ok tanks savanha 28.. Please price for bj ?last thing I’ll say to you to not clutter this. My source I use test every batch. Not just random items or every so often. No every single batch is test and sent off for testing. With blood work and test results sent off. So don’t tell me what I should expect. Can you say for sure your boy David test every batch??? Not just the ones he wants to test but all I mean all orals and all injectables. And no I’m not making this up. It’s a private source and why I don’t order from your boy anymore and it’s domestic so please don’t tell me what I should look for when I order. I know already.
like I said over and over the day you provide blood work or send something out for testing blind sample then maybe I’ll take you serious but what you are taking and what you ordered doesn’t help members it’s just your point of view like test very strong. Why because you got an erection? Yea you have feels reports but no solid proof.
I won’t keep replying and most here know you are a shill and want free gear and will never say anything bad about this source but you provide no useful info at all just your opinions and they don’t mean shit