, elevated CRP and WBC


TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multisequence imaging was obtained of the LEFT femur before and after the injection of intravenous contrast. Scanning includes bilateral femora/thigh, from the level of the hips to the distal metaphysis, specific attention to the left.

CONTRAST: 19 mL of Dotarem.


BONES: Marrow signal intensity normal. No evidence of acute osseous abnormality. No evidence of fracture, contusion, or avascular necrosis. No evidence of pathologic marrow replacement. Physiologic amount of joint fluid at bilateral hips.

MUSCLE/TENDONS: Moderate, ill-defined muscle edema evident at the left vastus lateralis muscle, from the level of the proximal to the level of the distal shaft. Differential diagnosis includes partial muscle tear, contusion, and myositis. Adjacent subcutaneous edema/cellulitis. An elongated, linear fluid collection observed within this edematous portion of the vastus lateralis muscle, measuring approximately 6.5 cm longitudinal dimension, and 9 x 3 mm transverse dimension, suspicious for abscess. No other findings evident within muscle or abdomen.

SOFT TISSUE: No mass or abnormal fluid collection otherwise observed. No abnormality evident along the course of neurovascular bundles.
This will be the only time I post about this . I'm not going to entertain a shill . Tell the company your working for there's plenty of business to go around. we have been on SST since the reddit days over 7 years . we have never once had an issue with anyone getting an infection . our gear is double filtered and has 2% BA alcohol in it
Bacteria lives on your skin, on the bottle, on the syringe when exposed to the air, If you don't take proper precautions injecting you can easily get an infection. Even when you do take proper precautions you can still make a mistake . people get all types of viral and bacterial infections just from it living on there skin .
There are all types of things wrong with what you post . firstly there is no proof of hospital paperwork. I'm not saying you didn't go but you just copied and pasted something. Lets say the paperwork is legit, How does that prove anything? 7 years in business with no issues ever . If you took the time to review some of our posts you would know that we are one of the most honest,genuine and fair sources out there . we take a huge amount of pride in the gear we make. any of our customers could vouch for that. we are extremely meticulous. Any of the guys on the team if they could would say for sure I am a pain in the ass with getting everything perfect.
In the past we have had small issues like batches of test e with pip. Every bottle made and every bit of raws from that batch was tossed in the garbage. Nearly 4 k to be exact.
Another point I should make is you injected your quad. many people have injected there quads, myself included and developed a lump that can easily be diagnosed as cellulitis. It got red and slightly hot to the touch . Its your bodies way of telling you that injecting your quads is probably not the best place to inject There are too many nerves and blood vessels that make it a dangerous place to inject. There are those that dont have issues, but it dosent mean the potential isn't there at anytime
we have always tested our gear and have always taken great pride and care in the product we produce. Never skipping steps ever . The lab techs are well trained and know exactly what they are doing .
We are preparing some pictures to be posted but its taken some time. There are some variables that nobody can understand unless you are sitting where I am . One is always the fear of meta data . It can be erased sure. It still doesn't make me comfortable knowing that a slight mistake can cost your freedom. secondly myself or my partner whom handles the emails and websites for meso, pro M and bostons are no where near the lab. we cannot just show up there either . there is a huge security risk . I know what your thinking . why doesn't the lab techs send the pic ? They dont handle that part of the business and has specifically said they would not send anything from there phones . In which case I need to set a time and day to go there when either of us are not too busy. That is almost never. we put a lot into this business. The other part to that is the lab tech has also specifically told me that he did not want anything that can be identified . so that means we have to edit the pictures by changing the color of the walls ect the best we can to keep everyone safe . If people dont like that then Im sorry its the best we can do.
This is my word we have the pictures and are currently editing them the best we can . we will be able to show some of the equipment we have with the piece of paper proving its ours . This is 100% truth . so please stop speculating . we will prove to you. But somehow I don't think that will be enough.Im hoping people are willing to look past this incident and see it for what it is. please take into account that we have been here a long time without issue . we have a very large customer base for a reason. Nobody is trying to get over , we have no reason to.
Meso doesn't have too many domestic sources, That may be for a reason. we have seen many source companies get destroyed on here, maybe for good reason, but I also think many just left because they didn't want to deal with the BS. None of the sources I know feel its worth it to come here . Too much BS. They say people will try to destroy your company. Exactly whats happening.
Im sure there were those that certainly didn't belong here . Thats not us. What I can tell you is that we would not come to meso without being fully equipt and prepared to offer the kind of service meso demands. I can 100% assure you we are not some bathtub brewers that thought it would be a good idea to jump on meso and sell some gear. we are a well equip, established company that is more then capable of delivering high quality, clean gear to our customers . If you give us the opportunity we will show you.
Everyone has little issues.Every company does, and there will always be people trying to destroy us for various reasons . This is not the first time and it wont be the last. I dont blame them. We are 100% without a shadow of doubt a credible danger to there business
what I will say is we will post pictures very shorlty and if given the opperunity we will bring 110% to taking care of the customers on this board all I ask is you see things for what they are , look past the usual BS that happens here and give us the oppertunity to prove it . I prefer not to go back and forth defending my company but would prefer to prove it . You will see after time that we are who we say and can be the gold standard to other labs to come .
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Well, there it is everyone. I'm the only instance of this ever happening and I'm a shill working for another UGL company. I never thought my true identity would be uncovered :eek:
It didn't take long for you to go to the shill/competitor nonsense of course with no proof. Weak and hopefully people can see what it is. You could've asked the guy questions about his post and to provide more info to either prove or disprove his claim because reverse scammers or shills get shit on as much as shitty sources here. I guess it's easier to handle it like you're trying to. Seeing as you're un established here it makes perfect sense that the competition would make fake claims against you to ruin your non existent rep here. For such a self proclaimed great source you certainly haven't handled your launch to well. Had you done some reading you'd know how to launch here successfully. The last sst source that came over (triple b) got ripped apart and turned out in the end to be solid based off actual member feed back. So it can be done you simply need to do better because there's still members here that are going to call you on your bullshit. You already have someone who appears to be carrying your water from sst which is unnecessary if you're as good as you say you are.
He says quads are a dangerous place to inject? Bullshit. More like you have dirty product that likely gave someone an infection, but of course blame the guy for poor injection technique, then call into question the MRI report which is suspicious for abscess along with elevated CRP and WBC.