Plz Help!

I haven’t started my pct yet I’m 7 weeks in on my cycle and that’s what I’m taking so far. So I started out on TRT 120mg a week then slowly started taking more until now I’m at about 400mg test cyp per week. I got my bloods 2 weeks ago while I wasn’t taking the arimidex yet and was still only at about 250mg cyp a week. My E2 was at 84 and testosterone was at 1400 so I started taking the arimidex. Should I not take it you think? I’ve only been taking it for 2 weeks so 1mg total. I just figured since now I’m up to 400mg test per week that I should take a little bit? But I really need to buy my PCT for when I stop but I don’t know where to get it
400 mg testo per week and your testo level is at 1400? Probably your product is way underdosed. I think your level should be higher than that.