- US Domestic + International Pharm

The test cyp I got that was crashed, is crashing again. It has been kept only at room temp. I don’t know if it’s the batch or what man. I got it back in solution after heating it up in a pot of hot hot water for 30 min. It was good for about a week, but has started crystallizing again. It’d be easy to get it back in solution, but I know it can’t be good for the test to go through this process over and over. It’s going in the trash

My test C also crashed, but only very slightly. Just a few small bits near the stopper. So I'm boiling it this very moment. I'm not too worried about it.
Finally after the ban in Turkey hit many sources ability to provide Bayer proviron, we have managed to get it BACK on our list!

And our Bayer Rimo Amps are available for purchase again, no hard cap on how many you can order. They did go up $4 per amp compared to the previous price BUT! They are back and fully available!!! for questions or a list. Webiste is available and although its in my intro I can't really like it here without it getting filtered so please email me for anything related!
Finally after the ban in Turkey hit many sources ability to provide Bayer proviron, we have managed to get it BACK on our list!

And our Bayer Rimo Amps are available for purchase again, no hard cap on how many you can order. They did go up $4 per amp compared to the previous price BUT! They are back and fully available!!! for questions or a list. Webiste is available and although its in my intro I can't really like it here without it getting filtered so please email me for anything related!
It looks like the website link has been disabled in the intro and I cannot re-post the website info without running into issues with the filters here. So please email me for a list or a link to the website. Thank you!
It looks like the website link has been disabled in the intro and I cannot re-post the website info without running into issues with the filters here. So please email me for a list or a link to the website. Thank you!
You can't post active links to commerce sites on here, you have to code it like this.

Ok so I am going to come up with a much better sale for you guys starting next Monday. MesoRX exclusive now that we have some of the initial rocky shit sorted out.

I want to get a raffle going but there will be freebies for everyone involved not just the raffle winners.

Meeting with my team today to go over details and see what I can talk them into.

In the meantime any questions concerns etc please email me at

Thank you!
My physical quad was mostly fine except slightly swollen. The MRI shows that the infection was deep within the muscle, hence why it was so difficult to walk. Like I said, I'm 50/50 on it in terms of it being user error or a bad batch, but for myself it isn't worth the risk using them again. I will find time within the next week or so to drive to the ER and get copies of my MRI, edit them/strip the EXIF data, and upload them for people to see I'm not totally full of shit. At this point it wouldn't be for anyone else except for the people here asking for it aside from the source, as he's already dismissed everything I've posted so far. I'm also convinced at this point that its the same person on both here and SST as all the typing, etc, are exactly the same. Either that or its his twin brother.

First week I did an injection Monday and Thursday, both with 100mg of Primo E, in my right quad. Its entirely possible it was such a small amount of oil or its possible a piece of stopper/overlooked floater got in on the second injection, which was 200mg in my left quad, or because it was more oil/too much of bad oil that finally did it. Again, this is only my opinion, but it would be an insane coincidence if I'm wrong.
I have a few questions if you don't mind... was it Primo or Test E? Was it the Primo 200? How did the doctors figure out it was positively an infection and if so which type of infection?
Been almost a month since my initial order thought I'd post an update. Only ordered one vial (Test-C), which was not vacuumed sealed but in bubble wrap.

First shot I had PIP. I attribute this to poor technique. 24 hours after first injection it started to swell. By day 4 it was about the size of my palm, rock hard, but just felt like a bad bruise. Could still walk and everything. After that it went down and by day 7 the swelling was completely gone. Second injection I went a lot slower and only stuck the needle in half way. Took the advice of some other guy by massaging the area, flexing the muscle, using a heating pad, and soaking in the tub. Perhaps overkill, but the only swelling I got was about the size of my thumbnail at the site of injection. Gone in just a day.

That's my experience so far. I'm watching this thread for more info / experience from other people before I decide whether or not I want to order again.
My first time trying it. I took 50mg first day, 50mg yesterday and 75mg today. Can't tell if I feel anything really. Maybe takes a while to feel it?
that’s exactly how I feel as well, the only time I really feel it is in the gym. The pumps are much stronger. But hey for all we know it could be placebo and completely fake.
that’s exactly how I feel as well, the only time I really feel it is in the gym. The pumps are much stronger. But hey for all we know it could be placebo and completely fake.
Damn I hope not lol. I have heard jts very mild though. Going to the gym later maybe I'll feel it then. After a few days I might up it to 100mg.
Been almost a month since my initial order thought I'd post an update. Only ordered one vial (Test-C), which was not vacuumed sealed but in bubble wrap.

First shot I had PIP. I attribute this to poor technique. 24 hours after first injection it started to swell. By day 4 it was about the size of my palm, rock hard, but just felt like a bad bruise. Could still walk and everything. After that it went down and by day 7 the swelling was completely gone. Second injection I went a lot slower and only stuck the needle in half way. Took the advice of some other guy by massaging the area, flexing the muscle, using a heating pad, and soaking in the tub. Perhaps overkill, but the only swelling I got was about the size of my thumbnail at the site of injection. Gone in just a day.

That's my experience so far. I'm watching this thread for more info / experience from other people before I decide whether or not I want to order again.
Glad the technique from the other guy has helped minimize isues.

How much volume do you inject at once? I even try to stick to 1ml per shot per area, and just inject more frequently rather than loading up 3ML and taking it to the quad/glute 2x a week. But it sounds like its going ok.

I personally back load 30g 1/2 inch slin pins and do 1ML EOD of a mix of Test C and Mast E. I heat up my shot for about 30 seconds under water as well the warmer oil absorbs more easily it seems and causes less issues.

- Lower volume more frequency
- Injection speed must be SLOW
- Alcohol swab the tops of your gear vials and the area of injection.
- Strategic rotation of injection sites including knowing how much site can hold how much volume without issue. Again 1ML per shot per area is a great rule of thumb but more can be used without issue in the glutes/quads area.
- Quads in general I do get more complaints than any other area due to the blood vessels and nerves being more present more often in this area vs glutes or delts.
- Swab your tops and the area of the skin prior to injecting
- 30 second - 1 minute massage of the injection area with a hot compress post immediately post injection.

Many of these things can help negate any PIP you may be experiencing. Hope this helps as well.
that’s exactly how I feel as well, the only time I really feel it is in the gym. The pumps are much stronger. But hey for all we know it could be placebo and completely fake.
We do offer $300 credit for HPLC testing so by all means if anyone wants to send some of the Var in for testing that would be great we do have the latest finished product testing showing our Var is legit and that its a bit overdosed.

Var isnt like anadrol but you did say that you know its not going to be crazy.

Var is a nice icing on the cake kind of oral although I do think its underrated for its strength gains and the change in the look of the phsyique.

After 2 weeks or so of being on 50mg ed of the Var id say you should absolutely notice a difference in the gym and mirror mate.