Primo or Mast

with a 250mg Test base!

Primo/Mast dosed at 400mg.

Goals - 12 week lean bulk, wanting to add dry tissue, as little water as possible (diet dependant I know). I’d also like to run the one which is the healthiest.

I don’t want to run three compounds, so a mix of all 3 is a no go.

Which would you choose and why?
I’m pretty sure he was asking about Primo or Mast.

No. is the answer. Curious to what people’s opinions are in real world use. Research suggest primo will add more tissue and is healthier, where as mast is good for e2 blocking and a dry look, ideal cutting, shining under 12% bf.

I was going to do 250 test 400 mast. But it seems primo maybe a better option for my personal goal.

It’s £140 more for a 12 week course, which isn’t an issue. What is an issue is getting legit primo at 150/200mg per ml that’s in stock.
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I love Primo. But getting the test to primo ratio correct is a work in progress. I crashed my E2 so now I’m hitting pause and will try again in a few weeks. My libido was also great until I increased beyond 300mg and hit 400 a week. In fact Primo put my libido in overdrive.
Primo sucks for most people that actually run it and don't just repeat what they hear vig steve or Kurt havens. Its hard to dial in, needs serial blood work to do so without crashing e2. Mast is just as anabolic as primo (not much) but very benign. More so than primo
Only done Primo w/ Test so far. Running Mast next cycle.

Primo cycle took me 6 weeks to figure out the best dosage ratio. It was a real PITA.

But finally landed on 3:1 test to primo ratio and it was great. Strength increases across the board and great aesthetics with diet dialed in. My only hesitation with running it again was that it really hurt my HDL even on a statin and other supplements.
Why not just run 300-350mg of test and see how things look at 12 weeks. I don’t suspect you will get much, if any sides at 12 weeks. You might be satisfied with test only. If not, add a little mast or primo (legit primo might be difficult to obtain) but mast can definitely help bring down some estrogen if you have that side effect. Start off with test only and go from there. Just my opinion.
Thank you for all the advice guys. It seems that everyone is so different and you just dial in what works for you. I don’t wanna waste five or six weeks, dialing things in, so I’ll probably stick to test and tbol for the last 6 weeks (less fat and better on lipids than var).

If I can’t grow on that, Il never grow, I just like the idea of optimising the 12 weeks cycle and getting the most out of it!
My only concern with Mast is that it flattens you out too much, it gets too grainy and unnatural looking, whereas primo keeps you drier but full at the same time, and it's a much more pleasant look... But feel good wise masteron beats primo. But again... the look is completely different.